Thursday, September 12, 2024

A People Post! A SPARKPeople post!


I had traveled East many moons ago and a Spark friend that many of you may know from those days drove up to Boston from her home just to meet in person.  Oh, what times we had on those trips (two of them).

Well, she's on the road again, and this time, she's trying to fill in the blank spaces on her US map, and my kid sis Alicia and I happen to live in one of those blank spaces.  So, here we are, the three Spark refugees, having an old-fashioned Spark meet!

Left to right, that's ALICIA363, ONEKIDSMOM, and OVERWORKEDJANET, from the old screen names days!  We had a lovely luncheon before Janet had to get back on the road.

A Boston marathon weekend memory photo just for grins and giggles.  This was the 2019 version.  Left to right, that is MOBYCARP, ONEKIDSMOM, and OVERWORKEDJANET.

Another fun shot from the Boston adventure, when the girls went out playing... we found a set of teeter-totters that made tonal music.  I was on the other end of this particular see-saw!  This was the 2018 version, also known as "the year of the monsoon"!

Oh, look!  Here's one from the 2016 Spark meet... Janet and I are in the front, the other two are Lauren and Janis, in the back.  Now here's one of the kickers... I don't remember Lauren or Janis's spark names, but I'm still facebook friends with both of them.

It is amazing to me how many life-long friendships were "sparked" by that website, and I know I'm not the only one who misses that venue.  But somehow, in little knots of friends, many of us have stayed connected on other online platforms.

A very satisfying day, I would say, and it is my hope that Janet's traveling party continued their journey with as many good feelings as they left Alicia and me with!

Life is Good.  Spark on!


  1. I miss the old Spark days. I'm glad so many still keep in touch. It was a wonderful place that we all had.

    Have an amazing day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. It was! Putting this together got me to reach out to another Spark friend who is not in the photos but was there in Boston for all of Kevin's Marathon trips, and that in turn prompted some sharing of memories, which sparked another Spark/FB friend to comment, etc. There is a rich tapestry out there of so many of us.

  2. Oh how wonderful that OJ visited you and Alicia Yes, here’s to 3SparkRefugees!

    I absolutely love the photo of Kevin, you and OJ. Precious memories.

    Treasured memories!

    Here’s to a fabulous FriYaY!

    Hugs and grins

    1. Treasured memories, indeed. Have a lucky Friday the 13th in your neighborhood!

  3. I love this! So glad you’ve stayed in touch!

  4. Rofl, we live in one of those blank spaces. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. We do! "The potty stop of the nation". Even if Iowa does have the nicest rest areas.

  5. It's mind blowing to realize how many lives were touched by Spark. It was a special place and time. I'm truly grateful for those threads in my life that continue on into the future. 💖💖

    1. It truly is. You and I are just a couple of them! One of the great tragedies of its demise was that in the "new" replacement site, non-US folks were not admitted. And there were no personal member blogs, and blogging is my favorite way to work through stuff.

      Life rafts to the rescue.

  6. PHOENIX1949

    That Spark flame has not burned out!

    1. It has not! We are still fanning that little tiny spark that Chris Downie like to say grew into a mighty flame. There was a LOT of power in that social site! I got pulled to SparkPeople by a fellow blogger over on LiveJournal, and never looked back.

  7. As the saying goes, “You don’t know what you have ‘til it’s gone…”. Spark was really a special gathering place and I often wonder how people who I followed daily are doing…I add my name to the many who miss that community!
    Wonderful that you got together with OJ…loved all the pics!
    Eissa7 (Karen)

    1. All too true. But as the line from the old movie goes, "We'll always have Paris..." We have the memories, and we have the handful of friends that managed to make it over the barriers to other platforms.

      Cue the music "that once there was a spot, called Camelot"...

      Spark on, Karen, my friend!

  8. Yes I do miss those Spark days. It was so much more than a healthy journey, it was the mass of friends and groups that touched ones heart each and every day we checked in.

    1. Amen. And it was all consolidated in one place. Now we are scattered to the winds, and it's harder to keep up!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...