Friday, September 27, 2024

I did say I have a digger on my hands


Ember's latest efforts, from Thursday morning.  She had started on this hole Tuesday or Wednesday, maybe even before that.  But as of Thursday morning, she had it deep enough that I'm thinking of calling the foundation people that put in those posts (that hold the balcony and playhouse above level).  They could come out and check it, perhaps tamp it down somewhat?

I filled some of the loose dirt Ember had dug up back into the hole, but I'm sure she'll just take it right back out again, and it's certainly not a strong support for anything, being "loose dirt and sand".

The cooler weather has gifted me a very alert puppy.  Her eyes were shining as we played ball chase in the back yard.  She now gets all excited over my saying "hike", "hike" when I'm about to toss the football for her.

This is a Holee Roller kind of football, easy for her to grip, and of the balls to toss it's among her top 2 favorites.  The one it competes with is the round one that I braided the shoelace "handle" into.

My human brain got taxed Friday afternoon as I got a call from Tech Support about the issue I had reported with the driver updater extension I had accepted from Norton.  My old laptop essentially stopped working when I tried to let this thing run.

Between language barriers and the state of the machine, the issue was not resolved, and I was left with instructions I have been unable to complete.  I told them not to call back until Monday.

The appointment with the eye surgeon resulted in a "Catch-22" diagnosis.  I can have the surgery or not... my choice.  In other words, I can still read through the left eye's cataract.  But knowing how rapidly the right side deteriorated once it got to this point, I went ahead and scheduled the surgery for late October.  Meanwhile, I need to get my driver's license renewed, so I made the appointment to do that before the surgery, in fact, next Tuesday.

The part for the dishwasher arrived, and the technician from the appliance repair place is due to arrive between noon and 2 p.m. today (Friday).

I'm expecting Carl after suppertime this evening.  Pray for me and my two-dog weekend!

Life is good!  Keep on Sparking!


  1. Oh wow, that is a lot going on and a two-dog weekend. Well, at least you can't say you are bored - LOL Hope everything goes smooth. Have a great weekend!

  2. It's probably best that the posts be reinforced with concrete. There's a mix called Quikrete that comes in a tub and it hardens in 10-15 minutes. It's available on Amazon. I'm sure you or your son could handle this. It would definitely save you money. Good luck.

  3. OH my gosh. Ember sure has her agenda!

    My cataracts both went fast once diagnosed, too. Good call to get the license renewed first.

    Glad that the tech will be there for the dishwasher fix. If it’s not one thing it’s 10 others!

    Here’s prayers for your 2 dog weekend. Maybe Carl will be a calming influence on Ember.

    Hugs and blessings


  4. Ember's excavation is becoming quite impressive. It might be wise to consult with the foundation experts for guidance.Ember is a natural-born athlete, and she's particularly fond of fetch. The command "hike, hike" sends her into a frenzy of anticipation.

    I'm sorry to hear about the technical difficulties. Hopefully, they'll be resolved by Monday. You're making a sensible decision regarding the surgery. Good luck with the driver's license renewal!

    Have a marvelous weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  5. Oscar was worse than a squirrel! He had a habit of grasping a mouthfull of grass and pulling it out by the roots before trying to dig to China.

    Enjoy your two-dog days! I've got DH, 3 grandkids and a dog until Monday night. I'm tired already and I'm still in PJs.


I did say I have a digger on my hands

  Ember's latest efforts, from Thursday morning.  She had started on this hole Tuesday or Wednesday, maybe even before that.  But as of ...