Sunday, September 24, 2023

Waiting game


I have finally encountered the stereotypical "contractor" relationship.  The guy who says "I'm coming..." on such a day, and then doesn't.

Friday morning my smart watch / fitbit told me I was in need of a rest day.  Don't think I'd ever seen it say that before.  But I took its advice.

The calendar keeps marching on.  I got an e-mail from the kayak rental place, this is their last week of regular rentals.  So on a whim, I booked a Saturday noon paddle.  I have not used up all my punches!

However, Saturday morning I got a text from them volunteering to rebook me for Sunday, as it was starting to get rainy/misty and quiet at the lake.  I took them up on it... so Sunday afternoon it will be.

I'm loving the new glasses.  It does make a big difference to have a prescription that's adapted to the cataract-free eye now!

Saturday afternoon... is it safe to watch the football game?  Phew!  They are ahead 28-7 in the 4th quarter, and they paused the game for lightning!  I looked outside at sunshine.  This is a home game, maybe 6 miles away in Memorial Stadium. I point the camera in the direction of the stadium, you can see those clouds encroaching!

Less than ten minutes later, the front made it across town to my house, and I was seeing large drops come down.  

The TV said there are 8 minutes left to play, we'll see how long before they decide they can resume.  In the end, I don't know whether they resumed or not, but the home team won, so the city is happy.

Me?  I'm grateful for the rain!

Sunday morning had me grumbling at my scale which has the uncomfortable habit of "speaking the truth", no matter what I might think about that truth.  Sigh.

In the early afternoon, I betook myself to the lake, where I enjoyed the sunshine, the peace of the water, and watching the wildlife adapt to the changing seasons.

I did not get good photos, as I was kind of bobbling along on the water, but I did enjoy it, and it helped my inner calendar recognize that it is indeed astrological Autumn!

Observed were a heron, several turtles (sunning themselves and one even slid off his rock for a swim), dozens of ducks, and of course those of us humans who were out for a nostalgic paddle on a warm afternoon.

Life is good.  Spark on.


  1. Oh no! That is so frustrating when you think someone is coming and wait and wait and nothing. I hope they get there this week and get it finished for you.

    How nice to be able to get out on the water still. A little but of peace for you.

    Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Thanks for those hopes. I'm hoping along side!

      That water day was just what I needed... so peaceful!

      (( big hugs )) for a great Monday for you, your mom, and Scooter, of course!

  2. It is annoying to me when someone does not show up as promised. It's not that I"m extraordinarily busy, but I've set that time aside. Hopefully they can come and work whether you are present or not so they can get on with it and you don't sacrifice plans.

    Yay for you getting out to kayak before the season ends; it sounds quite peaceful.

    Cataract surgery was a wonderful success for me; I had both eyes done in 2019. After wearing glasses for poor distance vision from fourth grade on, I no longer need them as I have excellent distance vision. I still need reading glasses, but it's lovely to not push my glasses up all day.

    Happy Sunday.

    1. I'm so happy for all my friends who have had good results with the cataract surgery. My sister says she "can" drive without glasses now, but her license still says not, so she doesn't. I think I might get by in an emergency, and that is comforting to know. I KNOW I would not have been able to do so pre-surgery!

      Hope you have a good week ahead!

  3. Replies
    1. I found it! I left a longer comment on your new blog, and added it to my Reading List!

  4. That is so annoying dealing w/contractors. FORTUNATELY we are having a good experience w/our exterior painting (on time, hard worker, doing a good job!) A nice experience compared to almost 99.9% of contractors I've had to deal with! Good luck to you.

    Glad that the new glasses are doing the job for you. Just have had no regrets whatsoever w/my cataract surgeries.

    Enjoy the autumnal weather. Love it!


    1. I'm willing to put up with some of this because I understand the nature of contract work and the need to shuffle due to weather, supply delivery, etc. Plus I know this guy does good work, since he worked on my neighbor's house last year and I can see those results every day I walk out on my deck.

      Hope you're getting good weather, too. I certainly am savoring ours!

      - the other Barb

  5. The part that gets me is not even a phone call to say that they are not coming. I mean even a text would be great because then you are not hanging around just because of them. I envy you a little being able to see so well and that your glasses work - right now I am missing that a lot. Have a great week!

    1. To give them credit, I did get a text message later in the day saying that it looked like they would come the next day, and then it rained the next day, so I'm back at Square One on Monday, with an expectation of them possibly showing up. And the bricks in progress got nicely wet over the weekend.

      A wonderful week to you as well.

  6. Your kayaking venture sounds peaceful and relaxing…I guess they shut down until Spring? It is fall in central FL…the humidity is so much more tolerable…the summer months were brutal … but the past few days have been awesome for my morning walk. Your brick project will get done at some point…hopefully, sooner rather than later…out of your hands. Eissa7

    1. Yes, they will shut down this year on October 1st, then start up again next May. Brick guys delivered building materials today (Monday) and are saying they will do construction tomorrow.

  7. The "contractor relationship" usually causes frustration with many broken promises. I'm going to be more than happy when mine finally ends.

    When your smart watch tells you to take a rest day, it's time to listen. Good for you!!

    The lake, in a kayak, seems like a serene place to spend a Sunday afternoon.

    Wishing you a sparkling week that includes some R&R. 🤗❤️

    1. I'd been thinking about you and your repair work while I'm waiting on mine. So many things can interfere with a construction work schedule, and I'd rather have them do it slower and with higher quality, so it lasts longer (longer than me, I hope, so I never have to do this again!)

      Onward to a good week for all!

  8. I knew I had to check the blog for an explanation of the RunKeeper photos 🤭

    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I have determined that it's easiest to take photos from inside Runkeeper rather than take the time to swap out to the camera app. Fewer controls, better. LOL! Anyway, it was a lovely day to be out!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...