Sunday, February 26, 2023

Daily Gratitude, week of February 26 - March 4, 2023

 Another week, another chance to find what's good in our lives, one day at a time!

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Today I am thankful for the little spurs of "things to do" that keep us putting one foot in front of another.  A couple days ago, it was the need to replace a couple of light bulbs.  It sounds small, but it gives a person something to build on, if motivation for the day is lagging.  Job done, automatic reward!

Monday, February 27, 2023

I spend a lot of my year being thankful for sunshine, but thinking about the rain on the roof, that's something to be grateful for, too.  I'm thankful that rain that came overnight here. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Thankful to put February behind us, thankful for a beautiful sunrise to start this last day of the month.  I guess I am grateful for time-keeping and calendars in general.  One of the earliest forms of planning and prediction, I remember my uncle (who was a farmer) keeping detailed notes on his calendar of how the weather, his labors, and the management of his land interacted.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Marching into March, I am thankful that Spring is about to Spring!  I am thankful for "every day is a new opportunity" or as it was expressed in Anne of Green Gables, "a new day with no mistakes in it"!  

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Today I am thankful for health.  'Nuff said.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Today I am thankful that I've lived in this body long enough to recognize the seasonal patterns, and to have learned coping mechanisms.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Today I am thankful for my local appliance repair guys, and for having found them.  My plumber recommended them and they made me aware that I did not HAVE to replace my washing machine, which was 20 years old at the time (in 2020).  Today they are here and telling me I don't have to replace my 'fridge (which is 23 years old).  Life is good, and I am grateful.

Tomorrow we'll start a fresh new post for the gratitude, day by day!


  1. 02-26 HBO2 is showing all the episodes, to date, of All of Us back to back to back with the newest episode airing at 8 pm. The DVR is set to record as I re-watch all of them. TVs are on throughout the house, as I finish today's to-do list, in order to stay on track.

    1. Awesome reward structure. Yesterday and today I've spent an inordinate amount of time watching and re-watching the movie "Sully". I love real life themed hero stories... I watched Apollo 13 six times in the little theater in Indianola, Iowa, when it first came out. Star Wars was fiction, but the story resonated, and I went back to see it multiple times, too, in the days before VCRs! Sinking into another world through film...

    2. Jeanne...forgot to check the reply address

  2. Funny when changing bulbs is something to look forward to!

    1. LOL! Well, when you only have to change them once a year, or every other year...

  3. I totally get it. I'm always putting off changing bulbs or filters, but once I do its a sense of accomplishment. Good job!

    1. "Overcoming procrastination", or acquiring a "round tuit"!

  4. 26-2 - the sunshine in winter. You know when you stand in that spot, out of the wind and the sun is shining so bright.
    27-7 - the ability to meal plan for the month, so I don't have to think about what's for supper each day.

    1. Excellent points of gratitude! Sometimes it's easy to forget to be grateful for skills we don't think about...

    2. I enjoyed afternoon/evening tea here today!

    3. 1-3 - My sister who turns 56 today. Who knew she would grow into being the calming presence in the family

    4. I love that about your sister becoming a calming presence... sometimes childhood impressions temper into a personality and the mature version is amazing! Awesome to appreciate one another!

    5. 2-3 just for all of life in general, sometimes I think on what I am grateful for and it just is an all encompassing everything.

    6. Alicia, I know that feeling... it's like a huge rush of love and appreciation for all the good in your life!

    7. Exactly!
      3-3 Books to read and the love of enjoying them.

  5. Driveway is icy and did NOT slip taking Miss Lilly out for her morning ablution! PHEW. Raining, icing and sticking to the grass (or snow-covered grass more accurately) when she has to go out!

    LOVE the regal Rubia pose!


    1. Not slipping or falling is a grateful every day kind of thing as we get old-er! Not a fan of icy!

  6. Their poses are cute!
    We've odd weather predictions here. Overnight I am supposed to get a dusting of snow. 20 miles away it's 3-5 inches. I think I should be happy...

    1. Avoidance of a negative is gratitude worthy! Be happy, for sure.

  7. The kitties have staked out their spots. I notice you are a lefty. We have many in my family.
    Today I'm grateful for good leftovers. A nice segue...accidental though, not intentional. ☺️

    1. LOL! Another reason to be grateful: the quirks of language that lead to humor!

  8. 80F, sunny, clear skies with only 10% humidity (low humidity a rarity) here in Central Texas. Feels like I am in NM or AZ.

    Yesterday the City picked up the limbs and branches and twigs from our front-yard oak tree that really took a beating in our ice storm a few weeks ago.


    1. Good job for your city! There's still a pile of branches on the yard next door from our last storm. Ice can do so much damage!

  9. Yes, we've been so dry for years here and all this snow this season has helped so much.

    1. Students of history get nervous when droughts last too long... dust bowl, anyone? Refugee/migrant camps internal to US?

  10. Grateful for sun today after all the rain yesterday! The calendar is my brain . . . who knows what I'd forget w/o it! Wouldn't be good!


    1. What a nice balance... rain, but not floods... and sunshine for it to soak in!

  11. 02-28 A long email chain, over several days, with my brother. We have the most interesting conversations. Hello, March. Here comes spring!

    1. I *do* miss those long on-going exchanges with my own brother. Brothers are awesome!

  12. LOL! Don't think I've ever had a mistake-free day, but getting better @ learning the lessons from the mistakes.

    Happy oneth of the month -- hope March treats us well. And we treat OURSELVES well!


  13. 03-01 Youngest DD tells me that when I pray for patience, God provides me with many opportunities to practice. Today was filled with those opportunities. I'm grateful I survived the tests.

    1. Oh, boy, does that resonate! Glad you got through a challenging day!

  14. Definitely HUGE gratitude for health!


  15. 03-02 Grateful that good health keeps us on the right side of the grass.

    1. One of the things about "good health" is there is only so much of it we control, but that said, there is so much of it that we control, if you get the idea! 💖

  16. 03-03 All the predicted fowl weather: 3 inches plus of rain, followed by high winds and 2-4 inches of snow missed us entirely. It traveled south and east. We had a couple of showers early this morning, but that was it. Sang praises of gratitude all morning. ☺️🙏

    1. I think I'll hum along to your praises of gratitude. I'm always glad when bad weather takes a different tack, then I feel slightly guilty because "somebody" got it! LOL. Life!

  17. 03-04 It's nice to be able to order those things online that are impossible to find in the stores. I am grateful.

    1. I do this a lot more nowadays. The pandemic accelerated my online ordering. I never would have thought to order some things online, but I guess it's no different from catalog ordering we used to do when I was a kid.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...