Saturday, March 18, 2023

Daily Gratitude for week of March 12 - 18, 2023

 Fresh post for a fresh week!  Happy Daylight Savings Spring forward weekend, and Happy Girl Scout Sunday!

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Today I am thankful for books.  I finished a romance novel today, one with a twinge of sadness to it.  I am thankful for fiction that can help us release emotions.  I am thankful for libraries, including the "little free libraries" one of which was the source of this most recent read.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Today I am thankful for my body, and all it does for me.  Do I even think about breathing?  Blood circulating, heart beating?  Well, at my age, sometimes I think about all these things:  bones holding me up, muscles helping me remain mobile, etc.  But I am so thankful that for the most part, it's been a good home for me, all these decades.  The things I might complain about (thinning hair, temperature variances, etc.) are so minor, and the vehicle keeps on keeping on.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

I'm laughing as it occurs to me that I'm thankful for what sleep I did get as the visiting dog not only hogged the bed, but licked my hand, poked his nose in my face, and mostly whined for his "regular" humans all  ...   night ...  long!  But I still got up, in the 4 a.m. hour and could not help but smile at this canine that I helped snuggle and socialize when he was tiny.

Not so tiny any more!  Still beloved.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Today I am thankful for the many ways humans have of saying "I love you."  "Drive safe", "feel better", "thank you", and the one my mom pointed out was my dad's special one, "You're silly."  The thing is, just about every little phrase can become "I love you" when said and received from a space of love.

May love fill all your hearts and lives, in many forms!

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Today I am thankful for artists, whether professional or amateur (or maybe even both, as professionals can be lovers of their art, too).  Art enriches us in so many ways... it's a reason to keep on living... be it music, graphic arts, sculpture, performance art, writing.  Creativity keeps us ticking.  Imagine what Grandma Moses' life would have been if she didn't take up painting!  

These (still wrapped) arrived from Sally yesterday.  I am thrilled and am imagining how to frame them to celebrate the young couple's wedding in a month.  The matchmaker, young, and adult.

Friday, March 17, 2023

A Happy St. Patrick's Day to all.  Today I am thankful for traditions.  The wearing of the green today is one, but there are oh, so many, to mark the passing of time, the phases of life.  

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Today I am thankful for collective efforts to take care of what holds a society together:  roads, parks, schools, athletic spaces, water and electric grids, food distribution for those in need and in emergencies.  All these things are needed, and nobody is so far off the grid that they don't have some need.  As an aging person, I am particularly grateful.

Tomorrow it will be time to start a fresh new week of gratitude post!


  1. Kitty found his reading material and is licking his lips at the HyVee ad. ☺️
    I survived the time change without extra caffeine or food. Yay!

    1. LOL! He was actually shredding the ads. Congrats on day 1 of changed time!

  2. I've used our little libraries, too!

    1. I so admire the folks who put such work into building and maintaining these little free libraries (and little free pantries, too).

  3. The neighborhood free libraries are so wonderful. It makes you read books you never would have thought of picking up.

  4. 12-3 - I love those little libraries and I am so grateful too for my Kindle that keeps all my books with me wherever I go.
    13-3 - Yes, my body deserves a lot of gratitude as it is doing pretty good despite all that I put it through over all the years. Only a few minor things but doing pretty well.

    1. 14-3 For Tigger's wake up calls that start really gentle with pats and purring and only end in pouncing on feet if you don't wake with the gentle hints.

    2. 15-3 for naps. I am sure happy when I over-do during errands, I can get a nap later.

    3. So glad Tigger is gentle on his first approach. Rubia is better at "paddy paws" than The Prisoner. Prisoner tends to go for the head-butt!

    4. Oh, and YES! to naps! I even got a notice from the Ancestry DNA folks that I have the gene that shows a tendency to nap.

    5. 16-3 for living where when necessary we can walk to where we need to go.

    6. I love that one... neighborhoods with a mix of homes, businesses, and greenspace are the best!

    7. 17-3 a day where there is nothing on the calendar that needs doing at all and the day is open to whatever we wish, or nothing if we wish.

    8. I love the "free" days, for exactly that reason!

    9. 18-3 - my youngest who turns 40 today. It never is my birthday number that surprises me, it is always my kids.

  5. Have to agree! The body might not behave like it did in my 20’3, 30’s 40’s or 50’s, but it functions!


  6. The morning has been filled with Monday challenges. Searching for articles about inner peace led me to today's post. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share.

    1. Sharing and seeing what others are going through really does help, doesn't it? Hope the inner peace is progressing!

  7. Just need a tune up every once in a while, eh?

  8. Waking up in the morning is something to be grateful for. A brand new day.

  9. Awwww, no matter what, these fur babies are still loveable! And Carl is totally handsome.


    1. ❤️ And I'm sure your Lilly is just as loved!

  10. Loving, caring lucky we are to have them in our lives.

    1. ❤️ People, pets, special places, and even on-line friends... we are oh, so lucky!

  11. It's funny how they can take up a whole bed.

  12. Yes! Many messages of love given when spoken with love and interpreted w/love.


  13. Secret messages for special people. 💞

  14. Replies
    1. I am so pleased with them... and I know the kids will be, too.

  15. Awesome drawings. Glad I took time to play catch-up or I would have missed this inspirational blog.

  16. She is a talented artist, isn't she!


    1. She is! Today the note cards arrived to follow up, and they are just as gorgeous. Tomorrow, I go frame shopping.

  17. Stunning pieces of artwork. The newlyweds will be thrilled with your gift. 🤵🏻👰🏻💒

    1. I ordered some simple frames online, they should arrive on Saturday. I went simple as one is "landscape" and the other "portrait" oriented, and while I had the thought of doing them together in one frame, I decided against that in case they want to put one of them in his office (at workplace). Flexibility is the order of the day!

  18. Replies
    1. ☘️🍀Some little shamrocks and clovers to hopefully bring Spring in a hurry! I hear that around these parts, one can plant peas on St. Patrick's Day!

  19. Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  20. Today I am grateful for the grass turning green for St. Pat's Day. I'm also grateful on this cold, windy day with flurries that I don't have to mow the grass that's turning green. ☺️

    1. We got flurries here on St. Patrick's Day, too. Spring is starting to spring!

  21. A rare second cup of coffee this morning has provided me with many extra steps today. 😉


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...