Monday, May 30, 2022

We were not the only family sharing a meal

At my son's house, there is a nest.  Mama bird was sitting on it, except for when she hopped off to get food, and came back to feed her chirping babies.  We enjoyed this as part of "dinner and a show" in their backyard.

I talked too much.  I always talk too much.  Especially when people encourage me with questions:  like, "Heidi is Jonathan's cousin, how did they get out to New York, when the rest of the family is here?"  

So that tale came out, all the way back to when my brother said to me, on the eve of my graduating University, while the mythical son was still in diapers:  "No one will hire you.  You're too old."  Long story.

Also trotted out were memories from both sides of the soon to be in-law collection about where we were when... our individual and family experiences during Viet Nam era.  Very appropriate to the day we are honoring those lost in wars.  Then dating back to prior generations in WWII, and the fact that a lot of those who served only talked in the presence of other veterans, and that's how the stories were constructed in the minds of those overhearing.

The spiedies turned out wonderfully.  The meat was properly seasoned, and my son has obviously done his homework in that regard.  The tricky part of spiedies done "out here" in the Western states is that we just don't have the same breads available.  It's an Italian roll that it should properly be served on.  DIL to be did a fine job of coming closer to the spirit of the sandwich than I ever did.  Still not quite the same, but excellent, nonetheless.

There was chatter about the big trip they came back from.  And a lot of laughter.

There were updates on the Wedding plans and what is influencing their decisions about venue and timing.  We have an anticipated date in April, 2023, based on when they think will be "good" in terms of potential outdoor ceremony and reception, and any "plan B" in case of rain or snow.  They are taking their time visiting the sites and looking at photographic backgrounds.  They have a friend who is to cater the reception:  hot dogs are on the menu, as that is the friend's specialty.  

There was a bit of speculation / planning to go to a minor league baseball game as a group sometime this Summer.  But we couldn't decide on a date / availability of seats, etc.  Yet.  Similar with when the next grill out will be, given that the son is doing a full Summer School schedule.

And of course the other biggie.  His MIL to be has to ask my son, "Where's your truck?  Or is that becoming a sore subject?"  My son preordered a hybrid truck for delivery last Autumn.  The kids are looking for a vehicle that will both be "greener" and be able to haul their kayaks.  But one might expect supply chain issues, right?  Son indicated that his most recent communique with the dealer is his truck was in Kansas City, and should be in town and available to him "no later than" today.  I shall believe it when I see it, and am not holding my breath.  I fully expect that when they finally take delivery on the truck, it will be driven around town so the interested parties might have a look!

Carl was a pistol when I first arrived... so excited at having company!  But he did calm down and behave himself, especially as he wanted his share of the spiedie fragments.


Monday afternoon, I got out the recorder to play Taps Across America.  At 3 p.m. I played taps (yes, I remember the fingering) on my deck, then moved to the front porch and repeated the tune.  Rest in peace, service men and women who gave all in support of your mission(s).  Let us honor you in our actions and our hearts.

Happy Memorial Day.  


  1. How can it be a family gathering if there are no multi-generational stories being shared? Family traditions carry on.

    All gave some. Some gave all. Today's special memories.

    1. Indeed. And as this family is about to become a merged one, thanks to the younger generation, it's good to build these bonds. But I doubt I'll ever stop the after-interaction dialog that dates from my childhood: "I talked too much. What must they think of me?" Silly, I know. Try to be balanced between talking and listening, and hope it's enough.

  2. A yard is a big one for several bird families in the front and back. We probably have four or five bird families and a rabbit family that has been here for years.

    1. Your yard sounds wonderful! I'm determined to start getting to know mine "all over again" with the work being done this Summer.

  3. I glad you had a fun, people-filled day! I'm going to try making those spiedies myself and I'll let you know how they turn out.
    Our weekend was a working one. I dug a new, huge, flower bed on Saturday and was exhausted. Then DD2 and SIL2 arrived, stayed overnight, took us to see Top Gun. Sunday we opened the pool and finished planting...foxglove, coral bells, columbine and hostas in a shady spot off my sunroom. I topped that off yesterday by obtaining and spreading mulch. Back to being OJ!

