Sunday, September 29, 2024

Two dog weekend

It has begun.  Carl arrived about 5:30 p.m. on Friday.  Ember was in her crate, but I let her out as soon as the human contingent cleared the house.  Off they went.

I never did get her back in the crate.  I ended up napping on the couch overnight.  I let the two dogs work things out.  I turned off the lights when it got dark outside, put on old Star Trek episodes on the TV, and stretched out.  

In the dark it was hard to tell which dog was checking up on me.  But their collars have different textures so all I had to do was touch a collar and I knew which dog was which.  At some points in the night I was sitting up on the couch with one dog on each side petting them both.  The final puppy pile was me on the couch with my legs in an L, Carl behind my legs, and Ember on the floor beside the couch.

At 4:15 a.m. I extracted myself from the pile to go upstairs and shower and do my morning meds.  Ember was fine with this.  Carl positioned himself at the gate and proceeded to voice his dismay.

They were out playing in the yard before the sun rose.

They ate each other's food.  Breakfast was served about 5 a.m.

Whatever toy Carl would choose became the one that Ember wanted.

Puppy nap.

Big boy nap.

That's me, the lap under the puppy pile.  You can really see Ember's status as a Charcoal Lab next to half-Doberman Carl.

This tuckered out state lasted until I fed them supper about 4 p.m.  Then their energy was back.  I predict another rocky night. 

Sunday morning 

Pre-sunrise tug game in the family room.

I even got to sleep about 3 hours in my own bed Saturday night.  When I emerged, there were two dogs awaiting my descent.

Dawn fetch in the back yard.

They once again traded their meals, like a couple of junior high kids.  There are side effects to dietary changes in dogs.  Those of you who have dogs know what I'm talking about.  Those of you who don't, well let's just say that poo patrol becomes a soupier job.

More tug with the toys.

Carl reports for squirrel patrol.

Ember guards the entrance to the house.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. The solution to all the Ember chewing and destruction….a 4-legged buddy!! Seems like all the furry companionship suited both Carl and Ember….and you :) Now….Just where has the cat escaped to??
    Eissa7 Karen

    1. Oh, yes... The Prisoner was kind of "trapped" in his luxury suit (the laundry room) which has a door that closes. He got fed, watered, and his litter box cleaned whenever the dogs were sufficiently distracted. Sunday morning he even got his monthly flea / heartworm treatment, and released out the front door, carefully wrapped in a towel to protect Mommy's arms.

  2. PHOENIX1949

    Wow, you are a much braver person than me! I've always been afraid of large dogs (can't remember anything that contributed to this but it was reinforced by a Border Collie that attacked KC & me a few years ago) so if I saw the two of them together I would back out of the area slowly.

    Both are good-looking pets who have loving humans. All three of you will be looking forward to a good rest after this visit.

    1. Carl's back with his paw-rents now, and Ember got talked into going into the crate so that I could go grocery shopping. Both are exhausted, so I'm letting her nap, and I will lay down for half an hour myself.

      Funny about the fear of large dogs, Susan... it's small dogs that scare the bejesus out of me. With their sharp teeth and being so close to the floor and quick. Bigger dogs usually have a more laid-back personality. I say usually, because any dog is shaped by their environment and humans in their environment. But it was a Chihuahua that terrorized me as a teen.

  3. Ember and Carl look like they are enjoying each others’ company!

    Ah, a 2 dog sleep last evening! LOL Not too restful, but kinda sweet.

    Sibling rivalry! Not limited to human siblings! Always have to have what the other has! LOL

    LOL! UMmmmmmm . . . yes . . . well acquainted with the food change poo patrol. Not fun! LOL

    Well, seems like you are surviving the 2-dog weekend.


    1. We made it! The traveling troupe got home before 1 p.m. Sunday, and we sorted out the animals. Time for a little nap for me, not a long one as I need to re-establish the "normal" Ember routine so we don't think all bets are off since the Carl visit!

  4. It sounds like the first few days with Carl have been quite an adventure! It's heartwarming to hear how Ember and Carl have already formed a bond, despite the initial adjustment period. The puppy pile and the late-night cuddles are adorable.

    I can relate to the challenges of introducing a new dog to the household, especially the sleepless nights and the dietary adjustments. It's great that you've already managed to get some sleep in your own bed.

    I'm curious to know how the next few days unfold and if Carl and Ember continue to adjust and bond.

    Have a fantastic day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Carl is already back home with his own people. It was just a 2-day trip this time. It was exhausting, but heart-warming, and the current challenge is re-establishing the order of the house with just Ember and me. Whew!

  5. Kinda like when our grandsons came for a visit. Routines kinda fly out the window. The two look very content on your lap. Seems it was a successful visit really.

    1. All things considered, it was a successful visit, but I am seriously thinking about the 10-day family Wedding trip they are plotting for November 1st. Lots of variables are being bounced around, including my own upcoming cataract surgery, and "the kids" potential for getting a longer term foster placement for the little guy they have had with them twice so far.

  6. Replies
    1. Indeed it was a hoot! I am still recovering. I asked my son yesterday how he and his family had recovered. He said Carl was still low energy on Monday, and he (Son) was not yet recovered.


Over-extended and too tired to blog?

  That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.  Normally this phase hits me in about July.  It came late this year.  Just one or two to...