Monday, May 30, 2022

We were not the only family sharing a meal

At my son's house, there is a nest.  Mama bird was sitting on it, except for when she hopped off to get food, and came back to feed her chirping babies.  We enjoyed this as part of "dinner and a show" in their backyard.

I talked too much.  I always talk too much.  Especially when people encourage me with questions:  like, "Heidi is Jonathan's cousin, how did they get out to New York, when the rest of the family is here?"  

So that tale came out, all the way back to when my brother said to me, on the eve of my graduating University, while the mythical son was still in diapers:  "No one will hire you.  You're too old."  Long story.

Also trotted out were memories from both sides of the soon to be in-law collection about where we were when... our individual and family experiences during Viet Nam era.  Very appropriate to the day we are honoring those lost in wars.  Then dating back to prior generations in WWII, and the fact that a lot of those who served only talked in the presence of other veterans, and that's how the stories were constructed in the minds of those overhearing.

The spiedies turned out wonderfully.  The meat was properly seasoned, and my son has obviously done his homework in that regard.  The tricky part of spiedies done "out here" in the Western states is that we just don't have the same breads available.  It's an Italian roll that it should properly be served on.  DIL to be did a fine job of coming closer to the spirit of the sandwich than I ever did.  Still not quite the same, but excellent, nonetheless.

There was chatter about the big trip they came back from.  And a lot of laughter.

There were updates on the Wedding plans and what is influencing their decisions about venue and timing.  We have an anticipated date in April, 2023, based on when they think will be "good" in terms of potential outdoor ceremony and reception, and any "plan B" in case of rain or snow.  They are taking their time visiting the sites and looking at photographic backgrounds.  They have a friend who is to cater the reception:  hot dogs are on the menu, as that is the friend's specialty.  

There was a bit of speculation / planning to go to a minor league baseball game as a group sometime this Summer.  But we couldn't decide on a date / availability of seats, etc.  Yet.  Similar with when the next grill out will be, given that the son is doing a full Summer School schedule.

And of course the other biggie.  His MIL to be has to ask my son, "Where's your truck?  Or is that becoming a sore subject?"  My son preordered a hybrid truck for delivery last Autumn.  The kids are looking for a vehicle that will both be "greener" and be able to haul their kayaks.  But one might expect supply chain issues, right?  Son indicated that his most recent communique with the dealer is his truck was in Kansas City, and should be in town and available to him "no later than" today.  I shall believe it when I see it, and am not holding my breath.  I fully expect that when they finally take delivery on the truck, it will be driven around town so the interested parties might have a look!

Carl was a pistol when I first arrived... so excited at having company!  But he did calm down and behave himself, especially as he wanted his share of the spiedie fragments.


Monday afternoon, I got out the recorder to play Taps Across America.  At 3 p.m. I played taps (yes, I remember the fingering) on my deck, then moved to the front porch and repeated the tune.  Rest in peace, service men and women who gave all in support of your mission(s).  Let us honor you in our actions and our hearts.

Happy Memorial Day.  

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day traditions

 The body was a bit on the stiff side when I got up this morning (Sunday) after yesterday's bending and moving about (weeding, kayaking, etc.)  So I gave myself permission to have a quiet morning.  Church on line was lovely, as the music minister preached Mr. Rogers to the tune of the Good Samaritan... a good sermon for this week that presented us with horrid news, and recognizing the importance of considering children in this world.

Mid-morning I put together the Greek salad for this afternoon's gather at my son's house.  He's in charge of the grilling of the Spiedies.  His fiancé's mom is bringing the dessert.

It promises to be a hot one out there, topping out around 89℉, with a relative humity of 59% just now.  

Until it is time to leave, I have the greatest spectacle in racing on in the background.  I listen more than watch, as that matches my childhood memories.  My dad and his fellow car enthusiasts would put it on the radio while the church picnic unfolded.  I used to work back in the 1970's and early 1980's with a woman named Winnie Forward.  She had been a native of Indianapolis, and would go watch the qualifying runs, considering the Memorial Day weekend race much more boring.  It's funny what sticks in your memory.

Snatched from my nieces FB posting, here is Miss Theo and her 12 ducklings!

