Monday, August 28, 2023

Two cats and interactions


The Prisoner, on one of his trips inside Saturday morning, went over and sniffed at Rubia, who was lying prone.  Rubia did not even hiss at him.

Prisoner backed out from that section of the living room floor, and retreated to "his" chair.  I was sitting in it at the time and he came and looked up at me, as if to ask what was going on.

Then he climbed up and took over the chair.

I had decided to wear the eye guard overnight Friday as I've been getting a bit paranoid about the possibility of rubbing the operated on eye in the night.  Friday was one of those "vision was a bit wonky" days.  It's as though my brain decided it didn't WANT to see and was fuzzing things up.

So I taped on the eye guard and went to bed.  When I got up Saturday morning, I was all stuffy and drippy and a bit headachy... so I ticked through the "what did I eat and drink on Friday" list and determined before taking any drugs I should hydrate and have my first mug of coffee.  Naturally, things got better with the headache thing, and the nose proceeded to drain, too.  See?  Weather front comes through... the body reacts this way.

With all the busy-ness coming up in the next fortnight, and the body doing its thing, I decided that Saturday needed to be a quiet day.  I fired up Disney+ and began watching "The Book of Boba Fett", a series I had missed because I had not been subscribed when it came out.  

My son discovered the world of Star Wars beyond the first three movies before I did, in books.  He read many of the novels that were carefully controlled by George Lucas, so as to maintain consistency of the story line.  Boba Fett was once of my son's favorite characters.

Sunday passed quietly, too, with Rubia remaining in her under-couch den all day long.  Monday morning, she came out, enticed by the offer of fresh water.

Fresh water?  Yes, please.  But she only drank a little bit.  

Then she asked to go out on the deck.  The Prisoner kept a watchful eye while she hunkered down.

She was offered more water out on the deck, and again, just took a little.

Canned food was offered, but she only took a bite or two before leaving the rest behind.

I left her out on the deck while I puttered around the house doing minor things (unload the dishwasher, load in a few newly used items, check the litter box, etc.) and next check, she was gone from the deck.  I checked under the deck (which would be a good hiding place/den) but not there, either.  Who knows where in the overgrown yard she might be?  I'm probably in for another stretch of asking her "brother" where she is.


But Life is Good, even in its cycles.  Spark on!


  1. So sorry that you are feeling poorly. It's ragweed season...for me, it's allergy meds and a mask when I go outside for an extended amount of time.
    Star Wars fan hereπŸ‘‹πŸΌ While anticipating the drop of Asoka, I've watched Mandalorian, Bobba Fett, and now I'm finishing up Star Wars Rebels. George Lucas has tied it all together nicely.
    Poor kitty. She does not look well.
    Enjoy the cooler weather. πŸ€—πŸ’ž

    1. I got outside for a bit today (Monday) to continue working on the vegetation (Sleeping Beauty's forest) that tends to take over my yard. The sunflowers are the pretty part of this... there are also things that the monarch butterflies like (milkweed), and things that the finches like (thistles)... and things that are just plain weeds, as well as "volunteer" self-seeded mulberry and maple trees (some scrub cedars, too).

      I'm not a big fan of chemical lawns, so the weeds just have to be appreciated and "managed" best as can do.

      Meanwhile, the neighbors across the street to the west just had a tree removed last week, and over the weekend put in three baby trees in its place, throughout their yard. As I watch this young family, I see their youngest starting to walk, their older boy is now biking on his own... and the parents are planting trees. Reminds me a lot of my own childhood family (although we had a few more kids).

      As for the little kitty, no, she does not look well. I take heart in small signs of improvement, then have my heart sink when she seems to fail again.

  2. Oh Barb, so sorry you're going through this again w/Rubia. Poor little baby! Hope she comes back to safety soon!


    1. Thanks. This is one of those times when I don't know quite what outcome to pray for, so settle into "Thy will be done".

  3. I wonder if she knows she's failing and keeps hiding? She comes to see you for comfort but does was some animals do...hide. The pictures you post show a cat that look like she's in a skin too big. She does not have that robust healthy look of old. I'm sorry, it's an observation.


    1. Your observation matches my own. "Hiding from pain" is a common animal behavior, and seeing it in Diamond (years ago) told me it was time to let her go. Rubia disappeared from the deck Monday in the morning, and has yet to reappear (Tuesday morning as I type).

  4. My friend put his 16 year old 🐢 down on Monday, she was so fraile… sad they don’t live forever πŸ˜”

    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. She's still not back. I'm walling off my emotions about it, as this yo-yo cat has come back many times, but looking at her physical condition within the week before she wandered off? I'm not too hopeful.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...