Sunday, July 30, 2023

My trip through tripledemic-land

I don't like going to doctors, especially if I'm not feeling well.  This past week, though, my pre-surgery paranoia reached its limit, and I finally called my primary care office to ask advice.

I got an e-mail from the surgical hospital asking me to fill out forms online, related to that scheduled event (still a couple of weeks off).  I got as far as the section of questions about Covid and screeched to a halt.  I had taken home Covid tests on Friday the 21st (pre-CSG Walk), and again on Monday the 24th (because I had symptoms by then and a scheduled softener salt delivery to the house).  Both were negative.  

Symptoms were still there on Wednesday afternoon as I was trying to fill out these pre-surgery forms... so... the phone call.  The nurse was very kind, of course.  She asked the appropriate questions about symptoms and timing, and I mentioned my upcoming surgery.  At this point she decided I'd best be looked at, and Thursday morning I was.

Here's the symptom problem:  besides not being good at connecting physical sensations to words, this crazy quilt of a "thing" kept changing on me.  Over the course of Sunday through Thursday, I had experienced:

  • runny nose
  • dry mouth
  • sore throat
  • slightly elevated temperature (topped out at 100, which dropped within an hour to 99.3, without meds)
  • muscle aches that were preventing sleep
  • cough (productive - yuck) which woke me up every couple of hours
  • a touch of nausea (started Thursday morning)

Since they weren't going away (just changing in nature), and it had been five days or so... seemed wise to have better answers for that questionnaire!  They swabbed me for three separate tests at the office.  One for Covid-19 (just in case my home tests were wrong). Nope, the professional test also said not Covid.  Onward.  The second was for flu, which while it's not high flu season in Summer, it's an available test.  Nope, not that either.  Which leads to the last one, the one they were all concerned about pediatric cases last Winter:  RSV.  Respiratory Syncytial Virus.  Bingo!  We have a winner.

The bad news:  there's a vaccine under development, but it hasn't been released/approved yet.  Besides, I've already GOT the bugger by the time the test was done.  Anti-viral was not recommended.  She mentioned antibiotics sometimes prescribed "just in case" but since I'm allergic to the penicillin family I waved off that suggestion.  I know there are other antibiotics, but this is a virus, and antibiotics don't help.

The good news:  RSV usually goes away (i.e. resolves itself) within "a week, or two" (she emphasized the TWO).  Just get plenty of rest, fluids, go ahead and use tylenol or advil for the aches and pains.  She sent me for a chest x-ray, which came back clean (apparently this nasty can settle into the lower lungs, but in my case, nope, at least I was spared that).  She said if I had chest pains or shortness of breath, go to the ER, but otherwise, just keep on with the self-care I was already doing.

I think that if it resolves in the next day or two it will not threaten the surgical schedule, but I'll find that out in the phone call and after the pre-op physical.  I'm just glad to have an answer.  And day by day I'm getting better.  

Meanwhile, so is The Prisoner.  He's been going in and out at will.  Despite the high heat, he prefers the great outdoors.  I put water out on the deck for him, and he comes in a few times a day to eat and get de-burred or just for companionship.  I make sure he's back inside for the night, though.  His stitches have pretty much dissolved, and the fur is growing back.  

Rubia has still not put in an appearance, and I'm afraid I may have to accept she's gone for good.  It would be happy to think she's found herself another family.  

I still believe that Life is Good.  Stay positive and Spark on!


  1. The vaccine for RSV is supposed to be ready for release this fall, which does you absolutely no good now. I'm still undecided about this one. Good news about the chest x-ray. I hope your health continues to improve.
    Take care of you! Rest and recuperate! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–

    1. Feeling almost human today, still some residual congestion. I still have to research a bit... things like, "can you get this more than once?" Because if so, I don't want it again, thank-you-very-much!

      Resting like a good girl! Hope things are well with you!

