Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Another week with nose in book or eyeballs on screens.


Good luck watching TV if Rubia decides she wants this seat!

Let's see... I finished reading Listen to the Marriage, by  John Jay Osborn.  This book had been recommended back in the Spark days by WATERMELLEN (if I recall correctly).  I purchased it back then, but didn't actually start reading until recently.  It takes one through marriage counseling, one couple, from the counselor's office point of view.

What did I learn?  Mainly insight into the failure of my own marriage.  We're approaching the 20 year mark since the divorce now.  Would I do anything better if I could roll back the clock?  The unanswerable question, isn't it?

I continue to crawl through An Immense World, by Ed Yong.  Just finished the chapter on touch and flow senses.  All of this material is interesting but it takes me a while to absorb it.  My goal of getting back to reading, at least to the extent of 12 books in 2023 is moving in the right direction.

Over this past weekend I re-watched the movie Sully, which stars Tom Hanks.  I have watched him in so many roles, and his breadth of range as an actor and dedication to his craft shows.  But this movie is so packed with details.  Remember, this event (the miracle on the Hudson as it was dubbed by the news media at the time) happened in 2009.  It's been less than 15 years and it is murky in the collective memory by now.  

However, back in the day, I flew on a lot of those regional jets, back and forth from Binghamton, NY to Baltimore, MD.  USAir was the main connecting line that connected Binghamton to the wider world.  So when this water landing happened and the late night TV started putting on the flight attendants, I had my eyes peeled looking to spot whether I had flown as a passenger with any of them.  I was checking out the props for familiarity with the aircraft I knew so well from the cabin.

Tuesday morning offered a brief glorious look, both to east and west as the sun came up, but now it's a cloudy morning.

To the East, it was bright!

And the orangey hues were reflected in the west.  The two photos were taken just a minute or two apart.

I may or may not have mentioned that I fell off the non-existent intermittent fasting wagon, about a month ago.  It started with the Girl Scout cookies, but it did not end there.  I did try a re-start 3 days later, but that fizzled.  Today, having ordered my dress for the wedding and reception, and also remembering WHY I started this in the first place (digestive issues)... I am sipping my tea, three and a half hours into my first fast.  I also took a nap this afternoon.  It's time to re-start!

Oh, and many of you who follow Sally's blog ( Sally's Princess Blog ) already know that she's doing a bit of drawing for me, in her playroom!  I am so excited, and when she posted a video of progress on Carl's puppy picture... well, I was so bubbly, I had to share it with the bride to be.  So much for keeping the present a surprise, Barb!  But I love that photo so much and it is emerging as a great colored pencil drawing, and I can't say enough about Sally's talent!

Support your friendly creators!  However they let you do so!

That's about it from here for now.  Hope all's well in your corners of the world, whatever the crazy weather is doing in your own backyards!  

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!


  1. My idea of Heaven is every "good" book ever written and an eternity to read them.
    Red skies in the morning, sailors take warning.
    Sally has so much talent. She worries about the foliage backgrounds on many of her drawings, but IMHO, people only pay attention to the subject. The drawing of Carl will be an excellent piece of art to be treasured for many years.
    Crazy weather is an understatement. Now we get to see how March will come in and what kind of spring surprises it holds in store for us.
    Have a pleasant evening. It's FBI night here.

    1. What a lovely idea of Heaven! I agree that the subject of the drawing is what pops out, but Sally knows what will make her happy in terms of background, and I want her to be happy with her work! I will love it no matter what.

      Weather here will be mild on the first, then not so wonderful on the second!

  2. The weather is starting to blow in and by tomorrow we'll be back to snow. We won't get a break until the weekend I think.

    I always wonder if everyone's heaven will be what they picture it to be. Especially for our pets and if that's the case Bella has a field of hotdogs and McDonald's french fries.

    1. Wouldn't that be wonderful? A personalized heaven? How about a personalized hell? And the question arises, isn't that a bit of what we do here on earth, turn life into our personal "heaven" or "hell" with our attitudes, and our sense of control over our experience? Deep thoughts in the early morning!

      We're getting the storm down the hill from you, a day later. It's March!

    2. It really would be wonderful. My mom said once she hoped my dad was fishing with his brothers, having hot dogs and Bella hanging out with them. Those were some deep thoughts.

    3. A lot of thoughts were stirred up... I imagine my parents dancing together (something they enjoyed), my brother running free, across the ultimate finish line. Then of course, I would include beloved pets. My heaven would have to include my Diamond in the ruff!

  3. I hope you feel better on your wagon. I think I've turned a corner on this digestive thing and now get to wean myself off all those 'white products" I was told to eat. My favorite chick pea pasta has 14 g of fiber and 21 g protein. The wheat pasta is 2 g of fiber and 7 g protien. I feel so 'deficient'!

    1. Rebellion is such a huge part of personality... I think we're all rebels to a degree... like the spectrum of introversion, there's a spectrum of rebellion. I made it through the first fast, now let's see if I remember to treat my body well, this first day of Women's History month!

      I noticed this morning that the Chrono puzzle focuses on women-focused events in history, and also that to do so, they had to begin with things like New Zealand's enfranchising the vote for women, or Marie Curie winning a Nobel prize... much more "current" than the normal "Rome conquers Athens" kind of thing, because, let's face it, in many of the big historic markers women were invisible! Although doubtless impacted!

  4. Going along okay so far. Tigger sits there too and blocks the tv, I always think she is saying - I'm bored, pay attention to me.

    1. LOL! I doubt Rubia is even aware of the TV... it's just background to her. But she does like attention... on her own feline terms, of course!

  5. Rubia definitely looks like she’s permanently perched in that spot (of course, until she changes her mind!)

    I just watched Sully, too! Tom Hanks was so good in that movie. I want to see his movie A Man Named Otto. He definitely is gifted @ his craft.

    Yes, can’t wait to see how Carl turns out. Sally really is a wonderful artist! LOL I wouldn’t have been able to keep it a secret, either! Just . . . too . . . cute!

    Here’s to a good March! We’ll see what Mother Nature has in store for us. ALWAYS a surprise!


    1. I have seen A Man Named Otto, and loved it. I won't spoil it for you, hope you enjoy it just as much. I was giggling through some of the sections, and ready to haul out the tissues for others!

  6. Carl is going to look so good!
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. She finished up his puppy picture yesterday, and it's awesome.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...