    1. Ooh, I'll bet it's stunning, the lovely outdoors! How did you like the movie? And I look forward to the "remote spiedies" report!

    2. The movie was quite action packed, mild on drama.

    3. LOL! That was a description, not a "liked" or "didn't like" opinion. Diplomatic Janet!

  4. Oh my goodness! Can’t believe your brother said that to you! Well, you proved that theory to be wrong!

    Glad that the spiedes turned out so well! Have to try making that sometime.

    Glad that the wedding plans are being taken slowly. Want to get it right!

    OMG, getting a car now is SUCH a hassle. HOPE that DS’s truck gets there sooner rather than later.

    Thanks for the picture shares. Looks like everyone had a good time.

    Hugs and happy Tuesday.


    1. LOL... my brother and I laughed over that for years after. I think his own insecurities about his own career chances were talking. After I proved him wrong, he finished his degree and followed me in taking a better job at a distance. Which is how the story ends with his daughter and my son being the nearest geographical cousins during their growing up years.

      I still have not heard about the truck, so I'm thinking they didn't deliver on Memorial Day.

  5. Sounds like a perfect way to spend Memorial Day-I’m sure your stories were welcomed! You have educated me-I wasn’t familiar with “spiedies.” Awesome that you played your recorder at 3…love the idea of taps across America to honor those who fought/died for our freedom! Eissa7

    1. This is the second time I've done that (played taps across America at the appointed time). I think it will stick!

  6. Sounds like a great gathering! A nephew here has had a hybrid truck on order since last August primarily to carry his paragliding equipment. I like the thought of the playing taps becoming a tradition. We enjoyed the National Memorial Day Concert 2022 which was followed by neighbors illegally shooting off lots of fireworks upseting the dogs. Some folks just don't get it that we are in a drought status and this activity is dangerous. Yesterday morning a 4-ft snake was relaxing on the fence we share with the backyard neighbors, unbeknownst to us until they texted and sent a photo after they 'handled it' -- mistakenly id'd as a Copperhead by them but turns out it was a Rat Snake. When someone tells me I can't do something I used to take that as a challenge with internally telling them 'just watch'.

    1. Precisely: "just watch". Or as the kids today say, "hold my beer". Glad you enjoyed the concert, hope the unwise (as well as illegal) fireworks did not cause even worse issues. I'm not a fan of snakes... have one of those primordial fear things going on. Intellectually I know better.

  7. I always think that I talk to much in gatherings. I tend to chatter when I am nervous and I get that way even with friends and family. No real reason just feel I have to fill any silence that happens.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one. My son pointed out to me about ten years back that "Mom, you talk a lot when you're nervous." Guess I do. But then after the fact, I give myself a hard time for having done so... "gee, I made myself look rude, dominating the conversation like that". Yes, folks, I'm one of those people who has turned into her mother.

  8. We’ve been struggling with my nephews’ pup. He’s got skin allergies, constantly scratching, bald patches… I keep telling them not to feed him “people food”. He’s on a prescription diet for the month so he can get tested to know for sure what he’s allergic to. Carl is lucky he can enjoy “people food”.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Oh, he can't have ALL people food, only those researched as "safe" for doggos. His daddy is pretty careful about that. When I used to keep him as a puppy, I was handed a list of what I could allow him to have and what I could not.

      Hope you figure things out for your nephews' pup! What breed/breeds are evident? What's his adoption story?

    2. I forget what mix he is; hound and wiener? hound and beagle?
      He’s a ‘foster failure’ is what I believe its called. My sister was to watch him for someone else to adopt him, but fell in love with him and ended up keeping him.

    3. Oh, those foster fails I think make for very strong human - animal bonding! Good for your sister. So is he long and low, and bark a lot (beagles tend to be)?

      Whatever he is, I'm sure he's a beloved family member by now!

    4. That describes him to the T! I love his long ears too!
      My sister will sometimes call him ‘my handsome boy’ which doesn't sit too well with my nephew 😆


Spring? Not just yet!

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