Friday, September 1, 2023

September already?


Rabbit day already again?  Yep, the first of a new month.  I have a few straggly leftover photos as followup to earlier blogs.

Remember the tree trimmers that came a few blogs back?  Here's what they left in the yard across the street!  Somebody has firewood to burn for the Winter!

The sunflowers continue to be sunny, so another photo of them is kind of repetitive.  But they are so happy faced that I keep taking their picture!

Wednesday seemed a bit on the hazy side to me, probably the wildfires in Canada affecting us all the way down here.

The last of the "seasonably warm" days, before the heat has turned up again were our mid-week.  The air quality showed as "moderate", not "good", and it affected me somewhat.

My friend who paddled under the full moon Tuesday night snapped a couple of photos of me on the water, and I liked this one, paddling toward the rising moon which looks so small in the photo.  But it captures the magic of the evening, I think.

Wednesday afternoon had a warm walk with the kid sis.  When we miss a week, we really do miss it!  My upper body was sore all day Wednesday, but my legs still worked for the walk.  So did the sweat glands.

Thursday morning... YUCK!  Woke with a start realizing I was wanting to rub my eye.  Stopped myself.  Headache and congestion were present and dry mouth.  I took my morning meds plus an Advil, and went back to bed.  Got up about 10, and improved over the course of the day.  Naturally a bit worried about my weekend lineup of activities!

I was feeling enough better by 1:30 p.m. to cook up a pot of chili.  I needed to use up onions, tomatoes and mushrooms, and the grocery store had ground beef on sale this week.  It was nummy!  So, feeling somewhat better, for sure.

Also of note is that the Air Quality warning ended at noonish, so perhaps that was a player in this drama, too.

Friday morning started early, as I woke before 4 a.m. with stuffiness again.  I started to drain and decided to call off the shifted workout (was normally on Thursday, shitted to Friday).  

The lawn guys had put fertilizer and weed killer down on Thursday and left a note to "water ASAP", so guess what I'm doing Friday morning instead of working out?  Yeah, the hose-pulling workout.  Speaking of watering... our town is done with the "voluntary water restrictions", so I don't have to feel guilty about watering.  Even though I still do (feel guilty) because, well, grass and weeds are not crops.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. You have my sympathy and empathy. Ragweed is in full bloom here and it makes for a miserable time. I'm grateful for the meds to attack the drippy results of seasonal allergies. Feel better soon. 💊🤗💕

    1. Thanks... I seem to do better later in the day, but mornings are miserable! I'm skipping my planned lunch with fellow retirees because of how I was feeling on rising Saturday. "Just in case"!

  2. I can't believe we're in September already. Time is flying by.

    I have to put down weed and feed. We're also going to start cutting things down and put the yard to sleep by the end of the month. Our restrictions are done now too.

    Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Enjoy your wind-down. There's something satisfying about "putting the yard to sleep", isn't there?

  3. That is one big pile of wood! I had a couple of allergy days too, must be as the seasons shift perhaps. Have a great weekend.

    1. Between season shifting and various other weather fluctuations... the body defends itself... sometimes too well!

      Have a wonderful weekend yourself!

  4. Yup . . . rabbit time again. Seems to roll around more quickly each month, doesn’t it!

    Wow! For sure those across the street neighbors will have plenty of firewood for the Winter.

    LOVE the sunflowers. Definitely a cheerful flower.

    That is a wonderful picture of you paddling towards the rising moon! This morning, even after the sun rise, could see the moon! NOT QUITE full anymore, but darn close. Beautiful.

    Definitely heading into chili weather, but . . . not this week. LOL 90’s.

    Hope that you're feeling better.


    1. Thanks for the good wishes about the health... it's been a one day at a time decision weekend. I bailed on the Saturday luncheon also, and now, Sunday morning, I'm thinking I'll be good for the BBQ at "the kids" place late this afternoon. Whew!

  5. My allergies are driving me nuts this year. We had a great amount of rain all summer which grew whatever is my nemesis. By the amount of helicopters on my maple trees and the bushiness of squirrels tails, I'm assuming we are going to have one heck of a winter!
    Gosh, do I sound like an "old-wife" with my tales?

    1. Hey, many of us LIKE those old-wife things. My kayaking buddy asked how tall my sunflowers were and told me the old wives' version of this is that's how high the snow will be this winter. If so, we're in trouble!

  6. Oh Barb, I am so sorry to hear about Rubia's disappearance. Sending good thoughts.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...