Saturday, February 4, 2023

Half of a new weekend (Friday and Saturday)

Back to the quilt photo for today, because the chore of the day was washing the bedding.  Including the pillows, which I swear I bought before I found out the company owner was off the walls down conspiracy theory rabbit holes and insurrection planning.  They are still very fine pillows, washable to re-fluffed pristine-ness.  But I'm not sending any more money that fellow's way.

I was hungry this morning for something a little different and had a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast.  I declared it a carb renewal day, in my mind, with a baked potato, and my goulash for additional eating before closing the window at 12:45 p.m.  I feel well fed, not over-fed, and that's where one wants to be.

Friday afternoon was swallowed alive by the taxes.  I was printing out receipts and forms I receive online and using the tax software to enter and calculate.  I guess I must be some kind of control freak because I do my own, don't hire a pro.  The one time I did hire a pro to do our taxes, he messed it up, but I'm satisfied with my tax software.  

I'm not quite as much a control freak as my brother was.  He not only volunteered to help others with their taxes, but he also critiqued the tax software for not handling things in quite as precise detail as he would have liked.  And his sisters all smiled and nodded.  Tax software handles most of what I have to deal with.  It's an annual double check (for me) that I know where the retirement finances are coming from and that I'm doing my bit giving back, too.  I still have one major tax report due, and it's coming in about a week, but now I know that when it comes, it will be a simple matter to finish up.

Saturday morning I was doing a bit of digital cleanup, and tripped over this old collage from my first triathlon, in 2012.  Ten years ago last Summer, it was.  Oh, my, the memories.  This is my "fall down seven times, get up eight" series.  You see, when I took that fall, I wasn't too far from the finish line, and it was right in front of a professional photographer.  As I was getting up, shaking my finger and laughing, I said, "if you took that photo, I'll buy it".  I was true to my word.

This is not the only time I have fallen while racing or training.  Those falls, especially the one that resulted in six stitches and a concussion, are one of the major reasons I no longer race.  But the bug starts to bite me when I'm feeling good, or when I get new running shoes.  As the gal who fitted me on Thursday afternoon said, "we still feel like teenagers", and that's something my mother used to say, too.  You don't notice it until you get a bit older, but when "nothing hurts", you really do still feel like a teenager.  Of course when the joints ache, you sometimes feel every day of your lifeline, maybe even longer!

Saturday was also grocery day.  There's this feeling of accomplishment because I remembered to pick up a birthday card and actually got it in the mail... I'm usually terrible at this sort of thing!

Felt so proud of me I decided I deserved a reward walk, so I put on the pink mud shoes.  And went and walked around the lake, casting a thought toward the ice fishermen out there in 49℉ temperature with some open patches of water in parts of the lake.  But then again, it's been good and cold for a matter of a couple of weeks, so the ice is probably pretty solid.

It was a longer walk than I've done recently, but felt OK.  There were muddy spots, and icy spots requiring "penguin steps", and lots of other people also taking advantage of a nice day.  Dog-walkers, baby strollers, even some runners including a shirtless young man with admirable delts who whizzed by as only the young and immortal can!

Home again, back to my streaming of Endeavor, and thinking of brewing some Earl Grey, and contemplating an early bedtime.  It's been a satisfying Saturday.

Here's hoping for a satisfying, peaceful weekend for all who drop by to read, doing what it takes to preserve health, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Life is still good.

Keep on Sparking!



  1. A busy, productive day you had. It was a warm, sunny day here, but with the wind at 25 mph, it felt chilly. Glad you had a good day. ☺️☺️

    1. Let's enjoy the warm and sunny (even with the wind) while we've got it, as mid-week they are telling me we get cold again!

  2. Sounds like you had a great day.
    Today we had our long-delayed family party at the cabin for the last time. We need a new venue, and the kids are all now grown beyond 'littles'. Fun.

    1. Hope it was a good time, tucked in the memory books now. So are you venue shopping for next Holiday season?

  3. Have the same brand pillows here. We liked them so well we ordered extras with our one and only order. They wear so well, we haven't had to bring out the spares.

    We were without power for 72 hours during a major ice storm this week. Not everyone in the City has power back yet. Not fun to toss food from frig and freezer but blessed to be able to replenish it, supply chain willing. Our majestic 40-year-old oak tree took a real beating and spouse has spent most of two days cutting up limbs for curb pickup.

    Monday we are supposed to have a sunny, 70's, day!

    1. Oops, PHOENIX1949

    2. Sorry you took a beating from the ice storm. And you're right... it's a matter of gratitude to be able to be restored after such an episode. Crazy to see Monday rebound to the 70's!

  4. It sounds like a busy, but great day for you.

    Sometimes you just need to have something different for breakfast. Sometimes I have lunch for breakfast.

    1. And I'd be willing to bet that sometimes you have breakfast food for supper, too. I know I do. My mom did that with us as kids sometimes... pancake supper, for example.

  5. I remember when you fell and got the concussion…I have also fallen numerous times this past decade resulting in broken bones and stitches. Uneven pavement, speed walking do not go together for my body!! I continue to walk daily BUT am very cautious and selective about the route I take AND no longer speed walk. We have both determined what we realistically should be doing…
    Grilled cheese takes good for any meal! All of our tax info is in a big envelope but we are waiting, like you, for additional documents. You are definitely ahead of the majority of folks! Have a nice Sunday!

    1. Same as you, I am more cautious, watch my footing and am happy to take five minutes longer to walk a mile.

  6. Love the smile on your face, despite the fall.
    Saturday was an unplanned day off for me; slept in til almost noon 😊 (It was a VERY long week)
    -RunKeeper Dee


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...