Monday, October 4, 2021

What are those things?

What are those things?

I had a hard time getting Rubia to pose...  She was sleeping, and I grouped the mini-pumpkins next to her, so of course she moved and gave me a dirty look.

The medical / health adventures

I've been dealing with my seasonal woes since last Friday overnight.  Mainly swollen sinus, headache, and draining (runny nose).  One of the things I noticed in reviewing my 12 years of Sparkpeople blogs was how often I blogged about having been ill with this sort of thing.  But then again, 12 years of twice a year, would add up to at least 24 blogs, more if it lingers and I whine!

Anyway, this resulted in my deciding on the better part of valor, considering the overlap with Covid-19 symptoms that such things have.  I have read/seen enough horror stories of folks "assuming" allergies and then passing Covid along to others, so I bowed out of the planned miniature golf trip on Saturday.  It looks like they had a great time, even without me, so I'm glad I took the high road.

Facebook is down or I might have swiped one of several snapshots of the crew down enjoying a classic course, owned by one of son's GF's parents' friends.  It was GF's mom's birthday celebration, and on Sunday we did a contact free package swap on the porch so the flavored coffee I ordered for her mom would get delivered.  They dropped off a cupcake (carrot cake) and the mini-pumpkins pictured above as a treat for me.

I was feeling somewhat better yesterday afternoon and had visions of waking up clear this morning, but that was not to be.  With my third covid shot (otherwise referred to as the "booster" but some health folks are saying Pfizer is really a 3-dose vaccine, anyway) scheduled for Wednesday, I decided I wanted to know for sure that it's not covid, and went to the Urgent Care for the test.  They concluded it's not with the rapid antigen test, results in 15 minutes.  They sent me home with instructions on how to care for a cold, which I pretty much know, anyway, as do all of you.  Our individual remedies might vary slightly, based on individual differences, but by the time we reach "my age", we pretty much know how our own bodies react.  She said I was doing all the right things, keep it up.

She also referred me back to my regular primary care provider to answer the question about "how long after my symptoms go away should I wait before getting shot #3?".  I waited out the on hold phone call to talk to a nurse at that office, and she looked up the CDC guidance and couldn't find the answer, so was going to message the doctor, and I'm waiting on a call back.  Deal is, if I'm all better tomorrow, would it be OK to take the shot on Wednesday, or should I cancel the appointment for the shot and wait a week or two before re-upping for it?  I'm OK either way, just checking!

Covid has changed how we deal with these things a bit, since the research on it is still ongoing.  More up-front checking, less "going anyway and assuming allergies", better protection of the community beyond my front door.  Welcome to the Golden rule as applied in this day and age.

The good news amidst the other:

These things usually end any binge-y behavior, and this episode was no different.  I'm back on a healthier eating style again, although today is the first day of tracking again.  First day spending hours upright, too.

Here's hoping my fellow Spark refugees are making good decisions for your health this one and only Monday, October 4, 2021 we'll ever get!  I can't believe it's October already.  But, regardless, LIFE is good!  Spark on!  ✨💖🎇🔥


  1. Aww, too bad you missed the outing.
    For me the symptoms of the COVID vax were mixed with the multi-valent flu shot I opted to get at the same time(CDC said okey-dokey) on Thursday.
    Sore arms (flu was way worse) hit me that evening and for a few days.
    I was tired fairly much as I was with the second COVID shot and sat around for two days. Never got a fever but didn't feel my perky self either. I took a small nap Sunday (rare for me) and I went to the gym today and gave it my best shot. Yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment!
    You'll do well!

    1. I've been upright most of today, and am back feeling OK about eating (as opposed to afraid to eat due to fear of nausea)... I'm once again hopeful that I'll be FINE in the a.m. Dr. office called back to say I'm clear to go get the shot on Wednesday as long as I'm not running a fever.

  2. Trying not to over participate in the National Taco Day, with lots of places offering a free taco (with some sort of catch, of course),we opted for Mediterranean instead.
    Hope you get the answers you need. 🤗

    1. Thanks. Got the call back and happily it doesn't look as though I'll have to cancel the appointment.

    2. I was going to get my flu shot on Saturday, but wasn’t feeling so good after my Cycle class. It was a drive thru event, so I didn’t have to cancel an appointment. Must be something in the air (no allergy pun intended).

