Saturday, July 22, 2023

First time in a year

 It's Cornhusker State Games time!  It's been going on for a week, and it has a bit more to go.  This morning was the Volkswalk portion, and it followed the same route as last year.  But it's not nearly as sweltering as it was then.

For a dozen years or so, I've done something with these games.  It was under their auspices that I did my first "real" "baby" triathlon.  My activity has dropped in miles and increased in minutes, but at least this once a year, my friend Gerri and I have gone the distance.

Hopeful and chipper at 6:55 a.m., getting started from the school.

Sweaty with the sun burnishing bright and warming up at the end, 9:23 a.m.

Our winding path, 6.45 miles long.  No visiting stops this year, other than at the rest areas with water / nibbles provided.  Last year we kept running across people we knew, as due to last year's horrid heat EVERYBODY started out that early.  It's only supposed to get up to 89F this afternoon, and I think we've been a bit spoiled by the week of cooler weather with short bits of rain we just had.

And in the end, they hung finisher medals on everyone, whether they did the short path (2 miles) or the one we did.

In the books.  Longest outing in 2023 so far.

Still no orange kitty.  But the gray one is spry and happy and himself, now that he's allowed to go out and set his own pace.  For some reason, I'm not distraught about Rubia's absence, but as the days pass, I might get there.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Yay for you!!!🚢🏼‍♀️

    😿Poor lost kitty!

    1. Thanks... of course I'm already writing a blog in my head of her triumphant return... but of course that has not happened... yet. I retain my hope!

  2. First of all, sorry that Rubia has not come back home yet. **SIGH**

    Good for you and Gerri going the distance! Awesome.


    1. Sunday morning I'm feeling the aftereffects, but I'm not sure that it's entirely due to exertion.

  3. Replies
    1. πŸ‘Perseverence, for sure! But much easier this year than last.

  4. I once had a cat who disappeared for about a month. I had searched all over the neighborhood for her with no luck and I figured she had become a meal for an owl or hawk. Of course, she didn't enlighten me as to where she had been when she reappeared looking none the worse for wear...

    1. Yes.. this happens, and is part of my thinking when I theorize that Rubia has other humans she's pulled into her circle of care. She's disappeared for a few days before and then reappeared just as sassy as ever.

      My older sister had an indoor cat that accidentally escaped and they searched high and low with no results. Six months later, the cat emerged, thin and bedraggled, and lived the rest of his life happily indoors again.

      So... cats. 🐱

  5. I'm glad to hear the Prisoner is doing better, but sad that Rubia hasn't returned. Sometimes they say if you leave the liter box out they can find their way back.

    Great job on the medal! Yay!

    Have a great weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. A participation medal for a non-competitive event is still a memento, right? And it's pretty!

  6. Good for you! What a great accomplishment. Me too, happy Prisoner is doing better but sad that Rubia hasn't shown up yet. Might be just out of sight watching things for now.

    1. It's kind of like "Proof that working out a couple times a week" is good enough to keep one able.

  7. WooHoo and Congrats, Barb!! 6.45 miles?! Way to go! You haven’t even really trained for that distance so it is a testimony to your fitness!
    I hope there is a Rubia sighting soon! Eissa7

    1. Always a surprise when you haven't specifically trained. Of course it does mean taking a careful recovery, after, as I have been doing.

  8. PHOENIX1949

    Way to go on your most recent medal !!

    1. Thanks. Even thought it's a "participation" medal, it's still a reminder that "I could" and "I did".

  9. πŸ₯³
    -RunKeeper Dee

  10. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ good job - hope the recovery is going well
    -baby sister Ace πŸ˜‚

    1. Recovery has been on the rocky side, but I don't know whether that is the fault of the activity or something that the activity just allowed to bloom! A little better every day, but I'm glad you waved off the Wednesday walk... between the heat and my body!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...