Thursday, August 8, 2024

Day 5 & 6 - canine and human activity

 First the canine:

So much for avoiding stairs.  Ember is clearly feeling better, and she is not restricting her own activities.

She jumps up on surfaces.  That "coffee table" storage unit is a favorite perch on which to chew on her squeaky toys.

Now that Mom fenced in the couch, Ember is NOT going to chew on that couch!  But she has put teeth on the gate panels.

Got notice from Alicia that she was not going to make our usual after-her-work visit.  Wishing her a de-stressing evening.  This is crazy season at her workplace and her Benji is the third family pet having some health situations.

I'm told Carl is doing better, using all four paws when he walks now, and eating normally.  Ember is rebelling more and more over "restrictions".  I have been reluctant to curtail her leash walks.  The vet instructions say "slow, controlled walks on a leash to go potty for 14 days following surgery."  I guess when she's on leash with me we are going "slow" because that's Mommy's pace.  But I felt I was pressing our luck with Wednesday morning's distance.

Ember claims the high ground!

Then the human:

Mom had some errands to run during puppy nap #2.  Papers to sign, then the request for early ballot to drop off at the election commission.  I have voted in 3 different states over the course of my adulthood.

On the way home there was a delay due to an auto accident.  Not mine, fender bender in an intersection that's traffic light controlled.  A police officer was there directing traffic, thank goodness.

Wednesday evening I went out on poo patrol after I ate my supper, and I could not find Ember's most recent plop.  And I was holding the leash when she plopped it, too.  The days and the plops are melting together in my mind.

It doesn't help that The Prisoner regularly comes out and wraps himself around my legs while I search.  Very distracting!

It's five days since Ember's little operation.  While they had her, they also placed a microchip.  I finally got around to registering her chip online Wednesday

Last half pill administered to Ember, slathered in peanut butter, about 8 p.m. Wednesday.

On Thursday morning I applied for Ember's dog license.  Yes, a requirement for a six-month-old pup.  I continue to be amazed by how many things we can fill out on our phones.  The vet will verify her rabies and spay status.

My trainer wanted to adjust my workout time Thursday to warm up at 10:15 a.m.  I waved it off. Does not work well with the puppy nap rotation.  Much calmer Ember when we keep her routine stable.

Thursday's new toy grunts instead of squeaking.  Some people might be driven crazy by this.  It sounds like a whoopie cushion.

I had a nice online conversation with my son's ex-wife on Thursday.  It's her birthday, and I reached out to wish her a happy one.  We played catch up as probably the last time we chatted was a year ago.  She's graduated with her associates degree and is moving on to work toward a bachelor's starting this Fall semester.  

She has found an academic area that suits her, and it's techy!  So proud of how far she's come in the time I've known her.  She also has dropped weight and sounds very happy.  New kitten in her household, so we caught up on pets.  She had missed out on Rubia's passing and Ember's arrival in my household.

As I finish this up, Ember is in her crate for puppy nap #2 of Thursday, and I'm about to lay down with Olympics on as "white noise" in the background, because I need a nap, too.

Life is Good.  Spark on!


  1. I got Chewie one of those 'grunters' and it's a favorite!

    1. I like toys that make noise for both children and canines. If things get too quiet... well, you're a mom to both... I'm sure you know that's a sign of potential trouble! But that grunt sound? Gives me a bit of the giggles. I will NOT purchase the giggling toy!

  2. Well, so happy that Ember is clearly feeling better. And hope that Benji is feeling better, . . and Carl. Good heavens!

    That’s nice that you were able to catch up w/your ex-DIL. And great that she’s doing well. Best of luck as she pursues her Bachelor’s degree.

    Have a good nap while Ember naps! Good plan.


    1. Thank you, the nap was lovely! Alicia reports Benji is more himself, well cared for by the vet! And Carl continues to do well, too.

  3. ALICIA363
    Good morning!
    Benji’s kinda plateau ‘ed now, and I’m more worried about DH. He does not accept that life has to end. Fighter all the way. We will see how it goes with our beloved canine. I’m inclined to just treasure every minute. So now I view it more as a human relationship struggle than a pet health issue. Sigh.

    1. Treasuring minutes sounds like the way to go. Extra hugs for working out the human side of the two-people-and-a-beloved-dog story. It's a giving of grace, one human to another, to arrive at a place of peace in our own time and way.

      Hope your work day treats you gently and you can get home to your weekend and rest.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...