    3. Hopefully there will be another drive-thru flu shot opportunity. I did that last year, and it was smooth and easy.

  3. Glad the call back happened and you’re good to go!

    I’ve been struggling mightily with numerous bureaucratic SNAFUs leading up to my medical procedure on Wednesday, and I’m just plain exhausted. I hope the medical stuff will go better than the Kafka-esque situations I’ve been dealing with so far, but I’m not holding my breath, and to be brutally honest am dreading further misdirections and conflicting, impossible directives... 😕

    1. "misdirections and conflicting, impossible directives..." are the worst! Hopefully, no more, and all is clear by now.

  4. I've been cleaning in the basement and attic , for the first time in many months I took sinus meds. Glad your back in the swing of things for your food plans . I am not eating enough vegies and berries and fruit . The hubbie has been off work 2 weeks and I ordered healthier take-out the whole time . So back to eating better this week . Drink plenty of hot drinks and take care of yourself . Congrats on that 3rd shot . That's really nice .

    1. Sounds like you've been productive, but digging around in the less-frequently cleaned parts of a home can lead to those indoor allergens getting stirred up!

  5. Sinus meds and spray are my fall survival tools. You have my utmost empathy and sympathy; it's a miserable time of the year.
    Another new "normal" even for the fully vaccinated: aches, pains, runny nose, sore it just a cold, the flu, or a variant of Covid? We mask up when we go out (an order for 3 new ones arrived today)and I notice more people are wearing masks in the grocery stores. Maybe Santa will bring world sanity for Christmas. Ho! Ho! Ho!

    Here's to kicking allergies to the curb and feeling better.
    Happy week!

  6. Well, you know you didn't have it, so you could go within 24 hours of being symptom free. That's a question they ask, have you been ill within the last 24 hours? I know, because I just tried to get a flu shot.

    1. Thanks for the heads up! That's my plan. I'm good today, so if I stay good until tomorrow morning, and take my preventative Tylenol, as the Dr.'s nurse suggested, I should be OK getting the 3rd Covid dose.

  7. Hope the allergies are easing their hold on you. I used to take Zyrtec to sail through the day but developed a heart condition (tachycardia -- 3 episodes of A-Fib) that allergy meds adversely affect so I pretty much just suffer and wish I owned stock shares in Kleenex. Take care.

    1. Oh, dear... hot showers help it drain, for me. I'm the queen of non-pharmacy kinds of interventions. Hot shower to start it draining, lots of tissues, and stay upright as much as possible (lying down lets it build up in the sinus cavities). Today seems like a good day.

  8. My allergies act up this time of year because it gets so dry here. I'm so glad you're getting your booster.

    1. Thanks. Things are looking up on Tuesday. Well enough to go work out with the trainer (in my mask, of course, and he's masked, too). He's already had shot #3, the woman who works out ahead of me has had her third shot, and we're all just staying as safe as we can. Allergies just confuse things!

  9. As usual, the aged seasonal allergies are afoot and afield (no pun intended). And mine manifest is acute 'dry eye' attacks, even though I am treating this religiously. Ugh! Maybe my 'religiousness' is an exaggeration...reminder to never let one's guard done. Booster done last Monday (reaction Tuesday with the blahs), next Monday I can get flu shot. Timing and vigilance is the key! Allergies remain an enigma and perhaps just a product of the dirty world we have managed to create.

  10. Those seasonal allergies are the worst. I thought I heard a doctor say that 6 months after the Pfizer vaccine you could get a booster. Heard it on the news. Hope you are feeling better.

    1. Yes, the health department e-mailed me to make the appointment. But then those pesky allergies made me question whether it would be wise to keep it, and how far I should separate the "under the weather" symptoms from the shot. They do tell folks who have an actual Covid case to wait (if I remember rightly) 60 days before getting a vaccine. But what about other illnesses... I think Oceana gave the answer above, about "last 24 hours". And my doctor seemed to be more concerned about a fever as a symptom to avoid taking it.

  11. That's exactly what I've read. You don't have Covid, so wait till you're symptom free and all is good. Glad that your test was negative!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...