Thursday, May 26, 2022

Give to Lincoln Day


It has become common around this state anyway, for individual towns to support "Give to" ____ day, where the local charities, especially the smaller ones that might not pull a lot of recognition can put there names in for matching funds from the community foundation.  Our town's was today.

My son's Father in Law to be recommended one of his favorites based on current events:  The Coalition of Nebraskans Against Gun Violence.  I figure if they meet the criteria for donations and matching funds, they are worth a spot in my matrix of charities this year.

I also donated to a few other personal favorites:  The Foundation for Public Schools, ALS of the Heartland, and the Nebraska Sports Council.  ALS because I lost a dear sister in law to that dread disease and that family support agency really helped during the life she had left following diagnosis.  Public Schools because!  All children deserve the best we can give them, not just those whose parents can pay tuition.  And the Nebraska Sports Council sponsors several initiatives for healthy lifestyles, including the Cornhusker State Games, which gave me the chance at a second chance at fitness, if you know what I mean.

Here I am the first time I ever "won" a gold medal, at the 5K Hot Dog Chase in the Cornhusker State Games, circa 2011.  I'm hanging out with Homer, the mascot of the Lincoln Salt Dogs (minor league baseball), and you can tell from the grin that I hadn't ever done this (medaled in a 5K) before.

What else is going on?  Well, I had the bug guys over to treat outside and inside the house.  Figured it was a good time, with the back yard clear out stirring them up.  They took down four wasp nests... and bit by bit, I'm working on setting pieces of scrap lumber to the curb for the trash guys.

The yard has been marked for the buried cables, power and internet.  Hard to see, but the little orange and red flags are marking those items.

Still waiting on the estimator for the stump grinding / leveling and have told these guys I'm mulling over the fence estimate.  One phase at a time.  

My sinuses paid for the bug work.  I had OK'd them to put down essential oils based stuff inside, bathrooms and laundry room.  I could smell it.  Next morning, sure enough, between the weather front and that... yuck!  Took allergy meds and a nap on Wednesday.  A bit better today, but I can feel those weather fronts coming and going.  Time for another allergy pill before bedtime.  36 hours out.

Hope my fellow Spark refugees are continuing to put one foot in front of the other and choosing LIFE, which is goodKeep on Sparking!  We can do this!🔥


  1. What a brilliant idea! A helping hand for the little guy's helping hand.
    Is that poison ivy vines behind the gorgeous blue flowers (Dutch iris?)?
    Allergies are so miserable. I hope you get some relief soon. Although the bug guys are a good idea. Deter them from finding a new home...yours.
    Feel better.

    1. No that is not poison ivy, but it is a plant (whose name I've forgot) that can cause nasty reaction when exposed to human skin. I have never had this reaction, mind you, but still handle it with care, gloves and long sleeves and pants when dealing.

  2. This year my allergies started up earlier than normal because it's so dry here. I hope you not suffering too much from it. I take a pill and fall asleep.

    We have something similar to your "Give to" day. That is wonderful what you do.

    1. Condolences on those allergies. Mine have been off and on this year, which is pretty normal for me, but I knew I was tempting fate when I let them spray inside.

  3. So sorry that you lost your mum to ALS... it's a truly tragic robber of function. The idea that your loved one is "still there" mentally, but just can't operate their body... awful to watch. Fortunately some of these organizations do a lot to augment during the decline. There's some amazing technology, like speech enabled by eye focus on a screen. But not every solution works for every sufferer. My SIL lost her sight, so that one was out for her. She lost the ability to speak, too, which was awful. For some time though, her muscle memory allowed her to write simple words and thus communicate.

    It is hard to choose charities to support. There are so many good causes out there! None of us can support them all. These were just the ones I chose "on the day"... others get selected throughout the year.

  4. Great charities, Barb. Thank sfor sharing.

    YIKES! 4 wasp nests. I have a healthy respect for bees and wasps.

    Glad the allergy med helped. Tis the season for sure.



    1. It was great to be able to pick up the soggy discarded wasp nests and pitch them in the garbage can. Now that the sinus had moved past the reaction to the odor, it feels wonderful to be able to step out on my deck, freely, without concern I might let a wasp into the house!

      Wishing you a pleasant remainder of the weekend!

  5. I can totally relate….I have allergies EVERY day and am extremely sensitive to odors…sinuses close right up! Love your gold medal pic…what a thrill, huh?! AND, I agree, it is always nice to support charities that you know truly contribute to the welfare of the clients they vow to serve! Keep Sparking! Eissa7

    1. Condolences on the allergies! As for the charities, I like to talk with people who have been served by them if I can, so that I know it is truly helping. Not always possible, but there are a couple in town that I got reviews from clients to help me feel confident about them. Spark on and may you have a peaceful Sunday!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...