Sunday, October 24, 2021

Chilly Wet Morning


Would you believe they are out there running a Half Marathon this morning?

I believe.  They moved the Good Life Halfsy to this weekend.  This is to dove-tail with the bye week for the football team.  It was generally the first weekend in November, which can be dicey for weather, for sure.

I find it hard to believe is that I used to do that.  Whatever the weather was on race day, I showed up.  Then I got older and started deciding I have nothing to prove... when the weather doesn't feel right... well, it looks as though I've become a "fair weather" athlete.  And I'm OK with that.

As it turns out... they canceled the race due to weather!  They also canceled Ironman, California, where a friend of mine was going to race today.  First they cut the bike distance in half, then they canceled the whole race.  My friend posted this weather map, with the caption, "we're tough, but not THIS tough".  

So I am cozied up inside my dry house.  The cats are both inside, and The Prisoner is curled up in a ball in his chair, keeping warm as he sleeps.  Thunder is rumbling overhead.

The steel cut oats were a-simmer on the stove, adding to the cozy "cave" atmosphere.  

As the day wore on...

My running friends started posting on Facebook just where they were on the course when word went out that it was canceled (the local race), and how far they continued.  At least one of them finished the entire course.  A lady a year older than I was at mile 3 when it was called off, and went another couple of miles before she threw in the towel.  A story for every runner.  One fellow was at mile 5, running as a "pacer" (which is a person who runs at a specific target pace to help other runners achieve their goals).  He continued on and paced the whole 13.1 miles on to the finish line, despite the cancellation.  

Isn't that the way things go in life?  Things change, we react, we listen to our bodies, and we respond accordingly!  Hope you all had an OK Sunday, October 24, 2021, making the best decisions you could manage in this gift of this day.  Spark on!  Life is Good!



  1. I think as we get older , we weigh the what if's differently , than when we were younger . The what if, ( you get hurt in some way , seems to be more complicated , because we do not bounce back in shape , as when your a young person .) Actually some of us never bounced well . LOL .

    1. Yes, and add the pandemic year giving us permission to stay home pretty much whenever...

  2. I remember the days when I would go out in the cold no problem and now any kind of gloomy weather I want to stay home. My mom especially doesn't like going out when the weather gets cooler.

    1. Yes, I don't retain heat the way I did as a child. My mother used to say I'd go out in a bikini in a snowstorm (I never did, just her way of saying...)

  3. Years ago, I would laugh at my parents and grandmother when they blamed the weather for canceling events I really wanted to attend and/or participate. Today is a different story.'s safety first.

    1. Amen. All those things we thought were silly about "old" people when we were kids? Make a lot more sense now. You don't know until you live it, do you?

  4. I appreciate not having to go out when the weather is inclement or I’m not feeling well. That wasn’t an option when I was working. ❤️

  5. I am doing some catching up this morning. I just read about your son. It reminded me of the time I missed the last step coming downstairs and ended up with a sprained ankle. It was early morning too. I didn't have anyone with crutches I could borrow.

    Our weather today is similar to what you described for your Sunday. It is good to be able to stay at home where it is warm and dry.

    1. Ouch... even as a memory, that hurts!

      Yes, it was nice to just tuck in and stay put on Sunday! We needed that rain, and that's for sure.

  6. OH boy. Well, the weather must have been pretty yucky for the half marathon to be cancelled. Yes, the weather in CA is supposed to be horrible.

    I applaud those who worked their way through the cold/ugly weather.

    1. It was the lightning that caused them to cancel. I'll have to ask my trainer this morning if it makes him feel better about having to call off the triathlon last month in the middle, too. No race director controls the lightning, and there are rules. If it can pull Barry Manilow off stage in Central Park...

  7. The rough weather in CA is supposed to bring us some rain in Central TX. We need it.

    1. Hope you get the rain, but not the severity. We needed the rain we got on Sunday, and could probably use a bit more... just glad it's not coming as snow... last year we *did* get a snowstorm in October.

  8. Yes, it was pretty rough weather here yesterday! Sad that they cancelled Iron Man but as one of the officials said, "all we'd need is for a tree to take out a bunch of athletes during the swim.." yep that would not be good. I also hear you about nothing to prove. Not interested in the medals or the necklace for my one future race, which I was glad to opt out of!

    1. Yes, my friend will get a slot in one of three alternate races... I'm waiting to hear which one she's headed for. Lucky she just retired, and as she said, she doesn't want to waste her training without having SOME race to celebrate it.

  9. And All we got was a drizzle during the evening. Our weather is Camelot. It only rains at night.

    1. Now you've got me singing! Camelot! I know it sounds a bit bizzare... 🎵

  10. The beauty of retirement and also a bit of its curse, is that total freedom to "do what you like". It's nice to feel needed, but it's also nice to not be REQUIRED to show up! LOL.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...