Friday, May 13, 2022

My mom heart is singing


My phone rang last night during the news with my son's face popping up.  He wanted to let me know before it popped up on social media that he had asked his GF to marry him and she'd said "yes".  He indicated it might have been awkward had she said "no"... and I found out this morning why.

He said she was on the phone with her mom, and he had to fix supper and give the dog a bath, so it was a short phone call.

Her mom and I gushed at each other over messenger. We're both so thrilled.  The ring's gem is orange because that is DIL-to-be's favorite color.  He proposed on a date with 2's in it, because 2 is her favorite number.  Her mom confirmed these color and number preferences have been since she was very young.  I knew about orange as the color, I wasn't aware of the "2".  Learn something new all the time.

Anyway, this morning, DIL-to-be posted on FB the good news, and told the story of how surprised she was because at the dog park they first met at (in 2019)... he dropped to one knee and proposed.  She had no idea, he'd kept the jewelry choice and order a secret.  There is also a necklace that the ring fits into, if she wants to wear it differently.  I can see where that might have been one of those "horribly wrong" stories had she said no, but she's been so sweet and so committed and supportive of him all this time.

I'm proud of him... his dad could never keep this kind of a secret, but would drop HUGE hints and then insist the gift be given immediately!

Life's too short not to be happy!

They haven't announced a date yet, but have said it won't be until after he graduates with his MSW, which is planned for December.  

If I needed extra motivation to take care of me, isn't this a great one?

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. OH many congratulations! What a beautiful ring, and how wonderful she said YES! Wishing them (and you!) much happiness.

    This is the kind of news that keeps the heart and soul afloat in troubling times!


    1. Agreed! And I heard another "good news" item on my walk this morning... the couple across the street is expecting, which is why his parents are visiting. Baby due in about 10 days... mom heart continues to sing. This will be their second child.

      Proof that life goes on, regardless of the news cycles!

  2. What fun news!

    The Whispers - And the Beat Goes On (Official Music Video)

  3. The bride to be says she's still not over the shock. The groom to be was very happy at my happy reaction... proof in his eyes that he hadn't done "something rash". Heck with rash, this was a grand romantic plan.

  4. Oh, what happy news! One of those happy mom-heart events.

    1. Just when I was reconciling myself to the idea that these two (while clearly meant for each other) would never formalize their relationship, too. Both had been married before. Both were coming out of sad break-ups during the pandemic.

      Fairy tales have different plot lines in this generation, apparently.

  5. I think I had heard of such things, but this is the first time I'd seen one. Very artistic. The necklace can be worn as just the frame, it has a design of its own, if she wants to wear the ring as a ring.

  6. Dang that's sweet!
    I though she was a keeper!

    1. I've thought that for some time, but didn't want to spook them. They were clearly a couple, whether they chose to formalize it with legalisms or not, and I am over the moon happy that they are planning to do so. And just in time to introduce her to his father as "fiance", not just girlfriend!

  7. What wonderful news. Congrats to the happy couple.

  8. Congratulations! That is so wonderful.

  9. Congrats to the happy couple!! Isn’t it wonderful that you so enjoy the company of her, as well as her Mom?! Great news, Barb!! ❤️ Eissa7

    1. Yes it is wonderful.

      Not to say anything negatve about my former DIL, but she was estranged from her own mom and I never met ANY of her family. My son traveled to them with her, but I never met them at all.

      This experience is so totally different from the first. I am glad that both the ex-DIL and my son have survived the divorce and moved on to more fulfilling situations.


  10. Congratulations!!! When you marry someone, you also marry their entire family. What a blessing that you like DS's choice and her family.
    May this day be the beginning of a lifetime of beautiful days.

    1. This is so true, and most especially so if your love is close to the members of their family. It makes holidays so much more pleasant when you can share because everybody likes each other!

      Thank you for your good wishes!

  11. Hey Barb! I came here specifically to see what you are up to. What great news to see as the first post! Seems like you are well, I have not been keeping up with my blog. As others have said, it's not the same. Not as a complaint, just as the reality. I'm not on WordPress enough regularly to find it easy to use. Anyway, I'm glad to see what's up and stay well.

    1. Well I am glad you stopped over. I have noticed that quite a few folks blogged during the transition, and then kind of fell off. I'm not as frequent with the blogs as I was back then, either. But there are still a few who are putting up nearly daily blogs, like Lynda and Paula!

      I miss everybody! But that's the way these things happen. Life is good.. hope it is for you, too! 💖 Hugs!

  12. Congrats! 🥳
    I love the necklace idea!
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Thanks, Dee! The kids are well on their way to see his dad, should arrive there later today.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...