Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Emberville and Dad Day

One of those "geeky" things I keep track of:  today I reached the number of days since my birth that my dad reached on the day he passed, back in 1999.  Some folks may consider that a bit on the morbid side, but I don't.  I can now say I have outlived the lifelines of both my mother and my father.  And while they might not have lived as many days, they certainly had full and meaningful lives.

Having adopted Ember, I have a new chapter / mission, to ensure she has a good timeline of her own.

As I was eating my breakfast, I saw her quietly chewing on her purple hippo and could not resist.  I have so many pictures of Ember!

Shortly after I snapped this photo, the little one got bored and started to sniff and paw at the foot of the stairs carpet.  Yeah, the last step that is not protected by the "gate".

I called her name, and she came right to me.  I gave her the special recall treat, then I let her outside for a sniff, then back in while I prepped her Kong for puppy nap #1.  

I interrupted my breakfast to save my carpet.

Speaking of rescuing things, I broke the zipper on the Schitty Kit this morning.  Ember and I are hard on things.  I've always been hard on things.  I remember my mother commenting on how hard I was on my shoes as a child.

Sewing kit to the rescue.  I put the zipper back together while Ember napped. I stitched up the end of it. It works again.  I ordered another Schitty Kit.  It is just too useful.  Ember had already done a number on the mesh, as well, so it is only a matter of time before this item wears out.

Between the puppy naps, a new package arrived at my door.  It came in a long tube.  It may be a while before I'm ready to give this one a try.  But until then, this giant cardboard roll is making a fine "destructo-toy" for Ember.

Alicia came over at her usual time and she did hold Ember for a couple of "restrained recalls" but, seriously, Ember had already had her supper by then and it was hot outside.

So we put her to bed and sister-chatted in the human part of the house.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. PHOENIX1949

    " I remember my mother commenting on how hard I was on my shoes as a child." Same here. I had to keep up with my brother and twin male cousins in sports and tree climbing. Each of us 5 kids had 2 pairs of shoes, one for church and one for everyday wear. Every Saturday morning, Mom would sit on our front porch and clean up + polish them + her's and dad's. Time for junior high school and she really, really wanted me to get a pair of blue & white oxford shoes which I didn't want. My choice was some red suede penny loafers which after much discussion, she relented and I got my choice. When the soles were worn through, Dad put in cardboard liners; growth spurt that summer and shoes hadn't lasted as hoped for and I remember Mom crying softly because it wasn't time for the expense of new shoes yet. Last week I purchased a pair of red mocassin loafers with a penny slot which make me smile.

    We may be crazy here, but Thursday evening we will take possession of an 8-1/2 month, 13#, female, short-haired, mixed breed puppy named Sasha. Hope she & KC bond well. Sasha's hu-Mom works 7 days a week as a caregiver nurse, 8-10 hours/day, not including commute time, and lives in an apartment so Sasha has spent most of her life crated. Uptodate on all doggy care and trained with more commands than KC. He has been so lost since Bailey's passing but we weren't up to starting over with yet another pet, let alone a puppy but here we go again!


    1. Oh, Susan: #1, I could have echoed your "two pair of shoes" story with my 4-year-old self and my cousins, the year I spent living on their farm. The Saturday night shoe polishing so that we would look decent on Sunday morning for church!

      Also echoes on the need to balance budgets while my parents were raising first three, then after eight years, two more children. Money was carefully budgeted!

      #2: I am thrilled that you are taking on the challenge of Sasha. I know it will be a challenge (as my blogs attest with Ember), but I also know that both you and Bailey will adapt and probably even rejuvenate a bit! I know a bit about "not up to starting over", thus all my own foot-dragging before finally caving to the heartstring pull of Ember as a puppy! She's still a puppy, mind you, and will be for probably another year. But the time does fly when we're busy taking care of them!

      Best wishes on your new addition!

  2. Awwwww, Ember is a cutie!

    Glad that you and Alicia got to visit together. Nothing better than sister time!

    Here’s to a good Thursday.


    1. Wednesdays are our "whoever needs to vent worst gets the most talk time" sister day! LOL!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...