Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday comes every week

Morning sun above stretching cat

The Prisoner proof of life after the storm shot.  He far prefers the outdoors to indoors.  He has many hiding places in my wild yard and about the neighborhood.  And he's the one that more often will stay out in a storm, and hole up somewhere other than in my house.  I have ceased worrying about him.  He has made a choice.

The mythical son came over for the "assessment" and by the time he left, we had a temporary fix of the fence in place.

Looks pretty good, and I'm hoping it will last to Spring, then if the next big storm flattens it, it will be time to replace the fence entirely.  I'm looking across the street at a lovely wrought iron fence.  Son warns it would likely be very expensive.  But an old gal can dream, can't she?

Son observed the softening / rotting of some of the timbers.  The fence is at least 15 years old, and the gent who put it up said it would be good for 10, so I think it's done as well as could be expected.

But he allowed that at least it looks enough like a fence that Carl will likely respect it.  

Speaking of Carl, he was along, sitting quietly and obediently in the car, so my son invited me to come along to the dog park for a couple of turns around. It was a dog park I had not visited before, and it was chosen for its lack of mud.  It's cool but not the brutal cold it sometimes gets this time of year, so it was a pleasant outing.

Your giggle for the day:  I am not a safe custodian for botanical life

I was regifted a cheerful looking little poinsetta on December 9th.  I set it beside Frosty and treated as I treat all such things... as what I figured was an artificial decoration!

This morning, I happened to look at it again.  Poor thing should have made an escape while it could have.  

I posted the contrasting photos up on Facebook with a similar warning:  my level of plant care is "lethal".  Heck, I have even killed the plants everyone says are "easy"... I have killed ivies, I have killed succulants... I am just not an herbalist!

In any case, it's finished.

And the daily pep talk

This is my chance to remind us all not to treat our bodies the way I treated that poor little plant.  Plants might be replaced and we can try again with the next one to take better care, but this is not true of our one and only human body, issued at birth!

So, let's do our best to nourish, exercise, hydrate and rest that precious resource, using this other precious resource:  the one and only Friday, December 17, 2021 we will ever get!  Each of us is worth taking care of, as our world needs us... it needs us to be kind and to encourage one another, and if we're running on empty we have nothing to give.  So start out being kind to yourself so that you have the oomph to also be kind to those you encounter!

Life is good.  Spark on!  πŸŽ„πŸ’–✨πŸ”₯


  1. Glad you got the AA fence back up, and got to spend bonus time with Carl.

    Maybe a succulent would be an easier option? A jade plant could be festive... πŸ˜‚

    1. PS Just don’t water it unless it starts shriveling, slightly Hahahaha

    2. My dear, I have killed off all of them: ivy, succulents, you name it. I have managed to AVOID killing off Sister #1's plants when she gives me specific instructions for the week or two I'm in charge... but it just is not my thing. My husband was the gardener... I cooked the produce.

    3. What about an air fern? Or a stromatolite? A fish tank full of algae? πŸ˜‚

      OK maybe better off with dried flower arrangements... LOL

  2. My plant tending skills are on about the same level! Once exception WAS a bamboo plant in the bathroom in water, without soil, that lasted about 5 years.

    1. I gave up trying at some point. I used to feel completely defeated, but then accepted that I had other talents, and it was OK.

  3. The repaired fence looks great. So sorry about the plant.

    Have a pleasant weekend. Stay warm.

    1. That "stay warm" is fair warning... it's frigid out there this early Saturday a.m. Even the Prisoner didn't stay out long when I got up and offered.

  4. I was always bad with plants until this year. I went out and got three poinsettia and fingers crossed they do well.

    1. Crossing my fingers for you and the poinsettias. Someone earlier commented that poinsettia are poisonous to cats, so maybe I'm well off not keeping that plant.

  5. Glad that you were able to find a solution to your fence damage, even if it is temporary! I have had several poinsettias that resembled yours....LOL...I like to think that they were “sick” when purchased so it couldn’t have been meπŸ˜‚‼️ Eissa7

    1. I'm thinking the decoration was a craft project, originally gifted to a teacher or school admin. My mom used to try to keep one poinsettia alive back in the days when she worked in a flower shop. I've killed them off before, so it's not like I have a high expectation that I will pull off nurturing one.

  6. Someone gave me a lucky bamboo saying I should be able to keep that alive but they were wrong. I do not keep any plants for just that reason too. My poinsettias looked the same, my mother can keep them going until Easter, so I give her any I get.

    1. My tribe! My ex-husband was the plant tender in our household. He could not understand my ineptitude in this, and I could not understand why he couldn't "get" spreadsheets. We all have talents unique to ourselves.

  7. LOL on the plants. The only one I have been able to keep alive is the Christmas cactus I sprouted from the piece of Dad's the broke off while I helped care for mom at the end. 20 years ago this month!
    Otherwise I kill them all.
    The fence fix looks great and yes, you got your money's worth!

    1. πŸ’– Your dad's spirit must be helping look out for that Christmas cactus!

  8. LOL at the image of the poinsettia running out your patio door.
    Followed by solemn awareness of the responsibility for this one and only body of mine. May I be a good steward today.
    Hugs and love, Ace ❤️πŸ₯°❤️

    1. Amen to our stewardship of those precious human shells!

  9. Glad Prisoner was able to weather the storm while outdoors. Silly cat!

    Hurray for the fence fix. Hope it lasts till Spring. And good that the Mythical Son’s assessment is that Carl would respect the fence! That’s important.

    Lovely you got to go w/DS and Carl to the dog park!

    That takes talent to kill a succulent. LOL Poor Poinsettia . . . RIP.


Spring? Not just yet!

  Crocus?  Or daffodils?  Whatever, near to the foundation, the escaping warmth of the house and the warm weather of late is encouraging som...