Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Twixtmas and the weather can't make up its mind

Bonus outing to the dog park

The trainer's workout schedule is mixed up this week, because of varying client outages, so I got my workout early today.  I was glad, because when my son messaged asking if I was up for a trip to the dog park, I was already done and dusted and home.  I said "sure", so got to go for an outing with Carl and "the kids" (meaning the mythical son and his girlfriend).

Carl found a twin looking dog toward the far end of the park and they happily engaged in play fighting.  

Carl is behind his twin in the first shot, and he's in the orange collar and vest in the second.

I saw a video that instructed me on the fine art of telling when your dog and his "friends" are play fighting versus when they are in real aggression situations.

It said, sensibly, that if the dogs have exaggerated and loose "bite" behavior, and they both keep coming back for more, with raised tails (as seen here), it's likely play fighting, and healthy for them.

In any case, Carl seemed quite happy with his outing, as did we three humans.

Sharing the wealth

As we chatted, I found out that Lacey (GF)'s aunt, a nurse in a nearby city, had been feeling ill.  She opted out of the Christmas gatherings because she did not want to spread whatever it was.  She was concerned she might have Covid, but finding tests is challenging.  So... opportunity... I dontated my remaining at home test kit for her, and the kids were going to do a contact free delivery of it to her door.

Later in the day, I got word... she used the kit and tested negative.  Yay!  But she wasn't feeling well, and you know, it doesn't matter WHAT the illness, you don't want to spread it around!  I'm grateful I had the kit available to share, though, for her peace of mind.

What about Skittles?

The little blue birdie in this photo is Skittles.  He's the one who has been ill.  Chumley the Cockatiel pictured with him is no longer with us.  I think I blogged when she passed last Summer.  

Skittles has had health swings over the past week or two.  His humans took him to an avian specialist, who gave him antibiotics to treat an infection, but now the antibiotics upset his tummy.  The followup treatment involves apple cider vinegar.  

He is recovering slowly, helped by a LOT of human vigilance and pampering.  We're hopeful.  They've had this birdie for seven or eight years, Lacey's dad told me when I asked.  Makes me feel good to know how loved the birdie is!

So, that's me, a cat lady who loves dogs and birds!

Weather ahead

Tomorrow we're going to get real Winter temperatures, and the weatherman is on right now talking about the potential for a "significant Winter storm" come the weekend.  Well, you know we've been spoiled so far!

Here's hoping that whatever the weather, we all take good care of ourselves... tender loving care comes in so many forms!  I feel as though we've made the most of this one and only Tuesday, December 28, 2021 we'll ever get... don't you?  Now let's remind ourselves that whatever we chose to do was enough, and we are worthy of our night of rest!

Life is good.  Spark on!  💖🔥✨


  1. I love birds, DH not so much. I grew up with a mother who bred birds and trained parakeets to do tricks. They are amazingly smart creatures.

    The dogs looked like they had a good time!

    I'll pass on the cats.

    Stay well, we've now more than 8 close and extended family members positive. Yikes.

    1. Yikes indeed! May the cases be mild ones, with short durations! No long haul for your dear ones! Special request to the Powers that be! Stay safe and well.

  2. Awwww, sweet birdies. So sorry for the little blue one that is sick. That's the downside of having pets. But they give us so much in return!
    Whatever the weather, I hope you enjoy it safely.

    1. On the plus side for the birdie, had he been in the wild, he probably would not have survived this. At his lowest moments, he could not hold onto the perch!

      Same wishes for you regarding weather. Today we got the cold blast. Brrrr!

  3. Hey, I'd be glad to share our weather. We are in a polar vortex or some such and won't be seeing much in the line of temps above zero F until the weekend. Up until the bottom dropped out, we'd been having pretty decent weather.

    1. That polar vortex? Showing up here now, for a one-day special. The BIG storm they are predicting for over the weekend.

  4. Looks like it didn't take much time for the dogs to become friends. Good info about the tails. Hope the little blue fella pulls through and makes a grand recovery. Winter is predicted to show its ugly face this weekend. The weather has been so mild and so beautiful. All good things must come to an end. Big sigh!

    Have a happy tomorrow.

    1. Indeed, big sigh! I hope it means Winter will be shorter? Not drag into May! Really cold out there this morning, with a wind chill below zero F... we HAVE been spoiled!

  5. The dogs look like they had a great time. We're going to get some winter weather this weekend and maybe some snow. We can hope.

    1. You and us both, regarding the Winter storm predicted for the weekend. I will celebrate four years of retirement, and the year I retired it was so bitter cold over New Year's Eve / New Year's Day that the delayed the "Last Run / First Run" for a couple of weeks!

  6. Whatever we chose to do was enough.
    I like that.

  7. So nice you spent time w/The mythical son, his GF and Carl!

    That’s cool that Carl found a dog friend to play around with.

    Glad that Lacey’s Aunt tested negative.

    Awwww, the little blue parakeet is adorable. Hope the antibiotics and the apple cider vinegar help him. They are such delicate creatures.


    1. You have to cherish those opportunities when they arise! So grateful for such a nice day. Wednesday we got dipped back into the deep freeze, and now today, Thursday, it's supposed to take us back up to 40 for a high, which is "seasonal". What a goofy December we've had!


Spring? Not just yet!

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