Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Healing up, Mom, can't I go out?


The stitches are looking good... I imagine in the next week or so they'll be dissolving.

Prisoner wants out.  He makes his wishes plain.  Today I did open the deck door and he came out and jumped up on the rail, from which I collected him to carry back inside.

This was to collect Rubia's dishes and refill the water dish.  So Prisoner went out briefly twice on Monday.  After that he settled down, napping in his chair.  He's quite alert and his normal self.

Meanwhile, I messaged my son "around" the minute of his birth (Monday morning), which is tradition for us.  It was interesting during his deployments, and I regularly mis-remember what the specific minute was.  I looked it up on his birth certificate, and ... yep, I was early with my greetings.  For some reason I want to make it 10 minutes of 7.  But it was really 10 minutes of 8.

No trainer workout until Thursday.  Monday was a pretty boring day.  The Prisoner and I hung out and watched Season 1 of Grantchester on the streaming service.  Well, four episodes, anyway.

Tuesday's good news:

Phone call from the vet's office... they got the pathology report back, and the lump was benign.  And of course, The Prisoner says "I told you so!"  He's himself, and has been all along... these humans!

And of course I got the chance to re-tell about The Prisoner's name, because someone always asks.

Life is indeed good!  Spark on!


  1. Prisoner must respect his hu(mom). Back in the day, there's no way if our kitty had gotten out, that she would have quietly come back inside. Good report for the kitty.

    Hope DS had a great birthday!

    Have a great afternoon!! 💖🤗

    1. That cat is so funny. After being kept in since last Thursday when I brought him home from the vet, the few times I have let him out on the deck, he has let me catch him and bring him back in. What a good fellah! Healing continues every day.

      Hope you've had a good Wednesday!

  2. That is such good news about the lump. I'm sure he wants out, but deep down knows its for the best.

    That is so sweet how you call about the time he was born.

    Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. That phone call timing was "interesting" the years when he was overseas... 8 1/2 hours time difference between here and where he was. Fortunately it was in the right direction so that 7 a.m. here was evening over there.

  3. Good news, and it's really healing nicely.
    I understand your time confusions as I have to go back to the baby bracelets saved in my jewelry box for exact times, although one was easy at 10 AM. I think the other was 20:20? Now I'll have to check!

    1. LOL... was this a "made you look" moment? There are more and more of those as I age. I'm very pleased to see how those stitches are healing, too. I let The Prisoner step out on the deck this afternoon and he looked back at me to make sure it was OK. Almost canine in that look! And he let me catch him and bring him back in, as he has every time since I got him back home.

  4. So happy to hear that the lump was benign and all is healing well. I honestly haven't got a clue what time it was that the girls were born. I remember one was around 5:30 because shifts were changing and the other was around 1ish in the morning but really didn't pay attention and wherever it was noted didn't get kept.

    1. LOL... it is fascinating how memory works. We keep what's important to us, and let the rest go... just like Sherlock Holmes did!

  5. So glad that Prisoner was right and the lump was benign. They're always right, aren't they! Glad things are healing.

    Happy Birthday to your DS!


    1. They ARE always right. Instinct in animals is amazing... they know when it's time to go, and they know when it's time to ask for help.

      Thanks for the birthday wishes for DS!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...