Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Speaking of naughty and nice lists


Rubia stalking the Prisoner puts her on the naughty list.

She compounded that by knocking my gym bag to the floor this morning.  Sigh.

Workout with the trainer is earlier today than usual, due to a couple of cancellations.  I started writing this before heading over because of the photo!  It will not get posted until after.

Christmas neighborhood

Yesterday brought Winter temperatures to our town, after having been spoiled for most of the Autumn.  High was under 0℃ yesterday, at 31℉!  As I walked down to check the mailbox, the configuration of the moon and two planets reminded me of last year's line up that had a formation that mimicked the Christmas star.

Here is last night's version, over a house that has a nativity in its front yard (not mine):

There are lights up all over town, but I don't get out much, so am appreciating those in my own little neighborhood.

It was balance day with the trainer

Balance day is one of the "modified for pandemic social distancing" exercises.  The foam square, so he doesn't have to stand close by in case I bobble, as he would with the so-called balance board, that is a round thing, much less stable.  He lets me put a toe down during the exercise that involves standing with weight shifted on one foot on this less than perfectly stable surface.

Balance is so important as we age, so working on it is a good thing for me.  He only makes me do it every second week, but trainer knows best.  He had Christmas music playing for today's workout, so we are getting in the season.

And the pep talk

Here's hoping that we'll all keep in mind that this is the only Tuesday, December 7, 2021 we'll ever get, and that we'll be kind to ourselves and to others in it.  Nourish your body, mind, and spirit with food that makes you feel physically good and supports your immune system, with activity that encourages the fitness of heart and lungs, and with sights and sounds and story lines that fill your soul with peace.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Naughty Rubia! **SIGH**

    Glad your work out went well.

    My DD snapped a pic of the moon with Venus above.


    1. Isn't it awesome, stepping outside and seeing the moon and Venus aligned? Caught my breath and pulled out the camera!

  2. Fun and I love you manger scene!
    Balance exercises are my favorite. Now some have me balancing on one foot while brushing my teeth. Alternate every day to balance the balance!

    1. Now I can't get the image out of my head of you balancing on one foot and brushing your teeth! You could alternate feet for lower and upper jaw... hmmm?

      I thought that picture turned out quite well for a phone camera, eh?

  3. Naughty Rubia, indeed. =) They are beautiful. Lovely pics. Moon and Venus aligned, priceless. Thanks for the pep talk!

    1. They do keep me amused. Don't know what I'd do without them, even though they are a bother at times (a-choo!) I keep them out of the bedroom, but they chase things invisible to me, perhaps a bug or two that come in from the cold. Always opening cupboards, skidding across the table and counters, etc. And sometimes cuddling up and purring, as kitties are wont to do.

  4. Wouldn't you love to know what was going through the mind of the stalker? It looks like she's getting ready to attack his tail.

    Beautiful photo of the sky. So appropriate for this time of the year.

    Hope it was a good Tuesday.

    1. LOL! Another cat's tail is a tempting target. She's a stone-cold accomplished killer of pests in the yard, so keeping her skill set sharp.

  5. Priceless action photo of Rubia stalking...😂😂‼️ Balance is a BIG challenge for many of us...I have found, like you, that specific training targeting this IS beneficial. AND...loved your closing pep talk! Hope your day was really good! Eissa7

    1. Yes, that targeted training keeps us thinking about and focusing on the functional things we need in daily life! Onward to Wednesday!

  6. We were here the other day with the very cold weather. We've been so spoiled with our unusual hot weather.

    That is a great photo of Rubia being a little stalker.

    1. We finally have the cold here, but it's not unseasonably so... we just had a long stretch of REALLY unseasonably warm weather leading up to it. Those of us who have lived through many winters were braced for it!

  7. Perhaps the cooler weather got Rubia wound up. Cute photo of she and Prisoner. Great moon+Venus shot.

    1. She's always the instigator of such things, though. It is a pattern since kittenhood. Prisoner was a full adult neutered male when Rubia joined the family as a tiny little fluff ball, and he tolerates her "attacks" for the most part, only answering back when she's pushed him to the edge!

  8. Yes, those balance exercises are important to enjoying life for years to come. Some days I have to push myself to do them along with my knee and shoulder work, but it's worth it so I do.

    Animals are some work, but such good companions.

  9. I love the picture of the cats just being cats! 💕

    1. LOL! Well, I'm not a believer in putting human clothing on animals when they don't enjoy it... so... cats being cats is what you get!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...