Sunday, August 20, 2023

Going to the Movies


See that big empty space?  That's half of the building where I used to work (remember the Spark blogs about the "Caves of Steel"?)

In any case, they are taking both this building, and one across the street from where I used to park down and replacing them with something else.  This is how we do things in the wide open spaces of Nebraska.  Economically, it's easier to tear down and build new than it is to "preserve"... so, here we are.

What was I doing downtown?  I so rarely go there!  But today I had tickets for myself and kid sis Alicia to go see The Barbie Movie.  We wanted a morning showing, to avoid the heat of mid-day, and the only place in town with morning showings was the big Grand Theater downtown.

We left Dexter in a nice shady garage and walked around the block to the main theater entrance.  We found the seats and discovered that I had misread the online map, but we were early enough to go get them switched to the ones I originally intended to book (or close to it).  There was plenty of room, not crowded.  But I put my mask on anyway, since the news folks are saying we have Covid cases ticking up again.  

Sunday dawned gray, hazy, maybe a little high level smoke from Canada?  It was already quite warm for the early hour, and I decided it was a good day to walk in the park.  I took a chat break as a lovely younger woman was walking a German Shorthaired Pointer, and they are my favorite dog breed.  There was a slight breeze so it didn't see quite as beastly as it was to become later.

The rest of the day will be dedicated to calm and quiet.  I did entice Rubia out from under the sofa with a fresh bowl of water.  Timid gal, after a short social session she tucked right back into her hiding space.

The Prisoner, meanwhile, is doing his usual in, out, in, out... come in and eat or drink, go out and collapse into a cat-coma on the deck.  As soon as he hears the latch on the door, he's right there to have another inside respite.  And yes, there is water outside, too.

The eyes are becoming "normal" to my brain.  I can still tell the difference in brightness between the one with the new lens in it and the one with a cataract "not yet ripe" in it.  Alicia was watching me play with it at the movie on Saturday, taking the glasses off, putting them back on, etc.  I'm just like my older cat who goes out and in and out and in.  The post-op instructions say I can wear or not wear the glasses in this interim period before the prescription is changed... "whatever seems more comfortable".  I take them off when at the computer, mostly, and put them on to drive or walk the neighborhood.

Monday:  the regular eye doctor, and new prescription for glasses anticipated.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. No movie review? What was your opinion?

    It was 80* at six this morning. Watered the plants and filled the bird bath and that was the extent of out door chores. It's too hot outside to much of anything.

    Poor kitty! If she could only tell you about her adventure.

    Good luck tomorrow. 😎🤗💞

    1. The movie review I wrote in my head didn't make it into the blog? Yikes! It evaporated in multiple editing sessions. Seriously, I greatly enjoyed the opening sequence that was a tribute to 2001: A Space Odyssey. It got my juices flowing right off the bat.

      Now you have to understand that the Barbie doll was introduced to the world when I was 8 years old... and... and she STOLE my name! My feelings about the Barbie doll are complicated. After she joined the toy world, people started calling ME "Barbie" and I was NOT a fashionista so I resented it. When as an adult people tried it, I explained to them that only five people on the planet were allowed to call me by that name. At this point, three of them have passed on.

      Back to the movie? Definitely not a kiddie movie, it's a social commentary on the roles of men and women and how intentions and ideals can backfire sometimes. In the end all is well, of course. I like happy endings. And I liked the nuances and the references and nods to other works.

      You might enjoy it, too.

      Kitty is starting to gently come out of her funk, but still protecting herself in her under-couch cave.

      Thanks for the luck wished for tomorrow! And may you have a good Monday, too.

  2. Might sound silly but if you have another pair of glasses with the same 'script, try taking the lens out on the newly upgraded eye side.
    I was considering masking again, too. I figure I'm covid safe through October since I had it in May, but thinking about all the other bugs around. We are going on a 3 week road trip in September and the last thing I need is a cancellation!

    1. I have exactly ONE pair of glasses. And since it's only got distance correction in the intraocular lens and it doesn't bother me when I wear the glasses, I'm considering it "fine for now". But you know me... I like to play!

      You are so right... Covid isn't as worrysome, but I don't recommend picking up RSV or the flu! You want to protect that road trip.

  3. I'm glad that you're doing better and healing up. Good luck with the check up.

    My sister wanted to go see it together, but I just had no desire to see it. I loved playing with Barbie's as a kid, but not the movie. I understand hating being called "Barbie". Paula Abdul was the big thing when I was in high school and so many people called me that and I hated it.

    Hopefully Rubia will come out of her hiding place. Poor thing must have been through something when she was gone.

    Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Most of us as kids wanted our names to be "uniquely ours". So yes, I can understand being put out at popular stars who don't fit your personality but share your name. (And I still run into people who cannot spell "Barbara" properly, because of Streisand's leaving out the middle A in her version of it.)

      I think Rubia is nursing an injury, and maybe having some degenerative issues with her back end. This actually began a while back, before her going missing the first time. She was missing her leaps onto the counter. I'm wondering if she missed a leap in the wild and wooly outside and made it worse. So I will pamper her and keep her safely inside for a while.

  4. Could very well be from Canada, poor British Columbia is in a state of emergency with most of the province burning. The fires are completely out of control and many have lost their homes. Most provinces have wild fires going in the northern sections. It is truly a bad year for fires all around the world. :(

    1. Canada is in my prayers, too. My heart aches seeing the footage of forest burning, every time. The aerial shots from both Canada and from Hawaii last week... like you said, a bad year for fires world-wide.

      Stay safe up there!

  5. Oh my! That will change the landscape there with rebuilding those buildings.

    Good job putting on the mask. Yes, Covid is still among us. *SIGH**

    Sounds like Rubia and Prisoner are doing all right in the heat.

    Glad that your brain is adjusting to the changes w/your surgery. It takes a little while.

    I am chuckling. Yup . . . after Barbie doll was introduced, *I* was called Barbie, too. Wasn’t fond of it, either. Definitely more of a tom boy. But survived it. LOL


    1. "Survived it". Yep! We all did. And we managed to change Barbie in the process. She became a professional woman. Little girls' dreams got bigger.

      The mask: it's not just for Covid any more! ** Sigh **

      Yes, I do try to convince The Prisoner to come in more when it's so nasty hot out. We're facing the hottest week in this town since I was a kid... I mean, seriously, I was about 10 years old when the temperature here topped 110*F. But we were up in Colorado on a camping trip, learning "up close and personal" about flash floods in the mountains.

      So, praying for California and Nevada with Hillary's rain showing up.

      Have a great week.

  6. Hi Barb…just wondering if you enjoyed the Barbie movie? I haven’t seen it but there certainly is mega promotion around it! So glad that you see such a difference with the surgery eye; hopefully, your eye doc appt. yesterday will provide glasses that brings both eyes up to par.

    1. Yes, I did enjoy it. Having lived through the whole time of the introduction of the doll and having seen later generations having a different "Barbie" experience than I did... and then the nostalgia of the actual Mattel dolls in their original form at the closing credits. I had forgotten some of them! I remembered a Midge who was NOT her "pregnant friend", for example. Growing up Skipper? Remember her?

      But on a thematic note, it's not a kiddie movie, it's a social commentary on roles for men and women, and how it's different in the "doll" versus the "real" world. And the whole topic of "good intentions" and unintended consequences... gives one food for thought.

      No prescription came out of yesterday's appointment: it was mainly a health check. Prescription change will be a few weeks down the road. He says my vision may fluctuate as the eye heals and they don't prescribe new lenses until three to four weeks following surgery. Fortunately, my current glasses work fine in the meantime. And I can take them off and put them on as suits.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...