Sunday, September 8, 2024

Just the two of us... a photo Saturday


Early Saturday morning, gnawing on a formerly rejected chew stick.
Saturday afternoon sunning on the deck.  It was a very pleasant day!  Cool in the morning, and warmish in the afternoon.  I think the high was 76℉, which is a degree lower than what I set my Summer thermostat at.

Ember rolled on her back, showing off her healing hives on her belly!  They really are improving, which is a good thing, since the last pill was for Sunday morning.  The mousse still has plenty in it, and the instructions were to rub it on her affected areas once a day for a week, then "as needed" after that.

Sometimes the toys that are the most fun are the ones that we steal from mom's bag-holder.  Empty poo bags!  But I noticed that in the "tuggers" module of my online dog-training class, an empty poo bag is one of the warm-up toys that one of the students actually used!
This tug toy is one she shakes and plays the "smack da baby" game solo, all by herself!

If this chair is good enough for Mom, it's good enough for Ember!  She looked so stinkin' cute, I had to take her picture!

Sunday report

Things got a bit exciting this morning.  Mornings, pre-sunrise are always a "surprise package".  This morning's surprise was Ember deciding to push her big crate around and gnaw on it, inside the XPen.  She likes big toys, and she chews on anything she finds in her environment.

I got her outside by calling her recall word, and giving her the recall treats.  

We did have one little bite episode after we had played a game of IYC, and I used the sliding glass door to separate us.  I'm concerned that we may have a case of separation anxiety being built.  She seems content to lay at my feet while I eat my breakfast.  Once she's worn out, the luring into the crate for her puppy nap can happen.

It was a quiet day in Emberville, all in all.  She was well fed, got playtime in the backyard, some crate training lessons, some reward zone practice, right in the backyard, too.  And a little bit of hot zone practice, too.  But mostly, we just chilled.  Oh, and she chased a squirrel for the first time!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Her coat is so shiny, she's beautiful, and is growing like a weed. My favorite photo from this grouping is her taking over the chair. Priceless. Sounds like both of you had a good day.

    1. It was a good weekend, with the furry little love!

  2. Who knew a little tornado could pack such a punch? Ember's got more energy than a Duracell bunny, pushing that crate around like it's nothing.

    I'm glad you managed to coax her back with her recall word and treats. It's a relief when they listen! And I totally get your worry about separation anxiety. Puppies can be clingy, but with patience and training, it'll get better.

    Have a marvelous day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Puppy energy does seem to be endless, until they crash! Seems like this expending of pent up energy just has to happen every morning. By the end of the day, mellow sets in.

      I have reserved my use of her name to her recall, only. I try not to say "Ember" unless I really mean, "Come to mom right now!" And say it while posing to or actually running away from her. She loves to chase, so she comes promptly, and gets a very high value treat for it.

      Have a great today, and a wonderful week to follow!

  3. That photo of Ember in the sun really highlights her beautiful glossy coat! Yes! That photo of Ember in the chair IS definitely stinkin’ cute and then some!

    Ohhhhh, that’s something that Miss Lilly loves . . . chase the squirrel. She never realizes the score is always going to be squirrel: 1, Miss Lilly; zero. Same with birds. LOL

    Here’s to a good day in Emberville.


    1. I shared the video of the squirrel chase with the family and DIL told me it made her a little jealous because their dog (Carl) barks like crazy at the squirrels, and Ember didn't even issue a single "arf" at this one. She's a silent chaser!

  4. PHOENIX1949

    Both of our side neighbors have many pecan trees in their yards with a large following of squirrels that like to bury their pecan hauls in our yard. When KC first joined our household, he just stared at them walk around our yard right next to him. At some point, a cheeky squirrel started taunting KC from our back fence and the race was on! They provide extra exercise for him and amusement for me. In hot weather they have been known to chew up the drip irrigation lines that are above ground around our two elm trees.

    Love Ember's lawn chair pic!

    1. She looks like she's about to charge out of that chair to chase something! Yes, there is a great deal of amusement in watching the chase, so long as "nobody got hurt".

  5. ALICIA363
    Aww, growing into the dear companion she will be. Puppy energy is something else!

    1. Indeed it is! Every morning is a surprise package of what will be the obsession of the day!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...