Friday, July 21, 2023

More of a blogger

 My kid sis posted on a chat thread that I am "more of a blogger than a chit-chatter".  So I guess I'd better put a new one up, since I haven't in a couple of days, huh?

Thing is, I read that chit-chat but so many people are on it, I can't keep up!  Some of them I know from Spark, some "new" to me in the years since Spark went away.  I care about the people on it, and have an interest in their lives... they all have things happening and they are important and worthy of support and feedback... and that makes me feel... since I don't often respond... inadequate, in some way.

Blogging suits me more... I can write about my days, and reading the blogs of others, I can see into theirs and leave individual comments of support.  

The Prisoner continues to heal, and I'm back to letting him go out and in at will.  What's nibbling at the edges of my mind is that Rubia has yet to show up to come back into the household.  I've seen her out and about a few times over the past week, and I've put food out that has been eaten, but any critter can come up on the deck and get it.  This morning the water dish had been dragged to center deck, but still had a little fluid at the bottom.  Prisoner sniffed at it (as he has at the deck corner where it sat).

My own activities this week, since last blog was put up, include getting a hair cut, walking with the sister, and one workout with the trainer.

My older sister is complicating my week before surgery by asking me to come take care of her kitties in the mornings while she heads off to Kansas to care for her grandsons while their parents begin the school year.  Both parents teach and have to report before the kids return to the classroom.

This would not be a problem, but the paranoia of pre-op is setting in.  This is the same week where I will be having my pre-op physical, and my pre-op blood draw, and my last two trainer workouts before the cataract surgery.  So it's important that I stay healthy, so as not to endanger the safety of that surgery.

So, I'm shaking off that particular anxiety and resolving to do the other things that are in my control to make sure all will be well.  I said yes to the kitty care (edited to add that, as my prior paragraph didn't make it clear).  I will be extra careful with the hand washing, and probably do some preventative masking for the week.

The haircut and the rainclouds show in this selfie!  Which reminds me... we have had cooler than normal temperatures this week, and periodic rain.  The cooler than normal will last through Saturday, then it will become Summer normal, HOT and dry.  They have three triple digit predictions for next week.  

Saturday morning's State Games walk should still be OK, as the 89F high won't be until afternoon.  My friend Geri and I plan on starting our walk before 7 a.m. and we should be done before 10.  Remember to take water, I tell myself.

So yes, Life is still Good.  Spark on, my friends!


  1. NO. . . no . . . no. Your way is blogging, some others way is chit-chatting (that would be me). Both are fine!

    OH I hope Rubia comes back home!

    Sorry you cannot help your sister out this time, but . . . your priorities are right front and center where they should be. You need to do what it takes to stay healthy and ensure a good outcome from your surgery! Wise choice.

    Take good care and hope Rubia makes an appearance!


    1. Oh, I did not make it clear: I said yes, I will do the morning kitty duty for my sis. But it's a short visit and with appropriate hand washing and such, it should be fine.

  2. I agree, more of a blogger. I chit-chat in my blog, but yeah I'm more of a blogger. I'm horrible at answering texts. My sister always has to end up calling me because she knows I won't check them for hours.

    Oh I hope Rubia comes back soon. Maybe she's just letting the Prisoner heal up.

    Yes surgery week is always so busy, but maybe kitty duty will help ease your anxiety about the surgery. You've got this!

    Have a great weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Personally, I think Rubia has more than one human servant family... she's pulled this before, disappearing for a few days, then showing up just as sassy as ever.

      You said what I was thinking about kitty duty calming my anxiety: something to do that's not too risky but gets me out of my own house every day.

  3. I do both!
    Maybe Rubia thought you gave her the boot?

    Even though you won't; don't worry.

  4. I hope Rubia shows up soon! Glad to hear she likely has another family, just in case. Ace

    1. Saturday morning, after State Games walk, still no orange kitty. Having faith, talking it over with The Prisoner.

  5. Your kitty is an expert at revenge. 😁 This is payback, don't you know? Nothing like a female scorned!!

    Great haircut! It was supposed to be cooler and dryer (less humidity) today. The weather people missed on all accounts.

    Keep doing what you readers like hearing from you.

    Have a sparkling weekend. Enjoy the cooler weather. 🤗💖

    1. I was so glad for starting early Saturday for the State Games walk... we were on our way before 7 a.m., walking 6.45 miles with a potty stop in the middle and three "rest"/"water" stations along the way. It was warming up by the time we finished. I think our cool stretch is done.

  6. Kitties always have a way to make us feel guilty and to worry. I kinda go back and forth, blogging and messenger for family. I don't always leave comments especially when I am at a blank to say something but I always read friend's blogs.

    1. That "blank" to say is just fine... I do try to comment, but you're right... sometimes there isn't a thing to really say!

  7. I feel bad when I don’t comment on your blogs. Sometimes I read a bunch all at once and don’t comment. Sometimes I’m just out of words or don’t have a comment come to mind, really. Then, at times, I delete a comment I reread and realize: it’s too personal! Other times I blabber on and on…
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Oh, Dee, you are indeed a kindred spirit! I welcome every single comment, and love seeing you out there on RunKeeper, too.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...