Wednesday, October 20, 2021

So you get up, take a shower, and start your day

Memories and new things, too.

I had my elbow jogged by a friendly sister Sunday, who was lending me a book I hadn't yet read, but wanted to.  We ended up going for a nice walk as a side trip.  It was a pretty day and the colors were outstanding.  It is that time of the year when half the tree has turned, but not the other side of the tree.  Beautiful, but I failed to take photos.

One of the topics that came up peripherally was the movie, Crazy Rich Asians.  I had never seen it, but it has become such a trope of pop culture... and this afternoon, I found it in my streaming service as a selection, and watched it!

I started reading the book, which is a bit of a horror story, appropriate for Halloween!  So taking it a bit slowly at first, I got sucked in.

Then as the evening came on... a blast from the past:  Donovan's Reef.  An old John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Caesar Romero and Dorothy LaMour picture.  Made me think a bit about how we train  children in "romance" and gender roles... how many movies did John Wayne spank his co-star in:  The Quiet Man, McClintock, and this one, to name three.  

Little things happen in a week

Little things like spotting a small praying mantis hanging out by your front door.  I've always found these insects fascinating.  Perhaps they have been the model for some of the aliens in science fiction movies.  Think about it.

Yesterday some workmen came by and painted the fire hydrant on the corner.  Once upon a time it was red.  As of yesterday afternoon, it is now green.  I saw a news clip that the city was painting them to color code something... now I've forgotten what they were coding... capacity?  Pressure?  I've seen blue ones other places in the city.  Mine's green.  I'll have to pay attention as I go walking to see if others in the neighborhood have been similarly changed.

And things happen with loved ones that impact your day

The phone rang early this morning.  I got out of bed to answer it... the mythical son apologized for calling so early, but did I still have the crutches?  He'd rolled his ankle and needed to borrow them.

I didn't even put on my glasses as I felt my way down to the garage to check.  I muttered to myself, "Now, Barb, don't roll YOUR ankle rushing".  "No, no," responded the son, "don't make things worse!"

I immediately spotted... ONE crutch.  Where would its mate be?  Probably somewhere close.  I extracted the one and set it over by the wall to consider where "somewhere close" might be... and sure enough, it had fallen down beside the box from which I'd extracted the first.

Took them out and put them on the porch, asking my son what time it was... "5:40" he responded.  Oh, well, I thought, I have the heating check coming today and they didn't give me a specific time range, other than 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  So, I got up, took my shower, and started my day.

The kids came and got the crutches, I collected the story of the slip and fall in his own kitchen... it's always something silly, isn't it?  And they went off on their way to urgent care.  I've never been more grateful for his having a partner to help in these situations.  And grateful in all my de-stuffing of the house, that the crutches were not among the casualties.

✨🔥 Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. I think a lot about that these days...having a partner to help in those times. My sons are driving back from Corning, NY. Their dad passed and they went to collect anything of value and decide what to do about the house. They started yesterday and are only about an hour from Denver now...straight through! Yes, having a partner sure helps!!

    1. Corning, NY... I was last there in 2018... old stomping grounds. I ponder over what happens when my son's Dad passes, as he lives so far away, too.

    2. LOL I spent lots of time there, learning to blow glass. Small world! 🙂💖🌎

    3. I can totally see learning to blow glass as something you would do, Anja! I was last there to run their "Wineglass Half" while my brother PR'd the marathon distance. It is a fond memory.

  2. Glad you and your sis got to walk. I’m not a huge John Wayne fan, but do love Donovan’s Reef!

    Sorry to hear mythical son hurt his ankle. Hope it improves using the crutches to rest it.

    Enjoy the Autumn colors. I am, too. It is always amazing to see the colors!


    PS Love the praying mantis!

    1. I got a follow up report from son... nurse practitioner at the VA seems to think it is a sprain, not requiring x-ray. He was taped up and sent home, pending an already scheduled doctor visit coming up Friday.

  3. I enjoyed Crazy Rich Asians so much that I got us the 4K UHD version (used). That movie makes me so hungry... LOL

  4. Interesting about the fire hydrant colors. The ones on our street have evolved from red to orange to silver over the years. I've not noticed if they are the same colors through the city or not.

    Corning NY is also on my been-there list. I had a few training trips to Endicott NY in the 1980's and enjoyed a weekend side trek to visit the Corning Museum of Glass which included a glass-blowing exhibit. Recall a glass bridge there also.

    I have a pair of crutches hanging on the garage wall from an injury in 2007 (broken leg & foot). Off and on, I toy with the idea of passing them along but never seem to get around to it.

    Praying mantises are common in these parts and welcome since they eat mosquitoes, roaches, flies and moths which are abundant. We have a rusty metal praying mantis sculpture of a mantis (Maxine, 'Maxi') made from junk picked up along a country road outside of the city. It's in a rock bed next to the front porch and has resulted in many comments and questions by walkers over the years.

    1. You trained in Endicott? I used to work there, in the second half of the 80's and early 90's!

  5. Praying mantis frequent my home.
    I hope your son is ok. Those 'minor' injuries can be a pain!

    1. No kidding. I hope he's "being good" and resting it, but typically mom, I worry about the stairs and the dog...

  6. Crazy Rich Asians was on a channel here a couple of weeks ago. I had heard so much about it, I decided to watch. IMHO it was just another chick flick and can't understand all the hype. Oh, well.

    Never thought about it, but you're right about the praying mantis, they do look like movie aliens. 👾

    The colors on the fire hydrants indicate water flow capacity.
    Green indicates water-flow capacity of 1,000 to 1,499 (GPM)gallons per minute.

    So sorry to read about your son, but mom to the rescue. Moms keep the strangest things, at least this mom does.

    It's always nice when I see that you have posted. I do so enjoy the way you weave life's happenings into such interesting writings.

    Have a wonderful evening. Happy tomorrows.

    1. Thanks for the bit about water flow capacity and the color code. I'm betting it is out there online somewhere... if I wasn't too lazy to go look it up! LOL.

  7. I bet eventually someone will think that the hydrants look too much like the grass and trees and such and realize that they blend too much and will have to colour code them something else. We had a little town that painted them all like little figures. There were police and fire and men and women all along the road.

    1. I had seen those whimsical fire hydrant characters, probably on line or in a "puff piece" news segment. I like the idea. I'm betting in THIS town the water flow color scheme will stick.

  8. I've never seen a Praying mantis in person.

    That is strange that they're color coding the hydrants. We're just one color and that's yellow.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...