Monday, June 27, 2022

Monday miscellaneous

 Happy Monday, all!

I left off my Sunday blog before the afternoon activity, which was the trip up the road a bit to see The Rustlers of Red Rock, a Melodrama written by my brother in law, D. Chapelle.  He also played the part of Quiet Harry with his typical comedic timing.

In this photo, he is sitting down with the villian, Black Bart (who is pretending to be the ranch foreman), and being pumped to find the hero's "deep secret".  Those of you familiar with the melodrama format will recognize the themes.

Of course I had to get there.  The wind was strong out of the Northwest, and gusty.  The traffic on the interstate was pretty steady.  I'm a little old lady and I drive like one.  One who has not been out on the interstate since before the start of the pandemic.  No, no, I did not have any problems getting there, or gettin there in time, but I was driving slower than most of the cars, trucks, campers, etc. on the road and that can make a body a bit nervous.  I stayed in the far right lane, like a "good" little old lady.

About halfway there, my son's truck went whizzing by, carrying him, his fiancé, and her parents, which is about all that little truck will hold.  Carl is not welcome at the Mellers.  We managed to connect at the theater, collect our tickets, popcorn, etc., and find seats in the third row.  My sister (the playwrite's wife) and their daughter arrived a bit later and sat with others of their friends in the second row.

I was proud of my throwing arm... you see, besides tossing popcorn at the villian, one can toss US Currency, folded or crumpled up, as tips for the actors.  This adds to the fun, as they make great show of the competition to collect them as they land.  Of course the tips are split among the actors, because face it, we can't aim those dollars very well.

It is a wonderful family friendly outing, one I didn't realize quite how much I missed until going again, for the first time since the pandemic began!

One thing the photos reminded me of was that my hair is out of hand.  The selfie of our group shows off that the bangs are definitely over the glasses!

This morning, I got myself over to my local hair cutting place and corrected the situation.  I feel much tidier and lighter!

Poof!  In a week it will be the classic mid-Summer holiday, July 4th.  Our neighbors to the North will celebrate Canada Day on Friday, our local community fireworks display will be on Sunday night, the 3rd.  I'm plotting on paddling a kayak on the 1st, and there will be some form of family get-together with "the kids" over the weekend, possibly at a park / lake so Carl can swim?  TBD.

Here's hoping y'all have a loving and peaceful Holiday week, not getting overly upset over the news, choosing compassion and kindness toward those with whom we disagree, choosing positive action over anger.

Take care of you, so that you can contribute to the community and the world.  🔥✨💖


  1. THAT looks like a great time!
    Nice haircut.

    1. It always is a great time. We stayed after for the audience/cast Q & A. I don't need to ask questions, but am fascinated by what the audience, especially the little kids, ask. Somebody asked my BIL how long he'd been doing these (he's written 30 Melodramas)... would you believe 25 years?

      Onward! Happy Holiday week to you and yours!

  2. Oh, what a grand idea!! Throwing money at the actors. There must be good carpenters on the crew, as the stage looks very well done...from the photo anyway.

    A haircut makes one feel like a new person.

    It's sure hard to believe the 4th is next week. When I was still teaching, I dreaded the 4th. It meant summer was almost over and it was time to start getting prepped for the coming school year.

    No sense getting upset over a situation I can't control. I will do my part for retribution in the voting booth this fall. Maybe other like minded folks will make a statement and make a difference.

    1. speded2 (Jeanne) I've GOT to remember to sign my name. Brain fart!!

    2. Set quality: they have decades of experience, high quality volunteers. My niece used to go help with construction.

      Throwing money, a hoot. The actors stay in character as they retrieve the bills, place them in pockets (or down the bra), swipe them from the villian's pocket, or present them to the heroine.

      Good for you. I already voted in today's special election, and the news coming out did not change how I would have voted. I don't know how much which forces will affect the election, but I would not be surprised to see us vote in "deadlock". We've been doing this for many, many, many years.

  3. What a fun time that must have been. You know I love theater. There's nothing like a haircut to make you feel like a new person.

    It doesn't feel like much of a holiday here with everything that's going on. Hopefully, we'll see some fireworks from the house.

    1. It really is a fun time, and with family involved, I do try to get up to at least one show each Summer. The actors have so much fun, they tend to come back year after year. The villian has been "playing" in these for nine years. His side-kick evil lady, for eight.

      I'm hoping Carl doesn't suffer too much from the big fireworks show, right down the road from their house!

  4. Looks like a great show! Throwing money? Wow, have not had that here and I like the idea way more! Nice hair cut too! Have a great week.

    1. The first time I discovered the "tips" aspect of the show, which this troupe encourages, it only added to the fun!

      Have a wonderfu week, yourself!

  5. How awesome that your BIL wrote a melodrama and you went to see the production! How lovely that DS, fiancée and her parents went too. Poor Carl being excluded. That’s Alicia’s DH who write the play? Nice!

    Love the haircut. I am in the same position. Getting my hair cut tomorrow. Can’t wait. Just gets to a certain point and . . . . that’s it . . . . not manageable!

    Amen to choosing compassion and kindness w/everyone!


    1. Oh, BIL has written 30... they are published and get put on all over the country by various acting troupes. Carl would have been overexcited by such an outing. He needs to be better socialized before he can be a service dog on any level, even a "let's read to the kids" thing.

      Yes, it's the Ace's hubby. He is such a scream to have at a family gathering. Although mostly he sits back as a quiet observer and the lines from the family end up in his plays.

      Totally understand how the hair grows out until you can't stand it any more... then it's urgent! Hope you get a good cut and are happy with it.

  6. What a fun time!

    Willie Nelson's 4th of July Concert is at a venue 1 mile from our house this year -- in a fairly new soccer stadium. It will include other acts and end with fireworks which we hope to see from our driveway. No crowd exposure with Covid on the rise here.

    1. Depending on which way the wind is blowing and the stage is relative to your house, you could get a pretty decent concert right in your own driveway! That's how my older sister enjoys the 4th... she can see the Country Club's show from her driveway, and that's enough.

  7. Oh, that melodrama sounds like such a lot of fun!!! My daughter and I saw one based on local history in a Northern California town years ago. It was enjoyable; we hooted, hollared and clapped with the rest of the crowd. Those local things are such good fun.

    We'd gone up for a short trip to tour the Jelly Belly factory, let her visit with a friend from her middle and high-school days. This was during the height of her cancer journey (stage IV melanoma), so we went together as she could not really go alone.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...