  2. Oh my that is quite the ordeal for you! I'm glad that you're doing better now. Just keep getting your rest.

    Good news on the Prisoner doing better, but sad that poor Rubia has not come back.

    Have a good restful week! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. I know I'm getting better because:
      1) I corrected the math in a joke post on FB this morning. 2) The numbness is wearing off and I'm starting to mourn Rubia's absence.

      Still recovering, and hoping to continue that trend.

  3. ❤️ get well as soon as you can! hope the book may distract you from the uncomfies Hugs & Love, Ace

    1. You left the bookflap at a code snippet (in C, no less) and of course my eye was drawn there first. I haven't really taken a dive into it yet, but I'm glad it's there. It might even skip ahead of "Survival of the Sickest", and that one just did NOT appeal while sick... it kept conjuring up images of being sicker!

      ((( hugs ))) and thanks for checking up on me!


  4. OHHHHH NO! I know there are lots of concerns about RSV and getting vaccinated is highly recommended. Yes, that is the most problematic occurrence w/RSV – bronchitis and/or pneumonia. Usually see it in young kids, but it has been showing up a lot in adults over the last 1.5 yrs. When the vaccine is available, I will get it. I am too susceptible to respiratory stuff (that ends up going to my ears, as well).

    Soooooooo very sorry to hear that Rubia has not made an appearance home yet. **SIGH** Yes, can only hope that maybe she’s found a safe place. Glad the Prisoner is doing ok. (((HUGS)))

    Get well soon. CHICKEN SOUP! LOL Nectar of the gods when you’re not feeling good.


    1. I feel fortunate that it was not worse. It did NOT settle in the lungs for me, but even as a "light" case, this was no fun. Chicken soup, yes!

  5. What an ordeal for you. At least they found what it was within three tries. Take good care of you. So sorry to hear about Rubia, maybe she did go to another home. Huge hugs!

    1. I'm glad to have a definitive answer, too! I would probably be beside myself if it wasn't any of the three! I feel almost myself today. Almost 'cause I'm still dealing with a bit of congestion and draining, but this is NOTHING like the middle part of this course.

  6. I'm glad you have a diagnosis and are improving. At least you'll have immunity, if that means anything?
    I'm sorry Rubia has not returned.

    1. I am truly pinning a lot of hope on that immunity. Not sure if one is fully immune from re-infection, so plan is to continue to be careful going forward!

      May this stay far away from you and yours!

  7. So sorry to hear about your health, but glad you got a diagnosis and you’re feeling better.

    Yes, probably best to assume Rubia found a new home, although it’s sad and leaves a hole in your heart.

    1. Thanks for the kind thoughts. It's good to have answers, so the brain doesn't spin off into darker corners of conjecture about symptoms.

  8. I consider blogs like this as a PSA from a friend (Public Service Announcement). Glad you are feeling somewhat better. Wonder if Rubia was feeling slighted sincce Prisoner was needing/getting extra attention. Take it easy.

    1. I saw a headline this morning about resurgence of Covid in some parts of the country, too. But it's not the only bugaboo out there. Indeed intended as a PSA. Glad you took it in the spirit. Be careful out in the world!

      Rubia could have "given up" on me during the time of Prisoner's confinement, that's for sure. It matters not... I miss her, and clearly so does The Prisoner.

  9. Oh my, so many jaw drops in this blog.
    I’ve been “off”, too. Mine was an ear infection, in BOTH ears: nausea, dizziness (vertigo), headaches (covid scale type), exhaustion… I too home tested (for covid) twice before deciding to schedule to be seen. The side effects of the meds have me feeling pretty much the same, last dose taken this morning, so hopefully I start to shake off all symptoms soon.
    I’m SO sad about Rubia not returning๐Ÿ˜”
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Sorry you've not been well! Hope you feel better soon. Read the next blog and you'll see that just when I was giving up on her, Rubia showed up! Rejoicing in the land!


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