In 2018 Miss Theo was rescued from a window well, and raised with my niece's two domestic ducklings.  In the Autumn, she flew off with others of her kind (she's a mallard, in case you can't see from the photo).

In 2019 she came back, bringing a drake with her, but her first clutch was eaten by a fox in the neighborhood.  She did come back in subsequent years, but this is the first time she brought the brood up to meet her humans.

The next version of "A man and his dog" from the mythical son and his fiancé's trip to the East Coast.  I've seen them since, briefly, but today will get to see them again.  Carl had never had the water jump at him before this trip, so he wasn't quite sure what to do about it.  Still, what a great stop-action shot... hard to tell in miniature, but when I get this one on the computer and expanded, the droplets of surf and the waves catching at Carl's legs are awesome.  

As part of my prep to head over, I used the home Covid test that will expire soonest.  I still have four more that are good until August.  Have not ordered the next set yet.  It came out negative, as expected.  I have tested several times over the past 2 1/2 years, and always came back negative.  Sometimes being a hermit pays?  Or if I ever "had" it, always tested negative.

Here's hoping my spark friends are taking good care of themselves this holiday weekend (US), or ordinary weekend (elsewhere)... treat yourselves gently as you honor the fallen and celebrate the changing seasons.

Life is good.  Spark on!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Yard, continued

Yeah, I know, you can't tell one tub full of cuttings and weeds from another.  Trust me this one, and another, have been filled since the trash man took the last collection away.

The yard guy came Saturday morning (the one who took down the volunteer trees and weeds) and we walked and talked over the back yard, about the stump grinding / roto-tilling phase of the project.  He gave me an estimate, and we are talking about end of next week, or beginning of the following one for doing the work.  I booked it, as it did not seem outrageous, he said it will likely take a full day.  I wanted to take this cost into account as I mull over the fence estimate, so was glad he came out on the weekend, rather than having to wait into another week.

Speaking of the fence, I still have not chatted with the neighbor about the part along our shared lot line.  Must do THAT, this weekend, before I book the job.  I don't have the neighbor's phone number, so it's either catch him in the yard or knock on a door.  Sometimes with all these cell phones and no more phone books, we're moving backwards in time where we have to actually meet our neighbors in person!

This afternoon, I had a kayak reserved at the little lake over the hill.  Good day for it, sunny and a high temperature above 85℉.  I have invested in my own life jacket and phone case by now, figuring this hobby is going to "stick".  If I ever go out with the kids and in-laws to be again, it saves some re-sizing and swapping of gear.

The phone did not like the heat and turned itself off during my paddling session, but I did manage to snap a couple of photos, this one at the beginning of the kayak session, before the phone turned itself off.

The victory of the day was that when I got done and headed in, the owner was busy starting off some beginners and I got my 69 and a half year old self OUT of the sit-in kayak without assistance, and pulled it up on shore.  I think the real secret to this is that I've started this season kayaking barefoot.  Seriously, it's easier to plunge your feet into the sandy shoreline and get yourself centered and upright when you can dig those toes in!

After I got out and put my shoes on and restarted my phone, I found a video my niece in Salt Lake City had just posted.  Her family had taken in an abandoned wild duckling found in a window well in 2018.  They raised her with a domestic pair of ducklings, and named her Miss Theo.  She has come back each year, but this year, she's brought a brood of 12 ducklings to visit.  The video clip my niece shared was Miss Theo leading her band along the path.

A perfect coincidence:  while walking over that bridge on the way back to my car, I spotted a dad rowing his little daughter under the bridge. They were following a mama duck with her brood.  The little girl was fascinated.  A turtle was sunning itself on the same log the little ducklings launched from, but by the time I got my camera set, the turtle had swum off.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have been having laptop issues.  It seems to have lost its ability to detect wireless networks.  The troubleshooter says it might be something wrong with the driver, but I've tried several "fixes" and now I'm down to stringing ethernet wire so there are two spots in the house where I can "plug in".  At least I have it to the point where I can reach the wireless printer from where I have my laptop connected.

Probably time for a new laptop... but supply chains and of course, budget!  So I'm doing what my mom taught me to do:  making do.

