Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Only a ninety year old...

 Well, maybe you don't have to be 90, but I think once we get past a certain decade and once we start losing the "immortals" in our personal lives, many of us cast a thought or two toward the great beyond.  Shatner's comments following his brief foray above the atmosphere this morning touched on that: how thin the atmosphere is, and the blackness of space, beyond it.

He mused whether this represented death, and below, the earth, with its thin envelope of air and water... life?  How quickly it went by, being rocketed into space!  How much this parallels our own individual journeys on this orb?

We are not young things any more... we are mature.  We are experienced.  And as we age, we become more philosophical.  Whether we have a religious framework in which it is cast or not, we contemplate the next chapter(s).

Perhaps because of today's flight, our steps might be a little lighter, we might be a trifle more positive in our outlook for the future.  Space flight does that for me, even though as the years pass it is less and less likely that I will ever experience it for myself... it boosts hope!

Now let's go live life on this one and only Wednesday, October 13, 2021 we'll ever get.  Let's make the best choices we can manage given the circumstances we find ourselves in... and let's be kind, one to another, and to ourselves, as well.

For we area worth taking care of, each and every one of us:  physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. I am so happy he got to do this and hoping he remembers for a long time how he feels today.

  2. He just went to visit is old boss. Gene Roddenberry’s ashes were taken to space by NASA. I remember when life expectancy was 72 and that seemed so OLD. It’s all relative my dear. Ninety is only 15 years away. The earth is such an incredibly beautiful place. What an amazing gift.

    1. LOL! When I was a kid, 60-something seemed OLD. Ninety looks younger all the time!

  3. thanks for this and the other blogs on Boston! My bil was there again yesterday Monday. I also thought of 2018 when I was there and we weren't able to connect - and the pouring rain that day! I'm glad I got to see it at least once. And always think of your brother as well. Hugs

    1. I thought of you. How did your BIL do? MAGGIEROSEBOWL's son finished in 3:03, I think it was... very respectable!

      I think of you in connection with the Boston Marathon, too!

  4. Recently I caught up by telephone with a friend from my 20's (I'm 72 & she is 75) that has continued to exchange Christmas cards with updates through the years. Toward the end of our conversation she said it was nice to hear that I still had a curious mind which I did not expect but appreciated nonetheless.

    1. I have to think our true natures shine through in our "riper" years... if you were curious as a kid, you continue in that vein, into your senior decades, too. But yes, nice to hear that others notice you are still sharp!

  5. Our little shared global life capsule must seem really small and fragile from up there.

    1. Indeed. And can we still be amazed by the science and research behind getting people into the "void" and bringing them back safely, to describe it?

    2. Sure! I’m also pretty fascinated by exploration in deep sea rifts and Antarctica, and other places generally hostile to human existence 🙂

    3. Amen... technology... amazing!

  6. Shatner's entire post-flight chatter was interesting. His emotional reaction to it is what caught my attention; how we can be so emotional as we age and it's ok to be so!

    1. Amen... the emotion of age is different from the emotion of youth. Both are precious!

  7. He was so emotional when he was interviewed. It must be so incredible to see and feel.

    1. He was. I imagine that your or I would be as well. I love that he doesn't want to lose that feeling / awareness.

  8. It was really special to see someone achieve something so very wonderful.

  9. The science channel provided a view to the entire adventure. It was riveting to watch! Captain Kirk proved to the viewing audience that age is truly just a number.

  10. Youth is NOT wasted on the young... it allows us to make the mistakes that make us wiser as we age... as you said, "just how it is". Grateful to have survived to appreciate those Golden years here, too!

  11. I was honestly touched by William Shatner's comments. The rest of his fellow travelers seemed to be touched by the experience, too.

    Life is definitely fragile, and miraculous! Good reminder to enjoy and take it all in and never let that sense of wonder disappear!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...