Thursday, June 2, 2022

Phase 2 of the back yard work


It's a stump grinder being used as a roto-tiller.

Before Josh got started I was shifting some things around and my phone fell out of my pocket into the weeds, and I could not for the life of me see it.  I felt it hit my foot, so I asked if he could dial my number.  He was already on the phone to someone else, and walked over, and between having younger eyes and looking from a different angle, he spotted the phone right away.  

Yay!  The phone did not get ground into mulch!

While Josh did this work, I went off to work out with the personal trainer, came back, took my shower, and came out to take photos.

I now have a beautiful patch that would make a great garden, if I were a gardener, which I am not.  I messaged my DIL to be to bounce ideas off her, since she is a gardener.  If my ex still lived with me, he would be in heaven and planning all kinds of plants.

Measuring how big this area is:  15 of my paces x 10 of my paces.  My pace is about 2 1/2 to 3 feet.  I rolled out some "weed barrier" fabric I had in the garage.

I'm thinking for the non-gardener in me:  Ground cover seed. I don't want that good topsoil washing or blowing away.  I'm thinking white clover possibly mixed with high traffic grass seed.  Went online and ordered it.  To be delivered.

Phase 3 planning:  Monday evening I managed to make myself walk over to the neighbor's house to talk about the fence work.  Would you believe this is the first time we have formally introduced ourselves?  He's lived there 12 years, and I've been here 23.  It was one of those timing things at first.  I was on the short run-up to a surgery when he first moved in, so I was avoiding both the outdoor allergens and the potential of "catching" something.

Since then, no excuses:  I'm a hermit, what can I say?  We waved at one another, said "Hi", occasionally cleared one another's snow, or part of it.  I knew his last name thanks to a rock he has painted on his front porch (along with an Iowa Hawkeyes mascot).  

I rang the bell:  "Remember me, I'm the lady who lives next door."

The neighbor is cool with the workmen having access to his yard to do the fence work.  He was even OK with the branch that fell into his yard when I had them clear out the volunteers a couple of weeks back.  I asked which fence style he preferred for our shared lot line, and he wants the full privacy, which is in fact less expensive, and he volunteered to share the cost with me.  I am happy to defer the style choice to him.  

Then I e-mailed the fence guy to ask for a change in the estimate to reflect a mixed style, full privacy on the one side, shadow box on the other.  Haven't heard back yet, but I think he might need to come out and measure to split the estimate.  Neighbor dude would like to have his back fence line estimated, too.  Might be nice to get it all done at once.

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!


  1. Cooperation!
    I've got a 6ft solid white fence on one side, cedar privacy fence on the other, a chain link in the back (used to be my whole yard). Both my neighbors install their fences against my chain link, no queries if I minded.
    I pulled the chain link from three sides and put a white 5ft with a lattice top on both sides of my house. It's like a crazy quilt.

    1. Sounds like it works! Got an e-mail from the Fence guy... he'll come out early next week to go over the whole deal. Yay! Progress!

    2. It keeps the kids and dog in, but not the deer out. They leap the 5 footer like it's a bush.

    3. Well, as long as you don't mind the occasional deer visitor? And as long as they remember how to get back out again!

  2. Things are looking so good. It must very exciting to be able to plan a garden. I can't wait to see what you do.

    1. I have ordered both grass and clover seed. I'm planning clover for that bare spot, the grass seed is to overseed the rest of the lawn. 'Fraid it won't be exciting to gardeners in the group, but as my daughter in law to be and I talked, we both realized, she likes to tend things, and I do not.

      Of course photos will follow... it keeps me working at it, and I have to have that little "push" or it becomes Sleeping Beauty's forest all over again.

  3. Non-gardener suggestion: A gazebo
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Ooh, you have me thinking! But that would have to be a phase 4 or 5, once the budget recovers. I think it would be awesome to have a gazebo where the shed used to be.

    2. I have 2 deadly black thumbs and awful allergies that don't let me think gardener ideas 😆😆😆

  4. Very exciting changes. A gazebo...great suggestion.

    1. This is what happens when you share... you get lots of suggestions and it can change the course of yard life!

  5. That is so great that it worked out with the neighbour. I would be like you too, I wave and say hi but I am a hermit. Hubby tells me about this neighbour and that neighbour and I have no clue who they are, he is more social. I am a non-gardener too ;)

    1. Oh, for sure... and when the salesmen come to my door and say they are handling the bugs for this family or that family... who live a block away... I have no clue who they are, but would probably wave and say hi on a walk through the neighborhood!

      We hermits find one another on line and become friends on a whole different level... and never meet in person! Believe it or not, a good number of us are OK with it being that way! OTOH, I've met a number of the folks I found on Spark in person and they were every bit as delightful as in their writings... we just live 1000 miles apart or more.

      The real surprising one was KALIGIRL, who I discovered lived only a mile from me! Our lives have gone in different directions since, and she doesn't live there any more, but it was delightful to find we could occasionally walk her dogs, go ice skating, or meet another local Sparker for coffee downtown. Yes, I still miss Spark, but life does go on.

  6. Oh boy. Glad you got your phone before it was chewed up!

    Well, good you have a start on getting the fence plans finalized.

    Oh, sometimes time just passes so quickly! We’ve lived here for going on 15 yrs. and definitely do not know all the neighbors. Do know some, so I’ll take some credit! LOL

    Have a good weekend.


    1. Our concept of "who is my neighbor" has changed over the years. When our moms all stayed home and raised kids "on the block" we knew our neighbors, like in "Leave it to Beaver" days. When most families started juggling both Mom and Dad working, our neighbors became the folks we saw every day at the office. Since going "online"... anyway, the trend is not that great. Trying to reverse it. Yes, I also know SOME, but I don't have their phone numbers and often don't have their last names. I do know the one family because their kids mow my grass!

  7. Such progress, Barb…congrats! AND, it’s wonderful that neighbor plans to share the joint-fence cost!! We’ve lived in our current FL home 12 years and I know only our immediate neighbors…others on sight only and to wave hello to… Happy Sunday! Eissa7


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...