Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Earl Grey and sympathy?

A quiet Sunday here.  

Chilly, but seasonal temperatures.  I went for an afternoon walk, and came in to tea.  

On-line church, spotting my sis in her Christmas sweater, in her usual pew.  She's in town between the trip to help and the Christmas visit to her daughter, so I did not have cat duty yesterday or today.

The Christmas carols that constituted a lot of the music made me tear up a bit.  The sermon was a good one, giving the nod to Mary's prayer and vision, and the need for all of us to examine ourselves for the pride that would assume we are always correct in our opinions.  

I think the virus should be teaching us this lesson... that if we're correct 33% of the time, we're batting well, to use a baseball analogy.  So let's give each other a break, when we don't agree on every opinion.

Monday slipped away

The big thing I did on Monday was to start tracking nutrition again.  I've been very lax for several months now.  Right now, though, we are in the midst of holidays, where rich foods are "tradition".  We're in the shorter hours of daylight, when hibernation sounds oh, so lovely.

Did my tracking indicate a home run, in terms of choices and volumes?  Cough-cough... far from it.  BUT... giving credit for getting honest and writing it down.

But we keep moving forward

Even during Christmas week, I have my two trainer sessions on the schedule.  Tuesday morning I woke up to temperatures in the teens.  Brrrr!  But then I open the drapes and see the rising sun, on the shortest day of the year, lighting up the treetops across the street through my windows.  

It's my son's GF's birthday.  Instead of gifts, she asked for book suggestions, which I thought was a sweet idea.

Now, let's get out and make the most of this "shortest daylight of the year" day.  Be as healthy as you can manage, and don't beat up on yourself if you're not perfect at it!  After all, it is the only Tuesday, December 21, 2021 we'll ever get.  And we are worth taking care of.  Even the elves have to take care of themselves so they can do their work!

Life is good!  Spark on!  πŸ’–πŸ¬πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸŽ†✨❇


  1. Love that message! For sure, we have to acknowledge and accept that we simply aren’t right 100% of the time. Humility . . . it’s a good thing!

    Good for you starting food tracking again. It helps.

    Good luck w/your trainer sessions! Happy birthday to your Son’s gf! Happy Winter Solstice!


    1. Just think: now the sunshine begins to grow again! 🌞

  2. My youngest daughter just sent a book to her avid reader mother. It's "Atlas of the Heart" Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience by Brene Brown

    If your son's GF is interested in self-discovery, I highly recommend this book.

    Happy Tuesday.

    1. It's in the air... I saw a TikTok of Brene Brown talking about that particular book. Or maybe it was on YouTube... I don't know, I watch both from time to time.

      I recommended an old family favorite: Kipling's Just So Stories. She was looking for books one would go back and read multiple times, she said in her "event" notice... and you should have seen the variety and volume from her online friends! Wow! I might dip my toe in and borrow a few. Thanks for your recommendation!

  3. Christmas tends to be a touching time for me due to all the memories that come to my mind. Great choice: books! Have a Thoughtful Tuesday!

    1. πŸ’—πŸ’— When I let my mind wander (as I often do) I think back to the wide variety of Christmas seasons I have seen over my lifetime. Some happy, and cherished for that. But also some difficult, starting as a 4 year old when my mom was in hospital, and of course over the years as important people in my life resulting in those "first holidays without ______".

      Those first holidays without would not be quite so meaningful were it not for the many holidays WITH those folks... the cookie baking, the decorating, the puzzle working, the big surprise for one person where we were all in on the secret... the music... the board games... just all of it!

      May your touching time of year bring blessings with those memories!

  4. Good on you, getting back to tracking. It's good even when eating the holiday yumms. After Christmas supper when I logged I just had to laugh...but this feast season will pass and we'll still be logging and walking the healthy walk. :D

    1. Sometimes the tracking is the best defense against what my kid sis calls "food amnesia"... sometimes we have to use our brains and our records to remind ourselves that we have indeed, had enough!

      Onward, keep sparking, my friend! πŸ”₯πŸŽ„❄

  5. A sister has seriously adopted the idea of experiences in lieu of gifts which has delighted the great-nieces and great-nephew who always look forward to her adventures.

    1. That's simply AWESOME! It seems to go in phases, for me. I've done charities in lieu of gifts, but for kids, experiences are the greatest.

  6. I love Earl Grey ☕️πŸ«–

    Happy the aun is coming back 🌞

    I too need to get back to tracking, now that I seem to be recovering from the surgery ❤️

    1. We'll share a virtual cuppa, then. Got hooked on Earl Grey fairly young, but sometimes I forget it's an option! ☕

  7. Coming by to wish you a Merry Christmas, Barb -- you've been faithfully blogging and I have not, but certainly you remain often in my thoughts. Wishing you all the best in 2022.

    1. You remain in my thoughts, too. I know you show up over in the Google list, but I don't hang out there too much. We're drifting without the compass and anchor that was Spark, just a few short months ago.

  8. I agree, I need to get back to tracking as well. That's another thing I miss from Spark.

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Barb!

    1. Tracking is a familiar discipline, and as such, it feels comfortable after a break.

      Merry Christmas to you and yours as well, Paula!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...