Thursday, September 28, 2023

Who needs artificial Halloween decor?


When the real thing is right outside your doorway?

Believe it or not, the brick guys have not disturbed my local spider!

Yes, they are here on Wednesday, too.  I ran off to the pharmacy to get my flu shot, and enquired about the Covid shots.  The pharmacist recommended waiting a week or two before scheduling the Covid one (for me, anyway).  They are currently booked up for all the doses they had.  She said "keep checking the website" to find one when it opens up.

I snuck out to get the mail while the "men at work" became "men gone to lunch" and also snapped photos of the second column, now re-capped, more of the tuck-point work, and the scaffold now on the north side of the house where he's been grinding out the mortar that needs replacing.  They have not yet done the capstone bricks over the front porch.

I woke up stuffy on Thursday... weather front?  Arm's a bit sore from the flu shot on Wednesday, so could be a factor.  What I ate on Wednesday?  Possibly.  Allergens?  Between pollen count and the brick work generated dust?  Possible.  Isn't the "every morning as an old-er person" inner dialog crazy?  When we were kids we had little patience for what those old folks were talking about with their aches and pains and coping mechanisms.  Nowadays, I'm one of those old folks!

I was dreaming right before I woke up, and I've had this dream a few times over the years:  I'm doing a triathlon, but totally unprepared.  I don't have my bike ready, I get the swim done (last, like always) but then can't find my bib for the bike/run and realize I never picked them up.  I recognize that this is just a normal "anxiety" dream, like the one when you show up at school or work half dressed, or having forgotten that you were taking a class and it's finals week.  But the triathlon ones and the ones where I'm late to the starting line of a half marathon... they showed up after I started participating in these things, and even though I'm not "eventing" any more, this is the form mine seem to take.

Whatever, it's a lather-rinse-repeat day on the morning front... get the car out of the garage before the brick dudes show up, hopefully get the nasal stuff cleared out before they get here and it's time to go work out.

Thursday morning they got to the capstone.  As I was headed out to the trainer session, I took a "all I want for Christmas" snapshot of it.  The mason tells me that he found a couple of wooden shivs stuff in there, and there had not been enough mortar.

They did more grinding today, rang the bell to let me know that they are taking the afternoon off and will be back in the morning, leaving a prop in place.  Guess I won't be using the front door until they finish.

I can easily see why this is a good stopping point.  They are going to need to mix up a batch of mortar both to fill the ground out spots (tuck-point work), and to repair that capstone arch.

The lanterns are back and wired to light again, Thursday morning.


Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Wow, Barb…I know that you are excited to see the finished product and to have everything back to normal…your pics indicate that the masons are doing a great job! AND…I love spider webs…they are so fascinating!! Eissa7

    1. That was an awesome web, but it died today when they started work on that capstone arch. Oh, well, if I know that spider, the web will be back in a few days.

      It's a big job to me, and considering they've already worked on it three days and will work a fourth tomorrow... getting ready to write a big $$$$ check. Worth. Every. Penny!

  2. How beautiful! It's rare these days to find craftsmen who are professional in their work. It's rare these days to find craftsmen! 😄

    There is a similar spiderweb between the hummingbird feeders on the deck. Usually, they spin one of those where we walk and the "get off me" dance follows when they aren't seen in time. She/he eats the bugs, so it's allowed to hang out since its off the direct route.

    Ragweed is in full bloom here, AND, the farmers are harvesting corn and bean crops. Lots of pollen and dust in the air. Blessings for my doctor who puts refills on the allergy meds and spray.

    The weekend is on the horizon. Have a great one! 🤗💕

    1. I feel very lucky that my neighbor had this fellow working on his house last year. I asked for his business card then, and this year (when the budget freed up) I had him come tell me if a) he could do the job, and b) about what it would cost.

      Can you believe it's going to be October in a couple of days?

  3. The brickwork is looking good, especially seeing the posts properly aligned. Good luck with all the rest.

    1. So far, so good. I've been keeping an eye on the work he did last year on the neighbor's house, and it's held up beautifully... you can't even tell which bricks are the new ones and which the old ones on his house, and I'm hoping when all of this is seasoned, the same will be true with mine.

  4. I love brick houses. The work that is put in is going to be a stunner when done.

    WOW! What a spider web indeed. I have to constantly get rid of spider webs on our porch. They love the porch. Hopefully will disappear once the really cold weather comes.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. I have a similar photo of a web from two years ago, but the sun angle got this one so clearly, so this one will remain my go-to Halloween drop! Spiders are our friends, getting rid of other bugs!

      (( hugs back at ya ))

  5. Wow, that is a lot of work for both the brick layers and the spider! It is going to be so great when finished.

    1. Yes, indeed. The brick guys are here (Friday a.m.) to finish up with the mortar today, will come back Monday to wash it all down. They do need to finish before the "brick oven" heats up this afternoon... they are expecting us to break the heat record for September 29th, predicting a high of 93*F.

      Hope you have a fine Friday!

  6. Hope the stuffiness is just allergies

    Love the “all I want for Christmas” photo of your capstone.

    LOVE that the spider web was undisturbed. Isn’t it a marvel!

    Have a good weekend!


    1. It was too good NOT to snap either of those photos! The spider web is gone, all I have left is the photo, but I *do* have that photo. I expect the spider will put one back up before Halloween, but it might be in a difference place.

      Have a great weekend yourself!

  7. Right, who needs their front door? 😂
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. LOL! It's a sign. Of the need for a cave weekend!

  8. 🏆 Popular blog award!
    The natural Halloween decor is beautiful!
    I love seeing the columns perpendicular again.
    “All I Want for Christmas” 🤣
    Love & Hugs, Ace ❤️

  9. The brickwork looks lovely.

    My stress inducing dream is that I'm in the classroom attempting to teach and the students absolutely will not stop talking. I don't recall having that dream while I was a teacher, but it's my go-to horrible dream since I've retired. Go figure.

    1. Depending on the phase of life, those dreams change venue, from school to work to race events, and various houses and people from my lifeline, living and passed. Exactly, "go figure"...


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...