Thursday, October 28, 2021

Cats cozy up

 The cats have invaded

I may well live to regret this, but Wednesday was another gray and drippy day outside, and they came in wet and chilly... so when they invaded the master bedroom, I let them stay, while I got up and went to other parts of the house.

It's now Thursday morning, and I didn't wake up any worse than usual, so I'll consider that an allergy bullet dodged.

It is going to be a quiet week ahead

Not only did my kid sis declare this a "bye" week, for reasons related to her own family responsibilities, but my trainer is taking a mini-vacation up to Colorado for a long weekend, too.  So, I had the water softener salt delivery Wednesday, and then nothing where I have to leave the house until next Tuesday!  

The delivery dude didn't show up until after 3 p.m., so yeah... it was a "no bones day" for those of you who speak that language.  Translation for those of you who don't, that usually means nothing much to write about.  Self-care the focus.

It's not Spark

So here we are, a full two months since the demise of Sparkpeople.  The weather has been changing, but it's not like a year ago when we got snow.  Instead, it's a steady rain, watering everything that has been parched over the hot weather.  But I'm finding that NOW is when I miss Spark.  I miss seeing the regular bloggers.  There's another set of bloggers over here, with only a smattering of cross-over, but I miss several who have dropped off on their frequency.  I have absolutely NO EXCUSE to complain, though, because I have dropped off on my frequency, too.

Just sayin', I miss it.

But we can keep on Sparking, anyway

So let's do our best to live a healthy Thursday, October 28, 2021.  After all, it's the only one we'll ever get!  And we are each and every one of us worth taking care of!  Life is good.


  1. No bones! I love that dog. I don't do Tic-Tok, FB, Instagram or whatever the hell is the latest social thing so I saw it on TV.
    Spark simply became MY version of those.
    I'm always available for a chat or a looong email. That's what I've been doing to keep up with some close buddies.
    Love the T-shirt quilt. It's the first big look I've seen.

    1. It's more work, but it's worth it... those long e-mails, etc., that is!

  2. Ah well, the kitties got to snuggle in and warm up and you weren’t any worse for the wear! Is that the quilt from your running shirts? So cool!

    Yes, it is not the same as SP. But glad to see some regulars like YOURSELF on blogspot.

    LOL! Prisoner looks like he’s telling Rubia to stay right where she’s @! LOL

    Making it a good Thursday! But then, Thursday is usually always good! It’s the day before Friday!


    1. Yes, that is one of three quilts from old t-shirts. Most running shirts, but also blood bank, old work projects, and a couple of Spark People shirts.

  3. Sometimes it does seem like longer, doesn't it? I seem to be OK, so far, despite their visit!

  4. Lol, nothing like feeling your age and then being called a ‘kid sis’. Kinda perked me up.
    I am patiently waiting for the water work to wrap up. As DH says, it takes as long as it takes.

    1. Happy to help out. Ten years is ten years, kiddo!

  5. The kitties look pretty laid back and relaxed . Are you still posting over there at , My Fitness Pal. ? How do they all seem to be doing if you are ?

    1. I drop the occasional status over there. Some folks are quite active, daily. When I get in a slump, I'm not over there, either.

  6. Agree it’s different. And I miss some of the blogs I used to read on SP.

    On the other hand, I’m getting to know some SP refugees that I never met on SP, and that’s been kind of neat.

    I feel like it’s a fresh start with some familiar faces, and some new ones.

    I still feel like there’s a community out there to connect with, which is comforting. 💖

    1. Yes, there are still folks out here to connect with, but it takes more of an effort to "lurk".

  7. Seems like a lifetime since the closing of SP.

    Ripple effects here in Central Texas from our Polar Vortex earlier this year. Intermittent wind gusts as high as 52 mph caused a lot of dead limbs to break off. In some cases entire trees snapped and there are 10,000 homes without power in part of the City that still has overhead power lines.

    1. Yikes. Never an end to maintenance work, is there?

  8. So many things about Spark are missed. BUT, it is not possible to return, so it is necessary to forge ahead.

    "Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened."
    ~Dr. Seuss

  9. I miss Spark so much. I blog daily here and have a chat back and forth, but so many others I miss talking with. I don't like that we all split and went other ways.

    Our weather is cooler here. There's snow in the mountains, but nothing down here yet. Most of our leaves are on the ground.

    1. There are days when I read but don't comment, days when I can't even get myself to read... sigh. Just getting to glorious leaves here. When they fall comes based on the wind... which is supposed to kick up over the weekend.

  10. Yup, I miss Spark too and the easy way we use to be able to touch each others lives. Well, it has gotten me to find a blog that I enjoy doing and that my daughters are actually reading so I call that a win too. So, as my grandmother use to say - such is life. Hugs

    1. I think you got the biggest win with the family connections, there! Well done. "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good." Or... "such is life". LOL... we are survivors!

  11. About the former Spark .... I loved how you were privy to snippets of so many peoples lives AND could comment/support in such a timely fashion...yes, I miss the site!!
    But, I am grateful that there are people, such as yourself, who continue to blog...thank you! Hugs, Eissa7

  12. That's usually what my bed looks like except with me in it...

    It actually feels strange to be in bed with no cats sharing it, but then I'm not allergic.

    1. I usually allow the cats their own space. Outside a closed bedroom door. 😆

  13. Only two months! I miss it too. I try to come on here and at least read your blogs, but I find I don't blog much. and have few commenters, but that's to be expected given how little I write. I'm glad you still are!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...