Saturday, December 11, 2021

Good morning snow dust


Pawprints melting on the sunny deck, 

reception in about two hours, 

yuletide presents waiting to be wrapped up, 

and pebble jar festive in its flowers...

Sung to the tune of Merry Christmas to You... for kids from one to ninety-two.  Yes, I know there are no flowers in the wreath around the pebble jar, but you know, rhymes!

Oh, you tripped over the word reception in my knock-off version?  Well, in pandemic times, folks don't seem to be doing big formal weddings... but a niece and her "husband like person" are making it legal, today.  "Eloping" is the word used in the invite to the reception.

I managed to find a card that I could get with curbside pick up, and I will head over to meet the groom for the first time.  Oh, I've heard his name in conversation, and I added him as a FB friend last week, after getting the invite... but this will be the first time we meet in person!

Considerate young people that they are, the bride and groom have requested that everyone, regardless of vax status, mask for the indoor "open house" style reception, and I'm hoping to get in, meet and greet, drop off my card to them, and mosey on out, without ever doffing said mask.  I mean, after all, the local numbers do NOT look good, and even though the youngsters run with a bright crowd who pretty much are at least not vaccine resistors... the mix of folks, the aging of the doses, and of course the local case load bespeak being "careful".  But the event itself?  A reason for joy!

Navigated the event, home now, posting after the fact

A photo of the OUTDOOR in COLD December Wedding under a canopy went up on the FB event, so I drove on over.  Looks like several others were arriving similar time, but I navigated my way inside, met the happy couple, wished them well, and the groom welcome to the family... left my card with well-wishes, chatted with a few folks, and left, mask intact.  

In other news, a running friend just gave birth to her first child last week.  She's about to be sprung from the hospital to go home with the baby.  See?  Life does go on!

Here's hoping you all are staying safe and healthy, and celebrating in ways meaningful to yourself and your traditions!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Beautiful! Keep enjoying each day. Have a nice evening and a wonderful Sunday.

    1. Wishes for a good Sunday and week ahead to you, as well!

  2. It sounds like a nice event.

    Our snow is already gone, but it was pretty while it lasted.

    1. They chose the date because of its palendromic quality: works only with US usage of MMDDYY, 12/11/21. If one used the European order of DDMMYY it would not work: 11/12/21.

      Our snow is gone by now, too! Have a wonderful Sunday and week ahead!

  3. All any of us can do is stay as safe as possible and it seems like you are doing a great job of it!! Glad that you were able to be part of the newly weds special day! Eissa7

    1. Thanks! It was good to observe such a joyful occasion!

  4. 32F here in Central TX this morning after 85F yesterday afternoon. Two days of this predicted, then back to warm weather.

    1. All of these high amplitude temperature shifts have led to some violent weather, unfortunately. While I'm celebrating the Wedding and Birth, there are folks in Kentucky, and Ohio, and Illinois having much different experiences this weekend.

      Prayers for all, no matter whether in good times or bad! 🙏

  5. Your revised lyrics to an old favorite are just perfect. It's nice the young couple were considerate of all who attended.

    Happy Sunday!

    1. I am thankful for all of the considerate folks, all of the kindnesses that this challenging couple of years have spurred.

  6. I'm glad you got to do something "normal".
    We held our annual family Christmas get together in DH's sisters' home, the original family home since before DH was born (70 years). It was devoid of everything except the dining table and chairs (we brought folding things) which has been purchased by the new owners who will take it over this week. How bittersweet to wander the rooms that held so many memories for all of us!
    Too much food!
    A good time was had by all; most vaxed, none masked. He and I have had boosters and mask everywhere we go so will not spread anything we could have picked up. The only ones missing were DD2 and her spouse as they are traveling to the UK in a week and could not risk positive results even though they've recently boosted.
    The rest of the season will be kinda lonely and quiet except my furry 4 pawed buddy will be staying with us.

    1. In these times, we are all balancing risk and reward. Can't say as I blame your DD2 and her spouse for being extra careful! Having done this larger than usual gather today, even though masked, I will do an at-home test before heading to the unmasked all vaxxed Christmas eve.

      In the meantime, I have a week and a half to play cat-watcher for Sister #1. Her daughter to the South stepped off the stage at a concert wrong and has two active boys at home! Grandma's mobility will be needed while Mom is ordered off her feet by the doctor! It is good to have things to do, and have "normal" be something more than hiding out at home.

  7. Wow! TWO happy events! Wonderful and wonderfully handled wedding/elopement.

    And congrats to your running friend on the birth of her first child.

    Wonderful news . . . perks up the spirit in these pandemic times!

    1. That running friend had her wedding impacted by the pandemic in Summer of 2020, when she had to limit it to 10 people! Their plans were to have a larger wedding/reception in 2021, but as you know, the pandemic didn't end... but that did not delay the baby plans. She's a beautiful person, so happy for her!


Spring? Not just yet!

  Crocus?  Or daffodils?  Whatever, near to the foundation, the escaping warmth of the house and the warm weather of late is encouraging som...