Friday, August 18, 2023

It's Friday!


The Prisoner is not impressed with the Thank You card from the Surgical Hospital, but I was!  It was signed by all the "helpers"... from the gal who took me upstairs and checked me in, took my vitals, etc., to the anesthetic crew who gave me those "I'm not worried at all" drugs, to the gal who fed me a chocolate chip cookie afterwards.  They were all so kind, but I did not expect a physical thank you card!  I have to say this place had class and they did take "excellent care" of me, and I'm pretty sure of every other patient that crosses their threshold.  These attitudes are only present when supported by the leadership!

I slept without the eye guard Thursday night.  

Friday morning I filled 3 bins with volunteer weeds and trees, thus freeing the hose.

My morning's handiwork.  

Silly mulberry trees.  It doesn't take long for them to grow!

A year ago we were talking bare ground inside that fence... and trying to grow clover.  Oh, well, the "new" lawn service killed off the clover, and whatever weeds were not part of what they killed took over.

After my short "Frau Hackenbuscher" session, I have taken Friday easy.  I did go back in to Disney plus to watch another episode of The Mandalorian season 3.  Amusing bit of trivia:  my son set up the avatars for the various family members.  Who did he cast ME as?  Any guesses?  She Hulk!  I did not recognize the character, not being a modern day Marvel Universe fan, but here's one image I dug up online, doesn't quite match the Disney icon.  This one's prettier than the one he picked for me.

Rubia did another disappear for a day and a half, but she was back again this morning and is hiding in her cave under the couch for most of Friday.

So life is going on, and Life is Good.  Spark on!


  1. We love the Mandalorian! It is a great series. She-Hulk?!?! That is interesting. That is really nice with the card after the care. Have a great weekend.

    1. LOL... could take "She Hulk" two different ways, I guess. Mom was a "monster" or Mom is a Strong Woman! I'll take it as Strong Woman... choosing to think I'm in son's good graces. It was nice to have a longer than usual visit with him by himself... which of course, since he's an adult, is a special treat... he has a life, and responsibilities, after all!

      Have a wonderful weekend in your neck of the woods, too. Hope you're not getting the smoky air... we're under an air quality alert that started last night and goes until midnight tomorrow night. They are citing the fires in Canada... we are three states south of Canada!

  2. Well, that's wonderful that the hospital sent you such a nice card. You are right . . . that level of caring starts from the top and flows down. Nice to know that happens in this day and age!

    Huh. . . wonder why Rubia has the Wanderlust lately! Glad she came home, though!

    Here' s to a wonderful weekend.


    1. I worry more about Rubia these days as she just seems more "frail" to me. Could be many things... she could be hurting and holing up. She came out from under the couch to lick the tuna can when I made supper today. Then she hid back under there again.

      It's been kind of like a roller coaster with her lately. I also think having my human "watchers" here put her off. I had noticed improvement before, but if I don't see it showing again, I may be looking at (another) vet trip.

  3. "Thank You!" is so easy and so often forgotten. The kind of thank you that you received is rare indeed.

    Yard work is never ending. Mowing had just begun on Tuesday when my yard tractor threw a belt. Repair folks called, pick done, repairs were made, and they returned it yesterday. Going to brave the heat and tackle the grass today.

    "Mom is a Strong Woman" is an apt take on the avatar. You are a warrior!

    Poor kitty. Hiding in her cave...remedy for Kitty crisis?

    Enjoy the weekend. Stay cool as the heat dome settles into the center of our county. 🤗💞

    1. Appreciation to and for others needs to be expressed, and it's amazing to see their smiles spread when you do express it. That's one of the good things about real "meat space" interactions... the full body language reading, in real time, gives instant feedback, both good and bad... so you know right away if you stepped wrong with your words. Written communication doesn't do that, much as I love it.

      Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Taking my mask to the theater and hoping to get home before the worst of the heat today (Saturday)... prediction of the weatherman says 102*F.
      And air quality alert to boot.

  4. Strong. Yes, strong.

    I'm actually concerned about your kitty and I'm not a cat person. There's something sketchy she's gotten herself involved in. Hanging out with the wrong crowd outside? Has she been dabbling in becoming a stray cat and fighting that she should tuck her tail and go home? She's no teenager. About her frailty...
    It might be worth a trip to the vet (grab a litter box sample) to ensure she hasn't picked up a parasite or two that isn't covered with routine care.

    1. I'll accept your concern about my kitty, while my daughter-in-law accepts mine over her bird that has reduced his normal singing! Rubia is still holed up under the couch. And I am weighing advantages and disadvantages of rooting her out for a trip to the vet that may be able to help unravel what's happening. And of COURSE it's the weekend!

  5. That was so sweet of the hospital staff to send you a card. That's an A++ in my book of service and care. I'm so glad that you're doing better and healing up.

    I'm with the majority and Rubia has found something interesting outside of the house.

    Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. The balance between being a concerned pet-owner and a respectful one is a bit of a tightrope, isn't it?

      Hope your weekend finds you and your mom settling back in and restoring energy after all the guests have gone. ((( hugs )))


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...