Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Prisoner plays Jeopardy

 What is the Jeopardy thing?

I know I'm not the only Jeopardy fan in the blog-o-sphere!  I learn when I watch it, and since I've featured Rubia's photo in the last couple of blogs, I figured it was The Prisoner's turn, and as you can see, Jeopardy is in the background.

A sort-of symptom-free day

I woke much freer this morning, and while I did do the hot-shower, get it draining drill, and started with a little sinus puffiness, I did not have the nasty headache, and within an hour or so of rising I was breathing normally, so I opted to take the mask and go do my workout with the trainer.  Everybody masked, and with the confidence of that negative test, and the freedom from symptoms, it went well.

The trainer knows I'm up for shot #3 tomorrow and if I have side effects after, he'll get a text from me bowing out of Thursday's session.  But I will try the nurse's advice to take Tylenol right after I get the shot, as a preventative from the fever I got with shot #2.  A couple of people I've talked to have not had bad side effects after shot #3, so I'm hopeful for a similar outcome for me.

Provided tomorrow morning is at least as free as today, I'm up for this next adventure.

The pictures that made me aware of what I missed on Saturday.

I swear I played these obstacles at the sister course in Lincoln, Nebraska, when I was a teenager.  The outing was to the course at St. Joseph, Missouri, one of the reasons I was extra cautious and bowed out, not wanting to expose folks to "whatever this misery is" during an hour and a half drive down and another such drive back.  But you have to love the Eifel tower, the competing putter, and the classic dragon... and of course the happy crew:

The mythical son, his Girlfriend, her dad and mom.  It was her mom's birthday outing.

The classic dragon, as trusty as in the 1950's and 1960's when I played the sister course.

Can you believe they didn't let mom win on her Birthday?  GF's dad beat the mythical son by one stroke!

This one rebuffed me several times, back when I was a teenager!

 Y'all know the rest, the pep talk:

Best wishes and hopes that all my fellow Spark refugees have made good decisions today, supporting your health and well-being this one and only Tuesday, October 5, 2021 we'll ever get.  I'm having a hard time accepting the calendar date as we have a reprisal of warm weather.  However, the shrinking minutes of sunlight remind me, when I "wake up with the sun" and find the clock says it's after seven a.m.!

Remember as the daylight shrinks that you're still worth taking care of, body, mind, and spirit!  Spark on!  Life is good.  ✨🎇💖🔥


  1. Fun pics of the putt putt golf game! I’m so bad at mini golf it’s hilarious. I manage to get my ball stuck in crazy inaccessible places by accident. On top of the windmill somehow. Stuck inside the clown (went in, never came out). On one outing I had to go back and beg for a replacement ball so many times that they sent a guy with me to retrieve the others. He gave up and they handed me another. 😂

    1. 🤣 I used to be pretty good, and was sad to miss the outing. But I'm savoring the thought of maybe going another time!

  2. The only affect I had from the Pfizer booster was slight fatigue and sore-ish arm. That’s it. I was told make sure to I drank plenty of water, and IF I take Tylenol after the shot, make sure it’s 2 hrs. after. So, that’s what I did. No problems.

    What a nice picture of mythical son, DF and her family! Hope her Mom had a good birthday.

    For sure, no matter the temperature, the shrinking daylight hrs. definitely are a reminder of what season it is and what’s coming!

    Hope you continue to feel better.

    1. I decided to split the difference between my doctor's office and your advice, and took the Tylenol when I got home, about an hour after the jab. So far, so fair.

  3. I'm so hooked on Jeopardy. I wonder how long Matt will be on? He just knows so much.

    I didn't have any reaction to the booster. I did with shot #2, but nothing this last time.

    I'm so ready for the cooler weather.

    1. I wonder, too, how long Matt will rule the Jeopardy court. He not only knows so much, he knows what he doesn't know well enough to not buzz in. Jeopardy is an example of "it is not enough to know, you must KNOW that you know".

      My sister #1 didn't have any reaction to the booster either. Might I ask how long it was for you between shots #2 and #3? I'm gathering data... pondering over whether the stronger reactions are due to less time between?

  4. The Prisoner was deep in thought . How long have you had your trainer . How did that start compared to going to a group class somewhere . I just find that interesting I'm sure you probable posted about it at some point in time . If you left me a link I could read all about it . I noticed you didn't have it under your ; " Labels " . Oh and why an hour after the shot instead of just before you leave to get the shot . I'm really picking your brain today , aren't I . Take care .

    1. Oh, my goodness, I think I will have to write a blog about "why I work with a trainer", "how long", etc. I don't know as I have ever (even in 12 years of Sparking) written that one! So watch for it in future days.

      The hour after the shot was a compromise between what my Dr.'s office said (before the shot), and what someone commented above about what HER doctor told her (at least 2 hours after). Split it down the middle, so as not to have the Tylenol "masking" a fever that might show up in the initial screening for the shot, and took it as early as I could do so conveniently to give myself maximum "up front" coverage.

      LOL... no, not picking brain, btw... giving me material to keep writing blogs! You take care, too.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...