Thursday, September 19, 2024

Manipulating the environment

Did I mention that trying to "manipulate the environment" so that Ember doesn't rehearse undesirable behaviors has caused me to try to be better at cleaning up around the kitchen?

In the time of the diarrhea nights, I discovered the ants having a party over by the toaster, where I had left a knife that I had used to spread peanut butter on Ember's bedtime treat.

Yikes!  Out came the RAID.  And then of course the Clorox wipes.  Poisons, I know... maybe that will keep Ember from being attracted, too, but my concern for her not going after those counters knowing that I've dosed them with ant-killer also rises.

Between that, and her ability to reach farther, her persistent in going after environmental reinforcement and... the ants... yep, putting more stuff away, tossing more stuff out, and wiping down with disinfectant wipes more frequently.

The ants stayed away for a day or so, then showed up on the counter the other side of the stove, and it got a similar treatment.  The spice jars, salt and pepper shakers, etc. all got moved into cupboards.  The mini step-on can replaced a plastic cup that had been used as my "coffee bar" disposal for sweetener packet wrappers, etc.

A couple of unused tubs of coffee got straight out pitched (been five years since I used the coffee in those tubs).  The three bags I still sometimes use went into a cupboard.  Even the replacement TV remote now lives alternatively in a drawer or a cupboard, depending on where I'm putzing in the house.

I have never been a good housekeeper.  But for the safety of a puppy... I'm trying harder!

And I have put a third X-Pen on order to protect the A/C and its pipes and wires!

The appliance repair guy called and asked if he could come early.  He had a cancellation.  I said "sure" and scrambled to contain Ember.  He diagnosed the issue as a crack/break in the bottom spray arm.  Part still available but they have to ship it from a non-local warehouse.

As soon as they get the part in, he can fit me in for the fix which should not take long.  Total cost is estimated at about a quarter of what a new machine would be.  I approved the fix, he went on his way, and Ember got her leash walk.  

I shall be washing dishes by hand until the repair is made. It is a significant leak.

Speaking of leaks, Nate, the irrigation guy from Woody's, made it over to check the puddle from yesterday's post.  Sure enough, it's the main line.  Ember likely broke a seal with her adventures on Wednesday.  It could be it had been leaking the entire time, and her attentions merely surfaced the problem.  If true, that would help to explain my last gargantuan water bill.

He will put me on the schedule for early next week to carve up enough of the patio to find the leak.

Never rains but it pours, eh, fellow homeowners?

When Ember went down for puppy nap #2, I went out to do the grocery shopping and got my flu shot while I was at it.  Two weeks down the road, I'll try to get Prevnar 20 on board, and two weeks beyond that, the most recent Covid version.

She's still obsessed with both of the no-no's outside the house.  Must warn the kids before they take her on Sunday.  Carl got in trouble at a similar puppy stage for chewing up the internet cable at his house.

After her supper and I got Ember tucked in, I went out and again addressed the long cable.


Today, I removed the loopy long cable TV cable.  Or rather, I moved it.  It was too attractive a nuisance for the dog.  

It no longer stretches essentially the length of the house but is temporarily tucked into the window of the "playhouse".  I need to get some longer staples for the staple gun to secure it on its pathway.

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!


  1. Oh those ants will find any reason to party! *SIGH* They do place a new emphasis on keeping things away.

    Glad that the appliance repair will be less than you anticipated. PHEW. SOME good news, eh!

    Well, glad that the irrigation water problem was diagnosed, also. Sheesh.

    YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN! It never just rains, it pours! Waiting for the Miss Lillys medical adventure bills to hit the fan on the credit card. Gulp!

    Good for you getting your updated vaccinations. Getting the flu and Covid boosters on Sunday. Ummmm, I am pretty sure it is likely to be a quiet Sunday!

    Well, hopefully Ember will behave w/DS and DIL. Sometimes, like w/kids, they behave better for someone else.

    Hope it’s a good day in Emberville.


    1. Partially diagnosed for the leak. Sheesh indeed! So the sprinklers are turned off until they get it fully found/fixed.

      I'm sure Ember will do better with DS and DIL than she does with me. They very much are like kids: on best behavior when with someone other than mom or dad!

      Hope it's a good day away from Emberville, too!

  2. Enjoy the puppy swap. Have a great weekend!🐕🐩

    1. Kind of looking forward to some quality time with Carl. It's going to be a rainy day, according to the forecast... hope we have at least a little dry for that park visit!

  3. Ants have likewise invaded our home during our prolonged dry “end of summer” - fortunately this week some long-awaited light rain showers have rolled by. Hope this gives ‘em somewhere else to scavenge!

    1. Got my fingers crossed, it's been several days since they showed their crawly little selves!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...