Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day weekend cookout

We must acknowledge the changing of the seasons, even before the weather confirms it.  I was taking one day at a time over Friday (by-passed the trainer session), then Saturday (by-passed the work-retiree reunion)... but woke Sunday morning clear headed at last!

So I put together the Greek salad (with a side trip to the grocery to get a new red onion because the one I bought last week turned out to have a "problem" when I cut it open).  And went to a late afternoon into the evening gather with the "flock" (birds), "pack" (dog), and family (humans).

Lacey's folks got there before I did for a change, and they kept Carl out in the back yard long enough for me to safely bring the salad in and get up the stairs before the usual enthusiastic canine greeting.  

Carl was ecstatically happy to have all the attention, of course.

The birds came out and we whistled back and forth through their cage bars.  Now, one must understand, that normally the birds under Lacey's and her folks' care have the run (or flight, as the case may be) of the house at least parts of the day.  But being as the doors were opening and closing and the canine was loose, we limited the conversation to birds in their cages, being hung in the kitchen or taken out onto the deck.  In the end, out on the deck, I got a call and response going with Scout or Kiwi (I honestly cannot tell the cockatiels apart).

Ollie, the lineated parrot, is younger and a bit more shy about voicing his songs.  He is besotted with Lacey's mom.

Carl had a grand old time barking at the squirrel that vexes him by eating the fruit on the trees in the yard.

Nobody went home hungry and there was plenty of conversation time. We got stories of childhood mischiefs (from the older generation as well as the younger) and how we scared ourselves into being wiser as we aged, and managed to survive things like night-time adventures on the high school field with flashlights, or bonfires in the woods.  We got imaginations and Google searches related to M&M's and their manufacture, as well as quirky opinions about sorting M&M's by color and the proper order of consumption.  In short, it was a light-hearted and happy family gather.

The M&M's conversation was started by a local craft beer that tastes like Skittles candy, by the way... a single can was split four ways for opinions about the brew.

The grillmaster experimented with a new burger mix, and also the classic Fairbury brand hot dogs, in "go big red".

After an appropriate digestion period, the "pup cups" came out.  Carl got a special one, of course, but we humans got ours... strawberry short cakes with both ice cream and whipped cream, and it was awesome.  Donna (Lacey's mom) had been assigned dessert, and she always does a great job.

To top off the evening, I drove home in the gathering dusk and felt wonderful because I could 👀see  the bicyclists riding on the path beside the road, and I was not blinded by oncoming headlights.

Anybody still waiting to get cataract surgery?  Like all my friends here, I am a definite fan!

Wishing a Happy Labor/Labour Day to all!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Oh my goodness, that salad looks just scrumptious. How nice you got together w/family! And Carl definitely looks like a happy boy to see all his peeps. The birds are beautiful! Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time. BTW, had no idea there was a right order for eating M&M’s! LOL

    I do not believe I have ever seen hot dogs that red before!

    Ohhhhhh my gosh. My favorite summer dessert . . . strawberry short cake. Just enough.

    So happy to hear that your driving @ dusk is better. YES! A big hallelujah when the oncoming headlights did not blind. Hurray!

    Happy Labor Day


    1. LOL! The order of consuming M&M's once they are sorted? Is an open issue / discussion! In short, there is no one right answer! It's an art, not a science?

      Three theories on order: 1. eat all of a color, then all of the next, etc. 2. Eat in rotation, so that you get a "rainbow" of colors. 3. A compromise, where you eat "down" until the number of each color is equal, then switch to rotation for the "rainbow" to last to the very end. Pick your favorite... then of course there is a 4. "that's silly, just eat what shakes out of the bag, what's this nonsense about sorting?"

      Now, wasn't that fun!?

  2. Festivities and good food had by all. Are you allowed to share the new burger mix, or does he keep his mixtures a secret? New recipes are always of interest and welcome. 👨🏼‍🍳🍴

    M&Ms should be eaten in this correct order (according to my brother and me as kids): first chocolate, usually the most found in the bag; second and third, green then yellow, or yellow then green, depending on the count; finally the red, usually the least amount amount found in the bag. And then, of course, each color was divided by 2, with trades made if the numbers were not even. 🟤🟢🟡🔴

    Have a great week!! 🤗💕

    1. Outstanding M&M eating strategy, and designed by just the right people: kids!

      I did not ask for the recipe... I know he minced up onions but I do not know if he added anything else other than the ground beef, or what seasonings were added! Since I'm not likely to become a grillmaster soon, I seem to lack curiosity... but it was a hit, his "new" experiment!

  3. Looks like a really great time by everyone, pets and humans. Never really thought about M&M order but Smarties that is different - pink ones always last as they were my favourite ;)

    1. LOL... nothing like traditions begun in childhood. Pink Smarties!


Plans versus actuals

  This is one that could have been predicted:  I got out the hose and filled the kiddie pool while Ember was finishing one of her puppy naps...