End of the day is approaching, so I'm giving myself that advice I often share:  what I have done today is enough.  I can let go, start my evening rituals, and have a restful night.  I have nourished my body.  I have hydrated it.  I have bathed it after some active fun.  I have got out in nature.  I have thanked my maker for the blessings in this world and asked for strength and guidance for all who are dealing with the things that don't seem to be blessing anyone!

Breathe, sleep... life is goodKeep Sparking!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Give to Lincoln Day


It has become common around this state anyway, for individual towns to support "Give to" ____ day, where the local charities, especially the smaller ones that might not pull a lot of recognition can put there names in for matching funds from the community foundation.  Our town's was today.

My son's Father in Law to be recommended one of his favorites based on current events:  The Coalition of Nebraskans Against Gun Violence.  I figure if they meet the criteria for donations and matching funds, they are worth a spot in my matrix of charities this year.

I also donated to a few other personal favorites:  The Foundation for Public Schools, ALS of the Heartland, and the Nebraska Sports Council.  ALS because I lost a dear sister in law to that dread disease and that family support agency really helped during the life she had left following diagnosis.  Public Schools because!  All children deserve the best we can give them, not just those whose parents can pay tuition.  And the Nebraska Sports Council sponsors several initiatives for healthy lifestyles, including the Cornhusker State Games, which gave me the chance at a second chance at fitness, if you know what I mean.

Here I am the first time I ever "won" a gold medal, at the 5K Hot Dog Chase in the Cornhusker State Games, circa 2011.  I'm hanging out with Homer, the mascot of the Lincoln Salt Dogs (minor league baseball), and you can tell from the grin that I hadn't ever done this (medaled in a 5K) before.

What else is going on?  Well, I had the bug guys over to treat outside and inside the house.  Figured it was a good time, with the back yard clear out stirring them up.  They took down four wasp nests... and bit by bit, I'm working on setting pieces of scrap lumber to the curb for the trash guys.

The yard has been marked for the buried cables, power and internet.  Hard to see, but the little orange and red flags are marking those items.

Still waiting on the estimator for the stump grinding / leveling and have told these guys I'm mulling over the fence estimate.  One phase at a time.  

My sinuses paid for the bug work.  I had OK'd them to put down essential oils based stuff inside, bathrooms and laundry room.  I could smell it.  Next morning, sure enough, between the weather front and that... yuck!  Took allergy meds and a nap on Wednesday.  A bit better today, but I can feel those weather fronts coming and going.  Time for another allergy pill before bedtime.  36 hours out.

Hope my fellow Spark refugees are continuing to put one foot in front of the other and choosing LIFE, which is goodKeep on Sparking!  We can do this!🔥

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Outrage takes energy; so does grief


But the answer does not lie in avoidance.

I try to avoid things that could be considered political, but seriously!  Children.  Little bodies that have to fight harder to live, that bleed out faster, that were such innocents, beloved of their families.

Remember when YOUR kids were 3rd and 4th graders?  Still tender.  Hurting with bumps and bruises from bicycle mishaps.  Sometimes stubborn and resistant to rules... a pain.  Sometimes hilarious.  But so promising!

I do believe in the power of prayer, but I also believe that prayer should lead to guidance for action.  Action to do something.  Something is better than nothing.  And nothing seems to be what happens, over and over again, about this problem, in this America.

Yes, it's a complex thing.  There are many factors.  Mental health is a piece of it.  Availability of legal weapons that really have no purpose other than killing people is a piece of it.  Hatred and division is a piece of it, the dehumanization of "other" groups.  But saying a problem is "too complex" is not a reason to completely ignore it or just say "thoughts and prayers", no matter how sincere those thoughts and prayers may be.

Even if it's not perfect, something is better than nothing.  I'm not going to argue what that something should be.  But, c'mon, politicians:  GET TO WORK!  

The majority, even among gun owners, do believe in "common sense gun laws". How about those who believe in mental health support?  Public education on red flags?  Don't just give it lip service.  Do your part.  Make sure your representatives know your views.  That it makes a difference in how you vote.

