Saturday, July 15, 2023



"Mom is turning me into an indoor cat, and an only cat at that!"  - The Prisoner moping.  All moping aside, he is recovering well from his adventures at the vet.

It's not going to be easy keeping him inside and separated from the temptations that might disturb those stitches, but his hu-mom (that would be me) is doing her best.

Meanwhile, Rubia is on Carl-visit-like protocol, being fed and watered out on the deck.  It is Summertime, and she won't freeze.  She has access to shelter, too.  But I do not care to risk them dusting it up inside and having Prisoner's stitches come loose.

Saturday afternoon's special treat for the human in the house is a get-together with the kids and co-inlaws to go tour a local cave.  I have not been to Robber's Cave in more than 50 years, but it was my DIL's thought last Christmas that this would be a good activity-based gift for the family.  Afterwards we will retreat to a nearby brewing company where a Food Truck called "Porkcentric" will be serving up pulled pork tacos, among other things.

I managed to get myself out to find a birthday card for my son.  His birthday is Monday.  Do you know how hard it is find a card that's "Not too mushy" for a grown man who happens to be your son?  But success!  I found one that's the right shade of "oh, shucks, I love you, Son" to suit our goofy mom-son dynamic.

Life's still good.  Spark on!


  1. Poor Prisoner! Hard when your desires have to be curtailed to avoid injury to your sutured area!

    Ohhhhh, sounds like a wonderful outing! Enjoy the visit to the cave and the food truck. Sounds like delicious food. Pork rules!

    Awwww, happy birthday to the mythical son and glad you found an appropriate card for him. I know . . . my DS will be 31 (OMG!) on 10 August and have been searching for the right card for awhile now! BUT did find an absolutely appropriate gift for him . . . a Star Wars themed chef knife. Unbelievable. Just stumbled upon it.


    1. He will love the chef's knife! I do believe the best gifts are the ones that just jump off a page at you (or a shelf) and shout the recipient's name.

      The street tacos and nachos were wonderful, and the group sampled tiny brews (four different kinds... one chocolate, one peachy, and two others that I've forgotten).

  2. Happy birthday to your son, and to you for bringing him into the world!

    1. Awww, shucks! I'm glad he gave me that honored title of "mom" when he arrived in my life.

  3. I'm glad that the Prisoner is doing better. I'm sure he understands you're doing good things for him.

    Happy Birthday to your son. It sounds like a fun time.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. It was a fun time. Blog to follow with a few snaps of the tour. Afterwards, the pull-pork street tacos and nachos were awesome, and there was a flight of specialty beers which they sampled around, staying safe to drive!

  4. Oh I sure do know how tough it is to find those non-mushy cards, especially for my mother. The whole you are the best in the world just doesn't work for us. Tigger mopes like that when she is miffed with us too.

    1. You have to smile at the antics of animals and their body language. They may not have words, but they sure let you know!

      I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't go in for the "flowery" or "poetic" cards. They are sweet, but when you have a long-term relationship and it's just NOT that sort, it's tough to find one that's Goldilocks "just right".

      In the end, in my rush to get "one more thing" done before I left that I left the card on the kitchen counter, and I'm going to have to mail it! Oh, well!

  5. Good grief!!! How did I ever miss Friday's post about the kitty's surgery?? Glad that he's recuperating. You know that you will be treated to revenge scratches when Rubia is allowed to rejoin the indoor group?

    The outing sounds like fun. Most any outing is fun when they are shared with family and friends that we love.

    Happy Birthday to DS. Buying cards for my son offers the same challenge. A middle ground between mushy and aloof is difficult to find.

    Happy Sunday! 🤗


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