Saturday, October 9, 2021

The weekly news reports... OKM edition


The coffee experiment / report

I may have mentioned last week that I bought some custom roasted flavored coffee on line from a vendor local to my niece's city.  Some to give as a gift to my son's GF's mom, some for myself.

I gave GF's mom the Classic Italian Tiramisu flavor, and kept the Amaretto flavor for myself.  It took me four tries (one a day) to "get it right" for myself, between my k-cup reusable containers, filters, amount of coffee grounds, and size of mug to fill.  This morning, I hit the sweet spot.

This afternoon, son's GF and her mom are baking, and they brewed up their first pot of the gift bag.  They liked it (or so they told the giver). Between the two, I'm going to call it a success.

Son and the jobs / training report

The mythical son reported in while GF was off at her mom's and he was out walking Carl (the grand-dog).  He is still breathing.  This weekend he talked about his visit with the VA retraining folks, and it looks as though he has a couple of weeks to dream about what he might want to retrain to do, since what he HAD been doing was triggering his disability.  So he bounced ideas off me, while I paced around the house.  

It sounds as though grad school is once again on the table, but the options might be time-limited.  Sleep on it, son, and let the back of the mind work on the puzzle.  Your mom will be your biggest cheerleader whatever you decide!

Once upon a time, I described parenthood as having the best front-row seat in watching a human being grow and develop into whatever they would become.  Once upon a time, when I was the mother of an infant, a co-worker told me to "just wait, it gets better", and I could not fathom how it could, but it has.  The full range of emotions, amplified by wonder, and pride, tempered by sorrow over the "boo-boos" one can never fix, as a mom or dad.  Life is interesting for yourself, but as observed for your child?  Compelling!  Really gives you insight into what your own parents must have felt as you bounced things off them!

The general status report

Speaking of "sleeping on it", sleep last night was pretty good.  I didn't poke my nose out of bed until nearly 8 a.m.  I did head out to walk outdoors after a late breakfast, but part way through the park, I had a moment of dizziness.  Yes, as in... whoa!  I stopped myself, anchored in one spot, then decided the better part of valor was to turn back for home.  As I did so, I paid attention to my vision, and where I was directing it.  Ah-hah!  The glasses!  Depending on which part of the lens I was looking through, I could make the seeming dizziness come and go!

I ended up adding an extra "round the block" when I got back to the park entrance, without a return of that spell.  Hmmmm.  I still stand by making the choice.  Better safe than sorry during "recovery" week.

And of course, the pep talk

It's close of day, rather than beginning, so the pep talk is to accept the day, as it was, give ourselves credit for the good choices we made, and declare it to be "enough".  Pick out your gratitude points for the day.

In the end, exhale, and have a peaceful night's sleep, following this one and only Saturday, October 9, 2021 we'll ever get.  We are each and every one of us worthy of the effort to take care of our health!  Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. Oh how I wish I had jus one more opportunity to bounce things off Mom and Dad. They were wise. When growing up I certainly didn’t appreciate the depth of their wisdom. But . . . now . . . I do.

    For sure, being a parent helps us understand what our own parents went through raising us up. And I must say, I hope my kids see me as successful as I see/saw my own parents. And for sure, it’s hard to watch our own kids make boo-boos, but they do, we do and we move on.

    Glad that you only had a brief spell of dizziness. It is scary!

    Have a wonderful Sunday.

    1. Yes, especially as dizziness can be a symptom of so many things. Had I not been paying attention to the vision in my "variable" prescription lenses, I might have been more alarmed. But still, better safe than sorry!

  2. I sure prefer being retired instead searching for my niche(s) in the work world!

    1. Amen. I feel especially in the times of pandemic for those folks who work "on the edge", paycheck to paycheck. You have to work to live, places lose business... crazy times!

  3. I've been absent for a while. Younger grandson brought a "bug" from his school. He had a really terrible cold for 2 solid weeks. I started with symptoms the second week. I couldn't sleep fro being so plugged up, and spent literally 2 non-consecutive days sleeping all day. I decided to go test. Negative for Covid, but then started the stomach part of the bug. It's been almost 3 weeks and I'm still sniffling a bit, but the pharmacist says as long as I'm negative and have no temperature, get the shots. So booster and flu shot today. One in each arm. I haven't taken a tylenol yet...I'll see how easy sleep comes later!

    1. I'll keep a prayerful thought for you. OverworkedJanet took flu and Covid #3 together, too... one in each arm. It's a choice! At least once past it, you're past it, not a "second act" to worry about.

  4. I do love being home and taking care of my mom. I wouldn't change that for anything, except have my dad here with us too. I do enjoy our morning coffee time when we talk about things.

  5. My gratitude for today is the 3 plus hours spent mowing and connecting with the universe. After the first 30 minutes or so, I relax and soak in the wonder of life and the beauty of being outside. Corny I guess, but it works for me.

    The coffees sound wonderful. The Tiramisu would probably be my choice. Chocolate raspberry is my winter time treat.

    Have a pleasant evening.

    1. That relaxing into being outdoors and connecting with nature (even suburban nature) is awesome! And you remind me of one of my favorite flavor combinations, too: dark chocolate and raspberry pair so well!

      Have a beautiful Sunday!

  6. I always forget to comment on the Dalek I see in that cup. Are you a Dr. Who fan?

    1. Not a deep fan, but exposed to Dr. Who as well as many other Science Fiction classics. The mug is from Calamityware, and is titled "things could be worse". Many monsters decorate its sides, and it amuses me.

  7. I am on the other side with special teas as treats, in the summer I get different teas to make iced tea and in the winter some candy cane kind for the Christmas season.

    1. I have one go-to tea, drink others at times, but never have got into flavoring them. Earl Grey was introduced to me in my young adulthood, and it's been my go-to ever since. Some folks have the "ewwww" reaction when I mention flavored coffee, preferring the unadulterated coffee!

      One of the wonders of life is the wide variety of tastes and preferences, and one of the joys is finding something that brings another joy, and being able to provide a bit with a small gift.

      GF's mom has since let me know she also likes the flavor I kept for myself, the Amaretto!

  8. My favorite flavor comes from Kauai, HI. I found a toasted coconut roast that I've gifted myself several times since 2011. Like you, it takes some juggling to find the right measurements, then MMMMM!
    Getting both vaccines was good for me, maybe not for others. I got back to my normal self a week after and never really felt ill, just blah.
    I getcha on those kid things. My stomach roils at times from getting involved in issues and I keep telling myself they appreciate my input. A wise and wonderful pediatrician gave me a hint about life. After he called in his 8 year old to see my 2 week old of the same name as hers (home office) he smiled and said
    "She's your problem 'till you die".


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...