It takes putting one foot in front of another to take care of community health and safety.  If you've read this far, hoping for the pep talk related to healthy habits, here we go:  

  • Treat yourself gently.  
  • Be kind to combat the sadness of the world.  Light extinguishes darkness.
  • Drink your water.
  • Eat to nourish your immune system, it's under extra stain with the stress of the news.
  • Speaking of which, take breaks from the news, but don't ignore the issue!  Finding a balance between obsession and avoidance/denial is needed.
  • Go for a walk, outside if you can... or work out another way.  It's good for your mental health.
  • And at the end of the day, let it all go and rest.  We can only do what we can in one day.  Whatever that was, at the end of the day, declare it enough.
LIFE is good, support LIFE!  Spark on!

Monday, May 23, 2022

Catching up on the miscellany

With "the kids" safely home... time to play catch up on what's been going on here in town.

I thought the trash cans had got hauled away, but when I went out to put a bag of trash in the rolling bin the next week, I was greeted by this:

Yes, those considerate trash men has put the empties inside the big bin!  No wonder it seemed a little heavy rolling it back into the garage!

So I put them outside with the others, and I still have five bins for weeds and branches.

Saturday the 14th was not just the start of the kids' adventure, it was my first kayak outing of 2022... have to put that gift card to good use.

It was a perfect day for a first outing of the year.  I managed to work up a small blister (normal for a first outing for me).  On my right hand, between the thumb and forefinger.  Same place as last year.  Oh, well.

Sunshine, blue skies with puffy clouds, calm water, and people enjoying the day!

On Sunday, I was noticing that I kind of strained that right arm I had been re-habbing.  I took it easy Sunday and Monday, and by Tuesday I was fine for working out with the coach / trainer.

While the kids were at the shore, my tree service guys showed up and cleared out the back yard.  It went from this:

To this:

That was phase one.  The same day, the boss man worked up an estimate to replace two sides of the fence... two different estimates... one with the same style of fencing I have on the front side, the other with a little "cheaper" style of plain picket fencing.

I called the utility line locators and they will be done marking the yard by 8 a.m. tomorrow, supposedly.  One has already "cleared" my property as not having lines.  Another has marked where their lines are buried.  Seven yet to hear from.  

This morning I called them back about the phase 2 estimate that I wanted done before the fence work.  This would involve stump grinding so that the area could be mowed over.  My wallet is crying over the estimate so far, and there's a part of me that wants to drag my feet.  But we'll see.

Same day, the geese decided to pause on top of the neighbor's house:

I made jokes about supply chain issues, as they were expecting a child, "any day".  Could not source the storks normally arriving with baby?

On Sunday the 22nd, balloons went up, but I can't tell from the colors whether it's a boy or a girl they brought home in the carrier.  And I'm not quite a nosey enough neighbor to cross the street and ask.  Need to find a gift first!

That pretty much catches y'all up on what I was up to while they were on the road.  The kids got home Sunday afternoon, and took Covid tests before Lacey went over to pick up the birds from her parents' where they had been cared for during the trip.  My son opted not to come pick up his textbook that he had delivered to my house until today.  And they are already planning next weekend's Memorial Day grill-out to show off their Spiedie marinade skills.

Wishing my Canadian friends (and elsewhere in the Commonwealth) a Happy Victoria Day today... for once the two holidays are on differing weekends.

Don't forget to take care of yourself and your health as a priority... because...

LIFE is good.  Spark on!  🔥✨✨💖

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Celebrating Craft Beer Week

No, no, not me.  I have yet to start drinking alcohol, never having gone through that phase of "life".  My drug is food.

But the younger generation do enjoy the occasional beer or wine.  The kids made a short driving day of Friday, stopping at Brandywine Falls for the night, where they could visit one of their favorite craft brewery's outdoor patio pub, and hike through the park surrounding the falls.

Carl had to poke his head through the rails to check out the falls and stream.  I think they are ready to hoof it for home now, having been on the road a full week, driving, driving, and savoring the stops.

Carl looks longingly at the massive tray of wings at Fat Heads Brewing.  I understand he did get a share, as that's way more than two humans can eat, even for last meal of the day.

Thanks to Lacey and her penchant for photography, I have more shots of my son in a relaxed and seeming happy frame from this trip than I've seen in years from this camera-shy guy.

