Thursday, July 13, 2023

Thursday update on miscellaneous stuff

 New Toys

Ear buds that will work with the watch.

The watch will work out of range of the phone, it says, thus the ear bugs for playing music when out and about.  I haven't figured it all out, but I did re-discover my Marathon Playlist now moved from Google Play onto YouTube Music!

Now Jeff Bezos pretty much owns me... Google pixel phone, watch, and ear buds.  All my data, sucked into the Google verse (Google bought up Fitbit, you know).

I suppose this particular bout of spending is related to finally ticking a few tasks off my list.

Medicalizing, me

All five medical appointments related to the cataract surgery were booked Monday by end of day.  By end of Tuesday, my surgery ride, my overnight watcher, and a baby-sitter for in between the two shifts were arranged.

Life, ongoing

I now have a month in which to shovel out my house some more and get it cleaner than the current "shedding cats" time of year has it.  

The trainer hasn't been asked to report for jury selection yet.  He's got another week and a half of his "call" left before we can say he got off Scot free.  Consequently I got in for a workout Tuesday morning, and it's looking like I'll be able to get one in on Thursday morning as well.

Wednesday morning I got the first of the day appointment for the plumber to bring the water softener with its rebed installed back.  I had been observing the difference that hard water makes:  uses more soap to get suds.  They finished quickly, and I am glad to have my soft water back.

Medicalizing, The Prisoner

Thursday morning, I have dropped The Prisoner off at the vet.  He has a problem on his side that has been growing... It's been growing since early May.  But since it wasn't stopping him from his normal feline behavior, I'd been dragging my feet about taking him in. I had conflicting things going on, and "it wasn't stopping his normal behavior".  Now that he's into deep Summer shedding, it's clear that he's protective of that side of his body when I go to brush and debur him.  So, it's time.

The vet said to fast him overnight, so I did.  This morning he meowed to ask for food, and he meowed to ask to go outside, but I was being strong mama and didn't give him his way.  I tried to wrangle him into the newer cat carrier and he was having none of it, so he ended up in the old green plastic one.  But he's delivered, and I gave the details to the vet tech, and now we wait to hear from them.

He was not happy with me.  We shall see how long before he forgives me for this injury to his princely dignity.

I came home, and have dressed for my trainer appointment and had my breakfast.  I intend to make this a good day!  Hoping the same for all my "invisible friends", as we've taken to calling one another.

Oh, and for those of you who are tracking, it's four years today since we lost MOBYCARP.  As he said in closing every one of his Spark blogs:  Life is good.

Spark on!


  1. Glad you have everything arranged for your cataract surgery.

    Nice that you have your water softener installed now.

    I hope all is ok w/Prisoner. Not easy to wait for answers. Poor baby!

    ((HUGS)) to you (and your sisters) on the loss of your beloved brother


    1. Big relief to have those ducks lined up, for sure. Prisoner is fine (writing this Friday morning, he's home & healing up).

  2. Google rules the techno world. Sounds like you're all set for your surgery. Poor Prisoner, hope he's not going to suffer the same fate.
    So very sorry for your loss. 🤗 💕

    1. (()) Prisoner is back home now (Friday morning response), and full of himself despite having had that lump removed, and a row of stitches healing. He's not pleased that he's not being allowed outdoors, but that's how it has to be.

  3. I echo being glad you have everything set up for your surgery.

    Oh no poor Prisoner. I hope everything turns out just fine for him.

    It's never easy when an anniversary of your loved one's passing comes up. Many blessings to you.

    Have a good day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. (()) Poor Prisoner is doing well, home and healing up... photos to come in today's blog.

  4. So glad to hear Prisoner is okay despite having the lump removed. I have toyed with the idea of a watch like yours but still holding out for a bit longer. Nice to have all those appointments set.

    1. I change watches every few years, as the technology changes and the batteries get beyond re-charging. I wanted to upgrade to one that could be made independent of the phone, and as long as I'm propping up the economy... one more girder!


Spring? Not just yet!

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