Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Shopping the closet


When you don't get the laundry done between personal trainer appointments, you have to improvise.  This morning (Tuesday), I went on a "shop the closet" expedition and ended up with this eclectic outfit.  The shorts are from a Buffalo Run, years past, and the shirt from a Boston Athletic Association 5K, also years past.  I'm amazed at how fast those years do pass.  But the good news is that 1) I still had these items, and 2) They fit again!  Actually, the shirt is so oversized that it would have fit me even at my peak in March, but the shorts, not so much.

Running shorts are really not ideal for my workouts with weights, but both of my usual "bottoms" are currently in the washing machine.

Emberville Tuesday

I had not even attempted to put the harness on for a couple of days, so we had no leash walks since Friday.  I am working at the IYC version of what happens when we choose to use our teeth to communicate with our human.  This morning, something clicked in her puppy brain, and she did not try to bite me, but accepted the cue to stand, and stood there (granted with a treat in her mouth) while I clicked the belly strap on.

Then during the walk, I didn't even have to say "leave it."  She sniffed and walked right by a discarded plastic wrapper.  Magic?

Another element of the formula is her food.  I'm starting to feed her canned food as part of her "chow".  Trying out a couple of different flavors and textures.  When I put this chow down, she gobbles it up and licks the bowl.  As opposed to the kibble, which she will eat, but she's not enthusiastic about.  

Yet another is that we spent time out in the backyard as it started to get light, got her chasing a ball or two, so that she got exercised enough to "take care of business" before I even tried to put the harness on her.

I am not sure exactly which pieces of the incantation of behavior on my part are resulting in this peaceful morning, but I'm grateful. 

I went off to my personal trainer session, the only one this week, since the trainer has a track meet Thursday morning.  When I came home, Ember and I played some training games, and even though it's cooler than Sunday and Monday, it's still pretty doggoned warm out there.  The lawn mowers came after puppy nap #2.  When they finished, I took Ember outside for some exercise in the backyard.  

We had our biting incident of the day, after I attempted to do a solo restrained recall.  We were putting the toys away, she was still on leash, and I bent down to tie my shoe.  She redirected her frustration to my hands, and although I was "better" at following Susan's bite protocol, I had again neglected to take some things into account.  When this puppy is hungry, she gets bite-y!  And it was 3:30 p.m.  She normally gets fed between 3 and 4.  Add to that her extreme dislike of the leash-centric restrained recall.  

I escaped with a single new bandage, and I proceeded to feed her the "evening" meal.  She ate the half can of dog food down to licking the bowl, then also ate a cup and two thirds of kibble after.

When I heated up my own supper around 5 p.m. I set aside a small plate with about half an ounce of ground turkey for her, but Ember lost her rights to it by putting paws up on the counter and stealing a lick of it.  I hated to do it, but she had made a choice.  Then I put her to bed with her peanut butter bone.  This dog is not going to starve because of the missing bite of turkey.

Life continues to be good.  Spark on!



  1. ALICIA363
    Patience. You’ve got this! ❤️

    1. LOL! And you will probably get drafted to help us with restrained recall again. This solo version is not Ember and my cuppa!

  2. You look awesome….all of the walks, puppy games, and simply trying to stay one step ahead of Ember….have toned your hu-Mom self! Remember….progress NOT perfection….Ember is/will continue to internalize what you are teaching! Karen (Eissa7)

    1. Thanks. Having another living being in my care has given me more "oomph" in the motivation to take care that I'm able to do what she needs. That was kind of a missing piece in my own magic formula. Things I won't do for me, I will do for her.

  3. Congrats on the weight loss. Awesome for you!

    1. Thanks. Motivation comes in many forms, some of which have paws. The Prisoner is beloved, but he does not need as much from me. Ember needs a lot!

  4. I always get a kick out of shopping in the closet. And always a victory when something I’ve had for a long time still fits. Wahoo! Love your eclectic outfit!

    Ohhhhh my. Sounds like Ember’s brain is processing, processing, processing. Yeah!

    You’re doing a good job w/Ember. And looks like Ember is catching on to some things.

    HUGS and continued good luck. You are a good Hu-Mom.


    1. With animals, one always needs a little bit of luck to go along with the lots of love! Ember is a smart girl. My redesign of the XPen in the "parlor" so that there is only one entrance to the room means that when I drop something over the fence onto her "red spot" (Carl's blanket, folded up)... she has to go around the kitchen and dining room to get into the X-Pen to access that "red spot". I've done this several times in the past few days, and now, when I drop her special treat onto that spot, she knows and goes.

  5. PHOENIX1949

    Looking really fit !! . . . So ready for the heat and humidity to ease up here . . . Very promising behaviors by Ms. Ember. Keep up the good work.

    Today is spouse's 75th birthday and I made his requested pecan pie cheesecake. He caught up with me at the quarter-century mark (I'm 5 months, 1 day older).


    1. Ah-hah! Special days... and I wish a Happy Birthday to your DH!

      I'm finding this stage of Ember's development most gratifying, as the lessons seem to stick a little better. Knock wood! Gloves are still problematic, but I have to keep working on things.

  6. Replies
    1. She is, and she isn't. Thursday morning, I stepped in her poo while hunting for it in the dark (stupid move on my part, searching for poo with a flashlight, but it's what I did... to quote a Thelma Ritter line: "he knows I do dumb things."). Well! I did my best, but opted to put her in the X-Pen and go retrieve an old pair of shoes from the garage to wear until I could get the offending shoe cleaned up.

      I left the shoe in the garage, let Ember out of her X-Pen, and she remembered these old shoes as something that she attacked before. She started to chew on my right foot, in the shoe. Oh, Gawd, we are back to bite protocol. I ended up taking off the shoe as she was chewing on it, and she stayed with the shoe. I let her keep it while I closed her back in the X-Pen, cleaned up the original shoe and put back on the pair she was used to me wearing that she does NOT chew.

      Two steps forward, one step back? Regardless, we made it to puppy nap #1. Whew! AND No "new" bandaids! Although, I did have to reapply a couple that she managed to strip off.

      Life goes on in Emberville!


Monday's Mayhem

  The crazy thing is if I went through how Monday unfolded, could I even get it in the right chronological order?  I'm not sure. Let...