The updates on social media are dropping off.  I suspect that the lady of the pair is doing more of the driving on the way home, perhaps and is running out of social "oomph"!  I got a quick update on Saturday when they entered the Central Time zone.  

Sunday morning brought a photo of a local donut shop as they get started from Ottawa, IL.  Google maps says they have about 7 hours of driving to get home.  Wishing them safe driving along the way.  At least Iowa has decent rest stops for Carl, compared to the Ohio turnpike "doggie jail" version.

Poor baby!  Fortunately, it's only one state.  In each direction.  And he doesn't have to stay in for long.  Photo op!  

At doggie friendly hotel, he got a gift bag, later.

A long journey, with lots of memories built!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Family Day?

The kids' Thursday I'd dub "family day".  They drove from the Jersey shore up to my son's dad's place in Ithaca, to share the videos of the shore trip with him.  You see, he is not "on line" in the classic Facebook, etc. sense.  But as I did, he loved the videos, and he's agreed that he'd love to see more "social" post type photos, especially, if our DIL to be would text them to him, instead.

Challenge accepted, sez she!

They got out in the fresh air before heading on to visit my brother's daughter up the road in Rochester.  I'm sneaking in one from their earlier stop, before the trip to the shore, to prove that Carl was there with his "grandpa".  

Not sure there was another one with both of them in the frame.  But son's fiance says that when Charles got in the car, Carl snuggled up, putting his head on his grandpa's shoulder.

Carl makes friends so quickly.  Once you're "in", you're in!

Then we have another son and father one from yesterday's stop.

I was pleased to see that my ex has some green space near his apartment.  This was the hill nearby.  Lacey (DIL to be) reports that they bonded over gardening. He always was an avid grower of things.  So is she.  He showed her the little shared garden space the apartment dwellers cultivate (don't have a photo of that, sorry).

If you dig back into the memories of our marriage, he was producing what I processed in the kitchen... from the cherry tree that sponsored one pie to the brussels sprouts and broccoli that I had never seen growing until I married him.  I made and canned tomatoes and sauce, making meatballs for the fresh... ah, yes, one really healing thing about this vicarious trip was a chance to highlight the happy memories.  You don't stay married for nearly 22 years without building some, and you don't bear and raise a child together without that same kind of mix of tough times and good ones.

The young people moved along to have a cousin reunion down the road, at a dog-friendly patio bar/restaurant that cousin Heidi picked out.

No clue which shared childhood memory they were laughing over, but they had many of mischief they got into at various visits back and forth.  

Today they will be on the road again, heading home.  I fully expect that when they get home, they'll be exhausted but Carl will be ready to go zoomies!

Family:  what it's all about, eh?  There's good and bad "stuff" mixed in to every family's experience, and the amazing thing to me, is despite our failings as parents, our kids turn out OK!  The next generation is taking over.

Now if we can gracefully let them do so, we will have completed our job as a generation!

Classic pep talk:

For today, may we all remember to take good care of the one and only body we've each been issued in this life!

  • Hydrate
  • Nourish
  • Move
  • Breathe
  • Appreciate
  • Rest

And next day, we'll do it all again!  Life is good.  Keep on sparking!


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Officially Mega-Jealous now

 Yesterday, they made it to the Jersey Shore!

This involved thin-crust pizza, from the little joint about a mile from my son's paternal grandmother's old home.  Red Star Pizza.

This pizza ruined me for life, once my hubby introduced me to it.  Ruined me in terms of what passes for pizza around here.  Valentino's, the local favorite, is very different from the classic tomato pies of the East coast.  Not that it's bad, and it is a childhood memory of mine, but it wasn't for my ex, nor is it for my son.

Fresh, hot, out of the oven, and my DIL to be took a video of opening the box!  Steam rising, audio of the ahhh's.

My son's dad did not travel with them, it was the three intrepid travelers, who were starting their path from Ithaca, NY to the Jersey Shore with 1600 miles already put on the car.

