Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Hurricane force winds

Florida, Texas, and the whole South and East coasts can now laugh at us

I recognize that 70 mph winds are a baby hurricane, but let's be honest, we just don't get them around here very often.  We are several states away from any coast!  So when the TV news started telling us to put our patio furniture and trash cans under cover, and consider taking the Christmas decorations inside for today, well!

A lot of people are doing just that.  I checked with my son and his girlfriend, and they have taken down some, those that are not secured with stakes.  I'm worried about those with the stakes, even.

The Omaha and Lincoln public schools announced they would be closed today.  Other area schools followed with early closure announcements.  Somehow the thought of kindergartners walking home with winds that high did not appeal to the administrators!  They weren't crazy about the thought of school busses in that wind, either!

The big event of this sort around here is caused by the low temperatures, coming through on a cold front, and confronting the high temperatures we've been experiencing.  It's 58℉ out there now, and predicted high of 70!  If it reaches 70 that will be a record for the date.

My own activities will be advanced in timing.  I shall check up on Sister #1's cats early, before the worst wind warning hits.  Thank goodness for the high tech weather forecasting that gives us an approximate time deadline:  get stuff done before... and of course, they keep updating the forecast, and now our city is in the "enhanced risk" area, as shown in the map above.

The Pep Talk

Don't know about you, but challenges in my life lead to one of two responses:  retreat and hide, or "rise to the occasion".  Here's to making the choice, this one and only Wednesday, December 15, 2021, to rise to the challenge, and take care of ourselves, to do what we CAN do, and to breathe and trust, and pray to survive those things we cannot control.  Be safe, whatever challenges you're facing today!  You are worthy of it.

Life is good.  Spark on!  🎄🔥🎆💖


  1. Good luck riding it out.
    We have frequent 50+ mph wind gusts here. The funny thing is low-to-ground items seem to stay in place. Last year's Christmas eve storm which knocked down a load of trees turned my wire and lights snowman around 180 on his metal pole. The bucket holding my plastic lawn sprinkler never moved.

    Stay safe!

    1. Thanks for the well-wishes. I can hear the whistling and see the bare tree branches waving... but at this point it is only gusts, and only 35-40 mph gusts at that. We're about an hour off from the beginning of the most severe warnings.

      Meanwhile, sister's kitties are doing fine, and I'm "done for the day", as Ace and I are going to walk tomorrow instead of today.

  2. Good luck with the winds. We had some here on the weekend (65+ mph) and apparently most of the county lost power (not us, since we are off the grid).

    It might not be a bad idea to not only batten down the hatches, but also pick up some ice and keep in coolers so your food won’t spoil, make sure you have some propane or charcoal for a grill if your stove doesn’t work, and fill some jugs with drinking water...

    Just a thought ❤️

    1. Got the water jugs already, I've had them on hand for a couple of years. However, I do not have a grill, so that "solution" is out. Were I to lose power long-term, I would be hosed.

      I *do* have a fireplace. But haven't used it or had the chimney swept in maybe 15 years...

    2. Sounds like you won’t dehydrate or starve, so you’re good to go.

    3. Update: the line of the derecho has clipped through this part of the state. Some folks lost power, we did not. I watched on YouTube as the derecho is being live reported by Storm Chaser central, so I spent some time in the "safe spot" sporting a bicycle helmet and wrestling a cat. I think I'm OK, and I think most of this town anyway are OK. We'll assess damage later!

    4. Thanks for the update ❤️

      Glad you’re mostly OK! Do you have alcohol or neosporin for the cat wrassling souvenirs? 🙂

    5. No serious damage from said cat... the other one weathered the front OUTSIDE, more fool he! He came back in willingly the next time I opened the door. I did see a couple of branches down in neighboring yards, but looks OK here, so far. The fence stayed up (I saw some photos on FB and on the TV where folks sent them in that were like my fence was last time I had to replace it!)

    6. Sounds like The Prisoner decided to take his chances, *outside* The Prison, LOL.

      When I lived in AR, I trained my cats to come into the bathroom on command - even kept treats in there, as rewards. It really facilitated getting them in there with me when the tornadoes threatened. 😉

    7. I don't worry too much about him. He's a 10 year old cat who has spent all his life going out and in as he wished. He finds safe places to be for multi-day visits of the dog.

    8. Yeah, these were indoor-only cats, and I didn’t relish having to try and catch them, under duress. So the bathroom became a Designated Fun Place.

      The one remaining cat from that time period still follows me in, all these years and houses later! 🤦‍♀️😂

    9. Good job training the cats! My sis has indoor only cats, and always trains them to come to the sound of the treat container shaking. Mine come to the "kitty kitty" call... but only when they feel like it.

  3. Yes, we are supposed to experience that same storm system and winds. Yes, 70 mph winds would qualify as a land hurricane! Good the schools are closed. Safer.

    Stay safe!


  4. Batten the hatches, matey. We are having wind gusts today in Central Texas which is trash and recycle pickup days -- lot of stuff flying around the neighborhood.

    1. So far, gusty and mostly leaves flying about. But when it gusts, it howls a bit.

      Stay safe down there in TX! It's been a rough year for y'all!

  5. Currently, 1:27 pm, it's 74* here. Predicted lows in the low 40s, but no storm threats. That can change rapidly in the Midwest.

    We have a well, so if the power goes, we have no water, but we have gallons of water stock piled. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a food option. What I can't change, I have to accept. Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.

    Stay safe.

    1. Amen to acceptance as an answer to whatever life sends our way! I can't keep PB & J in the house (trigger foods), but I shall not starve even if I had to fast for a few days, and water I do have. Apples, oranges, bread...

  6. OMG! We were the same here in Colorado. There are many trees down in areas and even a roof blew off of someones house. I'm kind of glad we didn't put out decorations this year because it was so windy. Hope everything's well with you.

    1. I noticed CO was in it and wondered how you were...

      Glad you and your mom still have a roof! 🙂

    2. Saw some incredible dust-storm like a blizzard footage on YouTube in the process of "Storm chaser" coverage... while lounging in my basement with my laptop and a bicycle helmet on my head as the line blew through our town. Today I'll be on the lookout for fallen branches (saw a couple in neighbor's yards) as I wend my way over to sister #1's house to check on her cats.

  7. We have been having days with high winds. Today is going to be another one. Hatches are battened. Being on the lookout for Mary Poppins :)

  8. Great advice and attitude. Stay as safe as possible. Hoping for that wind to calm out soon, no more destruction. ((hugs))

    1. This weather is to be expected in May thru August, just not in December. And the derecho high winds, very rare! I lost a fence section, just haven't got around to today's blog yet!

  9. The winds can stop anytime now, I feel for all of this people that have been displaced in Kentucky. May the good lord bless them.

    1. I, too, am praying for all those folks in Kentucky! Especially that mom who lost her 3 year old... made me cry just thinking of it.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...