Thursday, December 30, 2021

From me to me

Gifts to self?

I'm a bit on the cheap side when it comes to technology.  I only replace things when they break.  I've been limping along with a printer that was on its last legs for a couple of years, and it's almost tax time again, which means I shall need to be printing for reals.

I took advantage of the functional need to also upgrade the tech so that this printer is on my home network, and I can print to it from any device, anywhere in the house.  It's not tied down to a single computer by a cable!

It arrived Wednesday and I set it up using my phone, then set up the computer to "see" it, too.  Ahhh... now maybe I'll write some Christmas letter responses!  Just a couple.  

I tried it today (Thursday) and had to jump some hoops to get it to print from the computer, but it did a fine job, and I now have an "annual update" letter on its way to a friend I collected at my very first corporate job, back in the 1970's.  We still exchange snail mail letters at holiday time.  She's the one who taught me how to make lasagne, back when I was young!  She was young then, too, but she was of Italian heritage so she learned that among her base cooking skills!

Another gift from me to me was that the donation to my university's alumni association that came with socks, and what's a Christmas without socks?

Year to year comparison

Do your tracking apps send you "Year in Review" e-mails?  Mine does, and it told me that I averaged 7537 steps per day during 2021.  I'm cool with that, based on studies related to health versus steps that show among old-er folks (average age of participants was 72), 4500 steps was enough to show improvements in health, and the positive impact increased with additional steps, topping out at 7500 steps a day.  Above that, there was not any additional health benefit.

Year end weight was about the same as the first weigh in of the year, so it was a "maintenance" year.  While I'd like to do a little better in that regard, I'll take maintenance!

Weathering the weather

Kid sis Ace and I survived our "acclimating" walk in yesterday's cold temperatures.  Today it has bounced back up again, pushing the 40℉ mark for a high, which is in fact "seasonal" for Nebraska.  But tonight it's going to plunge again, and overnight Friday to Saturday they are telling us to brace for snow.  Brrr!  Perfect time for a major snow storm, starting at midnight, New Year's eve?

Hopefully that's not the whole country, just my own neck of the woods, and at this point, we'll just have to be prepared.  The neighbor across the street was just test starting his snow blower when I walked out to get the mail.  If the storm track decides not to come here, I'll be happy.  But looking at the models, I'm likely going to have my "workout sponsored by Mother Nature" over the weekend.

The Pep Talk

All that said, let us live the days we are given, one at a time.  This is the only Thursday, December 30, 2021 we'll ever get.  Whatever we choose to do, may it meet our expectations of "enough".  And may we all rest well tonight, having done just that.

Life is Good.  Spark on!  💖✨🔥



  1. Hi Barb....Interesting fact about no additional benefit to more than 7500 steps...I did not know that....wonder why I always thought “the more, the better”.... hmmm🤔‼️ I join you in just maintaining this year...enjoy the dwindling hours of 2021! Eissa7

    1. When I first read about that study, I glommed right on to the lowered goal! The original 10,000 step goal, turns out, was invented by marketing, not medical research!

      So once I hit the 4500 mark, I feel good, and when I get to 7500, I call it good for the day. Doesn't mean I don't go over 10,000 some days, but I don't beat myself up over days that fall short of it!

      Have a happy, and well-rested New Year's!

  2. I love a good tech buy!

    I've been lucky enough to hit that milestone a few years ago and enjoy confounding DH by printing from my phone or computer while relining in my favorite chair! He's like the dog who hears the mailman. What's that? Are you printing something? I laugh as after a few years it still catches his attention!

    Good on the steps. I reduced my goal and have been much happier. I also read people of our longevity don't need to reach for 10,000. Since I've had some down time with multiple issues, I've just about met it on average for the year. My goal was 4500 and I managed to get 4275!

    1. Small businesses have been doing this for years, why should we not keep on expanding our home "office" capability!

      I think you're doing great, considering all those "multiple issues". We do what we can, and that's "enough"... being content with "enough" and being kind to ourselves in our speech and actions... well that's true Quality Life.

  3. Nice printer. Printing from your phone and has come a long way. Cool socks!

    Snow and ice predicted to start tomorrow night. IMHO, this is Mother Nature telling people to stay home and off the roads. Unfortunately, those who will be on the roads are the same ones who refuse to be vaccinated. You can't argue with stupid!!

    Have a healthy and happy new year.

  4. I just ordered a Garmin Venu 2. Happy birthday, merry xmas, happy new life, and some attractive security features, all rolled into one. ❤️

  5. I like your printer, very nice!

    We're getting snow on NYE, but have fires going on right now.

    1. I thought about you last night when I saw the fires on the news. Close to you? 600 homes! That's a giant blow! Praying for all affected, including a gym friend who has a home in Grand Lake area... she might be having PTSD seeing the news, after the close call they had last year.

  6. Nice printer! Happy New Year my friend! Hugs and New Year Sparkles!

    1. 🎉🥳 A safe Happy Healthy New Year to us all! Spark on!

  7. Yes, we are scheduled for a Mother Nature inspired work out this weekend. Ah well, take my time, good body mechanics, and it's a good work out.

    Have a wonderful New Years Eve and New Year.


    1. And don't forget needed warm-up breaks! It's supposed to snow here from midnight tonight to tomorrow evening some time, with wind chills below 0F. Brrrr!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...