Carl is a good traveler, and they are good dog parents, stopping for frequent breaks.  The river photo is from Washington's Crossing State Park, the PA side, I think.  The beach photos are from Island Beach State Park.  And it may be concluded that the sand on Carl's snout is from that romping.  He was a happy pup yesterday, prancing up to the waves, and sometimes running back from them, too.

I could spend hours on that beach, and that's when I messaged Lacey that I was officially Mega-Jealous.

Today they are taking all that video back to DS's dad, so that he can have the same vicarious joy that I had, watching those waves roll in.  I got a huge sense of peace with the natural sound and sights.  Only way it could be better is if I was there, myself!

Life is good.  Take care of yourself and Spark on!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Spiedies - since Speded2 asked


Since speded2 asked in the comments to yesterday's blog:  

For those of us not from that area, what is/are Spiedie?

As with many regional specialties, the spiedie was introduced by the immigrants who settled the area.  In the case of the Binghamton, New York area, those immigrants were from Italy and Greece.  So think about spices you have enjoyed in Italian and Greek dishes.

Next, let's think about the meat of the sandwich:  meat itself.  Spiedies can be made with any meat, pretty much, it's the spicing and preparation that makes it a spiedie.  If you think about the Greek influence, you'd think perhaps lamb.  Yes, folks make lamb spiedies.  If you think about the hunting country (James Fennimore Cooper novels are the classics) of the Susquehanna valley, you can easily see this as a venison thing.  Yes, there are folks who make venison spiedies.  Also the more available in America beef, pork and chicken.

The meat is cut into chunks, about an inch to inch and a half in size.  The chunks are marinated in the sauces of the griller's choosing.  I used to make my own after I moved back to Nebraska, experimenting and trying to re-create the flavors I remembered.  I never quite succeeded, but I tried for several years.  Oil, some acid, and dry spices added.  I soaked the meat at least 24 hours in the fridge.

When the day for eating arrives, the chunks are grilled on skewers.  IMHO the best ones are grilled over charcoal.  Finally, this grilled meat is delivered to the eater on seeded buns (rolls).  Sides to taste, but you've got plenty of starch and protein in the sandwich itself, so veggies are a good fit, fresh or grilled.

As with BBQ or chili, there are cookoffs for spiedies.  One of the more well-known is held in Binghamton, NY, in August, along with a rock concert and balloon launch.  Here you go, a link:

Spiedie Fest & Balloon Rally 2022

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Vicarious Sentimental Journey

 Some of you may have known me long enough to have taken the vicarious journey in 2018, out to Corning, New York, to run a half marathon to my brother's full.  This week, I'm following via messenger photos as my son takes his fiance out to that old stomping ground, to meet his dad.  Carl is with them and today, the third day on the road, they arrived at some very familiar territory.

This is a clip from a video taken in 1999 of Diamond (the dog) and me, at the Trout Ponds in Newark Valley, NY.  Today I saw several shots from near there, starring Carl.

Clearly he enjoyed his romp in Diamond's old spots.

Here Carl climbs up the bank, having taken a little dip.

Our old house has been sided by the new owners since we left there, and since ex sold it.

My son narrated memories for his fiance.  I am so happy that she's into that sort of thing.

Before they got up to the little village where my son spent his childhood, he stopped for lunch at an old favorite haunt.  Part of his goal was to source the "secret sauce" from our old favorite Spiedie joint.  Lacey was treated to her first taste.  Thank goodness, she liked them.

She also was taken by his old middle school, from whence we all left for the great Washington DC trip when he was in 5th grade.

In short, this is a nostalgia trip for me, from a distance, through messages.  There are a whole lot more photos, and I'm not going to overwhelm the blog with them, but have to put in the father-son one she shared last night, when they drove on to Ithaca, where my ex now lives.

It looks like he's holding up well!  He is a few years older than I, concerned about his balance, and recently began to use a cane.

As a closing note, I'd like to give a "sentimental" pep talk:  whatever negatives there may be in life, if you can manage to focus on the good, focus on the love, and let it warm you, it is good for your health.

So take good care of yourselves, my dear friends.  Drink that water.  Eat enough of "the right stuff" to support your immune system.  And be as kind as you can manage.  Then at the end of the day, when you review its events, you can settle in to that well-earned rest.

Life is good.  Spark on!

A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...