Saturday, November 27, 2021

Too nice not to walk in nature


Can you believe it's almost December?  A few of the days are getting chillier, and the light is definitely on the wane, but the temperatures compared to averages?  We've been spoiled this year!

My friend Gerri rescued me from sitting on my you-know-what this afternoon.  She invited me to come tramp around a nature preserve.  It was 64℉ so "no excuses"!

I did not catch a photo of the white tailed deer that darted across the field from one tree line to the next, but we got a good view of first the adult deer, then the adolescent, bounding through the long grass across where we had recently walked.

The sun was bright, the sky a blazing blue.  There was a definite breeze, but a sweatshirt was enough, and the pockets to keep hands warm.

There were plants we might want verification of identity for.  I'm thinking this one was a juniper, because of its blue berries.  But I'm not a big student of horticulture, so maybe someone reading will confirm or correct my thought!

There was a nature ninja obstacle course that a group of youngsters were starting in on, but other than this group and a couple other pairs of folks wandering about, we had the place pretty much to ourselves.

It's like a little oasis, very near to the East suburbs of Lincoln, but it's quiet amid the trees.  A perfect respite for today.

Here's hoping if you have good weather where you are, you got out to enjoy it, too.  It's a good day to have a good day, to feed your spirit, as well as your body!

Spark on!


  1. All these nice days are a gift from Mother Nature. If she provides them for the 5 months, I'll be a grateful, happy camper. Gorgeous photos of peace and tranquility. Thanks for sharing.

    1. A gift for sure! And I was grateful for the nudge from my friend. Unfortunately, she slipped and fell early on in our walk, but was determined to keep going, after making sure her body parts were still functional. When we parted at her house later, I gave her the "RICE" instructions on what to do with her ankle! Also told her if it's still bothering in a couple of days despite the rest, ice, compression and elevation to get it looked at by a doctor or PA.

  2. Replies
    1. LOL, thankfully, the "talk to text" features on our electronics have led most of us to learn to read fluent "typo". And we can blame the tech! Those of us who used to cringe over them have learned to mellow out a bit... if we understand the communication, we're good!

  3. Looks like the juniper growing along my fence. Gin anyone?
    Looks like a nice time. I hope you're sending some of that warmth my way. My keister has been relegated to sitting inside as it's been so cold and windy.

    1. Thanks for confirming I'm not the only one who thinks it looks like juniper. Hope some of the warmth does wend its way East!

  4. You live in some beautiful country, Gill! And if the weather permits, for sure, enjoy it!

  5. Lovely pictures my friend and so great to get out for a walk in December. Snow has finally come here but I don't think it is going to stay long.

    1. Thanks. It doesn't feel like Winter yet... Autumn, yes, but not yet Christmas cold. I have Handel's sing-a-long Messiah live streaming from my sister's church right now as I check my blog comments. So one way or another, I shall get in the spirit!

  6. I got the RunKeeper alert for both you and Ace and thought you went out together, but the map said otherwise 😁 Hers was on the streets, you were on the green.

    1. LOL! Yes, you'll see us identical most Wednesdays, but only once in a while on other days!


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