Friday, July 14, 2023

Expensive pets

The season of keeping the economy going continues.  With pets, it does not matter whether you adopt them from a shelter or pay top dollar from an exclusive breeder, you are committing to their veterinary care.  And that can get pricey.  Vets have to make a living, too, and modern medicine and facilities and equipment doesn't happen "for free".

The Prisoner was oh, so cute when he first came into my home.  We're looking at his second "major" (in terms of my budget) surgery today.  Not as expensive as Rubia's was last year, but steep enough.  However, it was not a hard surgery, in that the lump was not attached to any muscle tissue, per the vet.

Once again, "in for a penny"... he's in good shape for a 12-year-old cat, still enjoying life, and that lump had to go!

All young things are cute... Rubia was a cutie, too.

The vet's office messaged me around 2 p.m. that he was awake post-surgery and would be available for pick up between 4:30 and 6 p.m.  The pesky lump is now gone, and he has stitches to heal.  Soft food only for the first meal home.

This is what it looked like before.  It wasn't stopping him from doing any of his kitty things, but he was defensive of it, so obviously it was a tender area.

And this is the after photo.  So I shall be keeping him inside for a few days.  They are sending the removed lump (or whatever section of it they need to) off to be analyzed, of course.

So Life continues to be Good!  Spark on!


  1. Awwww, well, glad that Prisoner is home and all good thoughts that the lump is nothing. Poor baby! Poor budget! But as you say, no matter how we bring these fur babies into our homes, it is a commitment to take care of them. And yes, they are sooooo cute as little ones . . . sometimes that saves them when they're naughty! LOL


  2. I'm so glad that everything went well for the Prisoner. Continued prayers that the lump is nothing. It is crazy how much pets can cost up, but they're family.

    Have a wonderful day1 (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. The Prisoner sure deserves as much TLC as you can give…he’s had a rough day!! Hopefully, the biopsy will prove that there is nothing to be concerned about! Eissa7

    1. He's still pressing to go outside, not happy with his restrictions at all. But he's functioning as a kitty, and the stitches look good. I've been feeding and watering Rubia outside, and keeping Prisoner in, so they can't mess with each other and threaten those stitches.

  4. Replies
    1. I'm relieved to have "decisions made and acted on".

  5. ohh, so glad to hear that it went well and hopefully the test shows that it is nothing bad. Huge hugs.

    1. Thanks. He's tolerating the stitches just fine, the restrictions to his activity, not so much.

  6. The baby kitties’ pictures are so cute! Hope the lump turns out to be nothing, maybe just a wound that didn’t heal as well as it should have. And thanks for keeping our economy afloat 😂🤷‍♀️🏦 Life is good. ❤️ Ace

    1. We were all cute at that phase of life! Here's to keeping that economy floating! Your "kids" have been doing a fine job of that, too!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...