Wednesday, May 4, 2022

And Spring continues

Feeding the bees, that's me.  And that's my yard, last week.  Sunday, the dad of the young man who usually mows my weeds came and subbed for him.  Turns out my regular mower is now working at the Fleet Feet store, and on Marathon Sunday, of course he was tied up.

The dad hard at work, Sunday afternoon.

I went out and we chatted.  These folks are such good neighbors.  They help with snow, they help with grass, they are "dog people", having adopted Willow in the past couple of years.

Since Sunday, we've had clouds, rain and "below normal" temperatures.  We needed that moisture, and are grateful for it.

On the damp Monday morning, the dandilions have been decapitated.

Tuesday brought the usual personal trainer session.  I may or may not have let slip my reveries about getting in shape for another event at some point in the future.  The motivational struggle was mentioned:  "If I find myself self-sabotaging, maybe I don't want it as bad as all that."

May the Fourth be Wednesday?  Well at least, May the Fourth be with you!  Wednesday dawned gray and misty.  I have a guy coming to give me an estimate for backyard volunteer tree cleanup.  I want to know how much it will cost but also how much / what kind of work they do.  Can they also remove the fence parts?

Anybody wondering about that pesky insurance bill?

Here's how it turned out!  I did not find it in all my paper chasing.  But I did get the piles reduced and filed, and some "delayed decision" papers shredded.  Did you know if you defer a decision long enough, it dies on the vine?  I went through all my junk and trash folders on my e-mail.  I went ahead and scheduled the payment for when I paid it a year ago (I knew the amount, it's a static payment), and then, like magic... the bill came in the mail last Saturday!  I'm just going to blame the post office for it's changed delivery practices.

The great yard project of 2022

As planned, the guy came over to estimate clearing out the volunteer trees, long grass and weeds in the backyard.  He estimated phase I, and I booked it.  Yes, it's an arm and a leg, and will get worse before it gets better.

Phase 1 will be getting the volunteer trees out and the long grass and weeds cleared, and discovering the underpinnings, so we can develop a vision for the next steps.  Phase 2 will potentially involve a stump grinder (also take down the stump in front yard, from the tree I had taken down last year).  Phase 3 will be the repair/replacement of the fence.  

Wish me luck.  And expect progress photos, of course.  

I'm still piecing at the overgrowth, along the parts where I'm not hiring it done.  

Wednesday afternoon was our regular "sister walk" after the Ace got off work.  We swapped stories of our respective spectator experiences from Sunday, and how stiff we both were on Monday and how we're recovering.  We are grateful that we do these Wednesday walks, because if we didn't... who knows how much more fitness we might lose in our now "old-er" years.

That's about it from here.  Hoping y'all are having a good week.  If you're in drought territory, hope the clouds and mist from here is spreading your way, too.

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. Dandelions should be the national flower. No fields of dreams here...all the fields are yellow. (or overgrown with weeds)

    I have an acre of old pasture that looks exactly like that one. I've been trying since last fall to contract with come clear it for me. I thought I found success last fall with a farmer down the road, but the winter snow and ice took its toll. Now, with all the rain this spring, he's like the rest of us, totally behind.

    It's nice that you were able to get in a walk with your sister. Gotta' keep the spark goin'.

    May the Fourth be with you!

    1. And that's with only about two years of neglect. It was mowed/hacked down when I had the shed removed, and that was in 2020!

      I do feel fortunate in having found either the energy myself (Frau Hackenbusher) or the budget to hire at various times... but my yard NEVER looks up to the standards of the neighborhood!

  2. Hubby is going to have to mow my mother's lawn soon although we can use the excuse we saw on a news story about a town who leaves their lawn unmown for the month of May in order to give a good start to the butterflies and bees. I don't think we can do it for the whole month of May due to the neighbours but it is a good excuse for delaying it. Looking forward to seeing your phases.

    1. The dad who mowed on Sunday asked me if I'd got any comments / complaints from the neighbors about the dandilions and I said, "they've been too polite". But I know it must be in their minds. I listened to enough complaints about other yards over the years to know that for some people this is a grave sin!

      But we are in drought conditions, too, and starting new grass takes LOTS of water. Outdoor watering is one of the first things they try to cut down on to save the farmers' crops. That one ought to be good for this year... 😉

  3. Made me laugh on decapitating dandelions!
    Nice amount of brush you chopped out!

    1. At least he got most of them before they went to seed, but not all. There will be another set of yellow blossoms soon. Cool again on Friday. And I have the A/C check!

  4. How wonderful that the dad subbed for his sun doing the lawn care.

    Glad you’ve gotten needed moisture. We have as well.

    Good luck w/ your estimate for volunteer tree removal It’s a hard job.

    How lovely that you and Ace got to walk!

    Here’s to a happy cinco de mayo!


    1. Those walks are a godsend, for more reasons than just getting a little activity in. Here's to mental health and checking up on one another.

  5. I thought we had a lot of dandelions, but I love that you're feeding the bees. I wonder if that would go over with our HOA? Probably, not LOL.

  6. Ah, yes, those pesky self-sabotaging behaviors have stalled my weight loss goals.
    After speaking with the chiropractor and getting the ok, I am going to hire my previous Cycle instructor as a personal trainer; strictly upper body.
    I’ve gotta get back to scheduled meals, for starters. (Apologies for my ramblings, I’ve missed commenting!)
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Ramble all you want. Sometimes the rambles are what help us organize thoughts, eh?


Spring? Not just yet!

  Crocus?  Or daffodils?  Whatever, near to the foundation, the escaping warmth of the house and the warm weather of late is encouraging som...