Sunday, December 26, 2021

How was your Christmas?

 Was it impacted?  How?

Thinking back over the years, I have to acknowledge that there have been many Christmases, impacted by various conditions of their year.  I distinctly remember the first Christmas when I could not spend Christmas eve with my family, because I had to work.  I don't remember what else was going on that year, but I do remember going to work on Christmas eve and having the spirit of the holiday descending on me, despite the circumstances.  The teenaged me thought I had all kinds of reasons to not be happy that holiday, but I found a sense of joy.

I remember Christmas 1996, the year we had experienced so much loss in our family.  My husband's brother, and both our mothers had passed on during the Summer.  Writing Christmas cards in a hotel room in a distant city, where I was working, I decided to call a friend I used to work with, not knowing at the time that she had lost her daughter the same year.  As it happened, my voice sounded a lot like her daughter's, and when she answered the phone, it took a minute for her to sort out who was calling.  We had the nicest conversation about how some years, rather than having a big celebratory Christmas, we might need a quiet, holding it to your heart Christmas.  We would "keep" Christmas, 1996.

Yet another Christmas, I ended up overnight at O'Hare airport, having been on the road for work, and missing the last connection home.  I did not get a hotel room, but stayed in the airport overnight until my 6 a.m. flight "the rest of the way home" to be with my husband and son.  I observed the decorations in the airport and watched the work crews, cleaning overnight, and coming in to work in the morning.  I understand there are many in those kinds of circumstances with travel disruptions this year.

Yes, Christmas can be impacted by many, many challenges.  Somehow, in my experience, as changed or challenged as it may be... it still shows up, just like in Whoville, in Dr. Seuss's original story.  Nothing can stop the power of the event!  Even if you are hurting this year, even if you're longing for "normal", Christmas itself is far from "normal".  It is extraordinary.  And sometimes, at least in my own life, the challenges just make it sweeter.  And yes, sometimes my eyes leak just thinking of it.

Love is the root of Christmas.  Even if you feel alone, lost, worthless, or unappreciated, Christmas (as in the dawn of Love, the birth of the Christ-child, for those of us who follow that faith) reminds us that we are not abandoned by our Heavenly Parent!  Substitute your own faith story that gives hope, if you need to.  I don't want to be exclusive, even though I am talking about my own experience of Christmas.

Christmas 2021 at OneKidsMom's place

Rubia (the blonde) and The Prisoner (gray tabby) enjoyed canned food on Christmas morning.  

The weather was beautiful, with the high temperature above 50℉.  So those kitties spent a good deal of the day outdoors, sunning themselves on the deck or prowling about.

I had no company invited; this was planned to be a quiet day!  I did drive across town to deliver a few leftover of those baked olive cheese treats to Alicia!  We made it a short visit, deliberately.

I went for a walk in the afternoon, and snapped a quick photo of folks out playing pickleball on the basketball court in a nearby park.

Greetings of "Merry Christmas" from a safe distance accompanied the whole circuit, lifting the spirit with each repetition.  I mused on the reason we say it, to lift one another up.

My Christmas Dinner was the vegetarian chili I made earlier in the week, topping a baked potato.  The transition from the eating excesses of treats back to feeding nutrient rich meals has resumed!

I'll leave you on Boxing Day with the reminder to do your best to take care of yourself and your health this one and only December 26, 2021 we will ever get!  You are worth taking care of... this, and every day.  At its end, remember that whatever you did to work toward health and fitness was ENOUGH for today!  Appreciate your efforts, and rest easy, in the knowledge that you are indeed loved.  We can only live one day at a time, and each one counts as its own part of life.

Life is good.  Spark on!  ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ”ฅ✨


  1. It was quiet here, too. Just me and my buddy, and Chewy. I prefer to celebrate New Year's Eve. No presents, hype or excess food. I like beginnings.
    Have a great week and the chili looks good...I've go a squash needing cooked an may create a similar dish!

    1. Easy peasy... do something yummy with that squash! And may this be a peaceful day.

  2. OH definitely right on . . . there are some Christmases that you just have to hold in your heart.

    Awwww, Rubia and Prisoner look like they enjoyed their Christmas breakfast.

    And your veggie chili looks delicious!

    Had a quiet day here, too, and that was just what the Dr. ordered.

    Hugs and peace


    1. Hi, Barb. I miss seeing you on MFP. Are you blogging here?

      (Sorry, OKM, for hijacking a bit ...)

    2. Barb (1crazydog) is pretty active in the Google group... ๐Ÿ™‚❤️

      I am not aware of a blog.

  3. He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. - Roy L. Smith.

  4. I won’t lie; my Christmas was pretty depressing, because of the gut-punch of painful news I received on the 23rd. I’m just taking things one day at a time. ❤️

    1. ((((( ๐Ÿ’— ))))) Many tender hugs for your pain. I'll just sit here in a corner and keep you company in spirit.

    2. Thanks, Barb. Having support in the room always helps ๐Ÿ’•

  5. I'm glad your Christmas was a quiet happy one.

    1. ๐Ÿงก And a little bit of a sheepish laugh, in that in the emails that announce new comments, I saw the "Hi Barb" one in response to the OTHER Barb, but had to come over here to see that context. I have not seen any blogs associated with 1crazydog's "Barb" profile here on Blogger. I'm not sure if she comes back to check for responses to her comments... hope she does and gets in touch with you!

  6. Your Christmas sounds lovely, simple and sweet. These past few ones have been tough, but we had a really good one this year.

    1. ((( ๐Ÿงก ))) Glad you had a good one this year, too!

  7. As have you, my friend. Now, on toward the New Year, eh? Glad you're on line in my life!

  8. Those lucky kitties - what a treat! (I heard there are canned pet food shortages.)

    1. I would hate to tell you how long those cans have sat on my counter... LOL! They don't get treats very often, but I do try to keep a couple of cans on hand for those few times they do.


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