Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Listening to music

 I have once again turned off the news

I ventured out as planned this morning, to get my third dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

It was at the big arena, downtown, the "booster" clinic was.  This is the same place I went for both shot #1 and #2, back in March.  But as you can see from the waiting area, there was "no crowding".  The first one, we had a hard time keeping that 6 feet of "social distance" there were so many of us.

From that one, I learned that the philosophy of "first appointment of the day" was not a good one for such events, and started taking slightly later ones, when getting in and getting out was so smooth.  The RN who gave me shot #3 was the same one who poked me with shot #1... she recognized her own handwriting on my little card.  

After I got home, I took a Tylenol, as directed by the nurse at my doctor's office when I asked about whether it was OK to keep my appointment today.  Since I had a fever in reaction to shot #2, she said the doctor said to take Tylenol before getting the shot.  I didn't, because I didn't want it affecting my temperature for the check... but took it as soon as I got home.  I kept hearing different advice about this from different sources, and did the "experiment of one" this way.

So far I feel fine, except of course for having flipped on the news at lunch time, and finding myself face to face with coverage of yet another school shooting, this time in Texas.  So I turned it off, came upstairs, and put on a calming piano music playlist.

"if ignorance were bliss, 't were folly to be wise"... The old Shakespeare quote actually argues for wisdom, as it's a conditional.  Still, I think I'm going to choose restful ignorance, because getting stressed out does NOT help!

Take good care of you!

Once again, let us make the best of this one and only Wednesday, October 6, 2021 we'll ever get.  Remember to be kind to yourself, whatever decisions or road you choose.  The choices we make, even little ones, deserve credit.  And we deserve some rest so that in turn we have the inner calm needed to help others in this crazy world and time we inhabit.  Peace be unto you... Life is Good.  Spark on!  ✨🎇💖🔥


  1. Yup, as for the taking of the Tylenol, it is definitely all about the experiment of one! Glad that you didn’t have any difficulties @ the arena.

    Yes, sometimes it is just too overwhelming to flip the news on. **SIGH** My prayers for those affected by this latest shooting in TX.

    Take good care (I know you are!)

    1. A sister walk later in the afternoon was a good step, too.

  2. Popping the Tylenols over here too, post-op.

    Mostly just really tired with this headache squeezing my temples and little waves of nausea.

    1. Hope you feel better / recover smoothly and soon!

    2. Thanks! 💖

      LESLIE871948 suggested a cold pack on the back of my neck, so trying that 🙂

      I’ve been too preoccupied with other stuff, to see any news, either... I can find out another day. 😉

    3. Cold pack does sound soothing, hope it helps. I've popped a couple more Tylenol overnight, one at midnight, one at 5:15 a.m. based on a low-grade fever of 99.7 - 99.9.

  3. Tylenol here, too, but not from surgery or vaccine, just plain ol' Suzie Homemaker house work. My to-do list for tomorrow is a list of phone calls and at the top of the list is our local health department to see if they're giving booster shots.

    No tv all day, too busy. Definitely a blessing.

    Hope you don't have a negative reaction. The second shot kicked my butt.

    1. I would not say it's kicking my buns, but it's also not as smooth and easy as all that. I was hot and bothered overnight, so popped one pill around midnight and another about 5 a.m., then took my hot shower... so I do expect to be able to work out with the trainer today.

  4. Much of society seems to be running amok these days and I've been using music and old comedies as part of my escape-the-madness tactics. Taking notes here on in-person & virtual friends' experiences with their booster shots.

    Late November is the 3-month blood draw for the vaccine study we are in to check the level of antibodies remaining so we will do boosters shortly after that to not mess with the study data protocol. Late February will be the third and final blood draw for the first phase of the study -- then renewing to participate in Phase II is optional.

    Twice I've done the walk-in for the flu shot at our neighborhood pharmacy but the backlog of people and long wait times were daunting (not all wearing their required masks properly) -- there was a push for Covid vaccines at the same time so perhaps that has slowed by now. PCP's clinic won't have the flu shots available for another month or two.

    1. You're my hero, dealing with the study and keeping track of when it's OK to do what and not mess up the research. I heartily approve your "escape" plan. Old rom-coms are pretty nice.

      I discovered the "check in on your phone" thing for my flu shot so didn't have to wait terribly long to get it at the pharmacy.

  5. So happy you got your booster and that you had no big wait line for it.

    I would always have the news on when making dinner and I have also turned it off for music. There's a great Youtube channel called Jake Westbrook and he put some great playlist together of old classics.

    1. I find the local news station isn't as "alarming" as the cable outlets, so do try to get that, instead, once a day.

    2. As soon as you mentioned a great playlist channel and checked it out. Thanks will be listening often.

  6. ❤️❤️❤️ Peace be unto you. Life is good! Spark on! ❤️❤️❤️

  7. I know tv and the internet has wonderful advantages and such tools to use but when news came on the radio and newspaper it wasn't so overwhelming. I like music more too.

  8. Good for you!
    It's day 8 for me today. I noticed unusual-for-me blahs at all week post booster. It didn't stop my from the weight training on Monday, Pilates Tuesday although I took a bit of a snooze yesterday afternoon (rare). Today will be back in the gym pool day.
    After all, I need to keep being "overworked"!

    1. It's not going to stop me from the trainer, but I am feeling the fatigue they talk about. Thankfully, no headache this time, but maybe that's because I've stayed on top of the fever.

  9. As you already know...I really felt unwell for two days after injection #3. My major side effect was an arm that totally ached....could barely raise it without severe pain(and I really have a high pain tolerance.). AND, I also had fever, nausea, headache etc. Well worth the inconvenience IF it does what it’s supposed to do. Hope that you feel better before too many more hours, too! Eissa7

    1. Oh, yeah, in today's blog I mention the fever and the fatigue, I didn't mention the sore arm, but I've had worse from other shots, in that regard. Got my fingers crossed. I'm starting to feel pretty OK at this point (we'll see how long it lasts), and like you said, worth the inconvenience if it keeps the immunity up!

  10. You took the steps necessary to not be overly anxious . Turning off the news and listening to something else . That's wisdom .


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...